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PMC High- Chapter 6: The End Justify The Means (Pop reel)

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Arianwyn's Avatar Arianwyn
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
In a snack bar, dowtown, the Spark Class students are having fun and enjoy themselves. The welcome party for Sophia is amazing, and the latter is really happy.

"Thanks, everyone, it's all so nice !" She says.

"You deserve it !" Arian replies.

"Right !" Meilin adds. "We're quite a nice bunch, you'll see !"

Sophia giggles and takes her glass of lemonade, then drinks a sip. She goes in a corner of the room, and sits at a table, on a comfy bench. She puts her glass on the table and looks around. Meilin, Belle-Chan and Arian are chatting, and Ender is nearby, looking at Arianwyn with sweet eyes. Ash is talking with Greief and tries to convince him to lower the sound of the music. Greief, a remote controller in hand, aims it at the speakers to make it so the music blasts. Tremella seems uneasy with the noise as well, and she and Ash ultimately go to the counter, and order iced tea, trying to ignore all the sound around them. Silas, weirdly enough, suggests a dance battle, which Grimm immediately agrees to.

"Well, that's a great party..." Sophia sighs.

"Isn't it ?" Libby asks, sitting next to her.

"Libby !"

"Shh..." Libby says, while putting her finger on Sophia's lips.

"I'm so happy, Libby..." Sophia whispers. "Everyone is so nice to me... I feel welcome, here. Really !"

"Glad you do. Know what else is super nice ?"

"What ?"


Libby softly holds Sophia's chin and kisses her on the lips. Sophia holds Libby in her arms and kisses her back. While the two of them are kissing each other in the corner, Meilin pushes Arian and Belle-Chan with her elbow, then cocks her head in the two girl's way. Arian smiles and Belle-Chan says:

"Awww, they're so cute !"

"Yeah... I'm glad she's here." Arian says. "I think she needed that..."

Back in the school, the Shadow Class students are getting slightly worried. DG as been gone for a long time, and they haven't seen him since then. Shadow Zibonzi suggests:

"Maybe he fell and hit his head ! Next thing you know, we'll find him dead in a corner..."

"Don't say that kind of things !" Natasha says.

"Why not ? I mean, he's old enough to take care of himself, so what the hell is taking him so long ?"

"You're not forced to go with the worst scenario." Rider adds.

"Maybe not, but it's funnier that way." Shadow Zibonzi smirks.

"Look, guys, how about we go and search for him ?" Ayano suggests.

"Yeah, let's do that." Sadie approves.

Just as they are about to leave the room they're in, DG comes in, looking weird, and says:

"Hey. Wass'up ?"

"You, wass'up ?" Shadow Zibonzi replies in an agressive way. "You made us wait !"

"Yeah... I..."

DG doesn't seem to know what to say and just stands there, looking away. This kind of behavior, coming from him, is really suspicious, and his classmates soon realize something's really off. They don't know what happened to him, but it must be something... He then says, with no apparent reason:

"Mr. Sameer."

"What, Mr. Sameer ?" Ayano asks.

DG keeps repeating the name, again and again, and can't really say anything else. Worried, Natasha and Ayano go with Rider to Mr. Sameer's office, while the others stay with DG and try to get something else from him. Natasha and the two others enter the office, and see a molten pile of something, that they can't identify. However, the clothes that are seen in the mold make it clear: whatever that thing is, it once was Mr. Sameer. Both girls scream loudly, and Rider takes a step back, horrified. Then, another scream echoes. It comes from the room where the other Shadow students were. Ayano, Natasha and Rider stand in shock a few more seconds, then hurry back to their classmates.

DG is lying motionless on the ground.

"What happened ?" Natasha asks.

"No idea !" Sadie replies. "He just coughed blood and collapsed !"

"And you ?" Lorelai asks.

"We heard a scream..." Wagner adds.

"Mr. Sameer... He's dead... It's like... he melted..." Ayano says slowly.

"What ?!?!"

"Okay, hold it right there !" Shadow Zibonzi shouts.

Everyone becomes silent almost immediately. Shadow Zibonzi stands before the others and says:

"The situation is weird. Creepy, even. Something's not right. BUT ! It's no reason to panick, otherwise we're done for ! Mr. Sameer died, DG died as well. WHO WANTS TO BE NEXT ?!"

"Not me..." Natasha whispers fearfully.

"Exactly ! So let's keep our head cool and think about it ! We have to find... what caused this all."

"So, are we ready ?"

The stitched guy is sitting on the roof of PMC High, his hood still down on his face. A creepy grin twists his face and he replies:

"Yeah... I think we are."

He takes off his hood, revealing his pink hair, yellow glowing eyes and multiple stitches. Then he says sarcastically:

"You impatient, Robin ?"

"Don't kid me !" The girl replies. "I just want to save my sister !"

"No need to worry about it." Says a guy in military clothing, with dark green hair and weird eyes. "She'll be perfectly safe. Are we all here ?"

"Yeah." Another guy replies. "I guess we're going, then ?"

"Yes, Tornac. We can go." The military guy says. "Nova, Hasonkage and Tsume are here as well, and Kimiwaruime too. All eight of us."

"Great ! Then let's do this, everyone !" The stitched one concludes.

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09/20/2023 5:38 pm
Level 29 : Expert Crafter Artist
Panda_Dog's Avatar
09/21/2023 7:49 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar
Tyty !
05/10/2023 7:33 am
Level 22 : Expert Waffle
ItsYeWffl's Avatar
nice work! :>
05/10/2023 6:57 am
Any/All • Level 48 : Master Procrastinator
spookyshxdow's Avatar
05/09/2023 6:27 pm
Level 40 : Master Technomancer
KingtheTitan's Avatar
I like how I don't talk at all in this chapter.
05/09/2023 6:30 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar
1: You'll talk more later !

2: This line is yours !

"Yeah." Another guy replies. "I guess we're going, then ?"
05/09/2023 6:34 pm
Level 40 : Master Technomancer
KingtheTitan's Avatar
Oh, okay!

I love my role!
05/09/2023 6:35 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar
There's more coming... Glad to know you like !
05/09/2023 5:46 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
GracieMockingjay's Avatar
05/09/2023 6:19 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar
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