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PMC High- Chapter 4: New friends (Pop reel)

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Arianwyn's Avatar Arianwyn
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
In the lunchroom, Arian is sitting with Meilin and Belle-Chan. The cafeteria lady, Kay, cooked a delicious lunch: roast beef sandwiches with mayonnaise, vegetable chips and chocolate milk, with strawberry ice cream for dessert. There are also other choices, but Arian chose this one, along with her friends. Suddenly, her phone gives a ring and she looks at it.

"What's it ?" Meilin asks.

"Errm... Ah... You'll know soon enough..." Arian answers.

She puts her phone back in her pocket, and looks both nervous and happy. Eating their lunch, the two other girls don't seem to mind. Then, Ender comes and sits right beside Arianwyn.

"Hi, love !" Arian says, before briefly kissing Ender.

"Hi ! How's your day going ?"

"Pretty good. Gym class was hard, but..."

She giggles and looks at him.

"You got it harder than I, right ?"

"Don't mention it..." Ender mumbles.

"You know I'm teasing you..."

"This lunch is a welcome break !" Belle-Chan exclaims. "This morning sure was busy."

"Yup. This afternoon, we have... Languages with Mister Enny. And an emergency meeting with Mr. Tomas. He called it a few minutes ago." Meilin says.

"I wonder what he wants..." Ender says for himself.

"I feel like Arian knows it..." Meilin says, in a mocking voice.

Arian blushes, which proves her guilt, and Ender, Belle-Chan and Meilin look at her with curious eyes and little smiles. The poor girl feels cornered and seems to shrink on her chair. Meilin wraps her arm around Arian's shoulders and asks:

"Now... You wouldn't hide things from your best friends, would you ?"

"Aah... hum... No ?"

"Then... What's up ?"

"We're getting new students... In fact, not only in our class. And... the new student in our class is my twin sister, Sophia..."

"You have a twin sister ?!" They all exclaim.

"Shhh !!! Not so loud... Look, we'll talk about it later, okay ? Somewhere else..."

Later, all of them walk out of the cafeteria, after Arian thanks Kay for the lunch, and Belle-Chan shares a few recipes with her. They walk to the library, where they know they won't be disturbed. They still have a free period before Language class.

"You sure took your time." Meilin says to Belle-Chan.

"I can't help it ! I love cooking and so does Ms. Kay... So we talked food and recipes... You know, when you're passionnate about something..."

They get to a corner of the library and Arian takes a deep breath, then looks at her friends and asks:

"Promise you'll keep the secret ?"

"Promise !" They reply.

"Okay, then... Sophia is like my sister, but she's not even human... More like of a..."

She whispers:


"Wha-" Meilin starts.

She shakes her head and looks at Arian.

"A demon ? They disappeared years and years ago ! And if there are some remaining, like Libby, for example, they hide to the best of their abilities..."

"It figures." Belle-Chan continues. "Demons are globally perceived as menaces and evil beings... That's why Libby pretends to be a human. She even got an explanation for her horns."

"The thing is, not all demons are evil, but people just won't listen." Ender concludes. "That's sad..."

"However, Sophia isn't even a full-time demon... Just sort of one... Please, could you be nice to her ?" Arian asks.

"Sure thing ! We'll give her a nice welcome !" Meilin replies. "Maybe we should introduce her to the other girls, first ?"

After agreeing on how to act, they walk to the Language class. Mr. Enny is waiting for them, and waits until they sit to start talking:

"Hello, students. Today I'm going to start teaching you a rather unusual language: Demonic. It was very studied back in the times where demons were more spread around the world."

"Excuse me, sir !" Ash says. "What are the uses of it, nowadays ?"

"Not much, to be honest ! Demons aren't usually encountered, and if they are, they rarely speak Demonic. But curiosity is the soul of this world, don't you think ? We should learn, not only for practical purposes, but for our own satisfaction ! Which is why we're going to get started."

Mister Enny starts talking and shows the class most of the basics words that can be used for communication. The exercise is pretty hard, since Demonic is a language that was lost for many years and that doesn't look a bit like common human language... After class, all students of Spark Class head to the main room, where Mr. Tomas awaits them. Alongside him is a young girl with blonde hair, pale skin and red eyes.

"So, class, today we introduce you to a new student. She recently signed up for our school." Mr. Tomas says. "Greet Sophia Silver."

"Sophia Silver ?" Silas asks. "As in Arianwyn Silver ?"

"Yes." Arianwyn answers. "She's my sister."

"Oh, hi, Sophia !" Libby says.

"Hi !" Sophia replies.

"Wait, you two know each other ?" Meilin asks.

"Yes, we were at summer camp together a few years ago !"

Libby blushes.

"We've known each other for about three years..."

"Nice ! You didn't tell me that, sis !" Arian says, pushing Sophia with her elbow.

Sophia looks somewhere else and tries to refrain herself from nervously twisting her hair. All the students are curious to meet her, which makes a lot... Meilin and Belle-Chan are the first to express themselves:

"Welcome, Sophia ! We're Arian's best friends !"

"Hi ! It's a pleasure meeting you !"

Sophia smiles. The people at PMC High seem nice, and she feels like she's going to have a great time.

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03/24/2023 3:21 pm
Level 48 : Master Procrastinator
spookyshxdow's Avatar
03/24/2023 2:37 pm
Level 46 : Master Baconator
LegendarySi's Avatar
The Sophia secrets slowly being revealed
03/24/2023 12:06 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Mountaineer
TheMountaineer's Avatar
Wow, again it is great ! Great job ! I look forward to the next one !

(I can't wait to write the next part for Natasha - The origins...too!)
03/24/2023 1:02 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar
Sure ! We can work on it, if you want !
03/24/2023 11:55 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
GracieMockingjay's Avatar
Finally! A new chapter! *teasing voice*
Can u put Aiden in there
03/24/2023 1:02 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar
I could, yeah. In a future part, I probably will. How should I introduce him ?
03/24/2023 1:31 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
GracieMockingjay's Avatar
in the same way as Sophia ig
03/24/2023 1:32 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar
Okay ! What class ?
03/24/2023 1:34 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
GracieMockingjay's Avatar
03/24/2023 2:14 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Waffle
AverageDirt's Avatar
best class ever
Planet Minecraft


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