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PMC High- Chapter 2: Sparks glow, Shadows engulf (Pop reel)

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Arianwyn's Avatar Arianwyn
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
"Okay, I guess I don't have to tell you how to work this out !" Mrs. Lemon shouts. "You should all know by now how the game is played, so go. We have an hour to spend and I'd like it to be fast. My clones will referee because I don't feel like it ! Bye !"

Mrs. Lemon clones herself a few times and then, satisfied, she walks out of the gym. The other versions of herself watch closely the students as they take place. On one side, the Spark students prepare and warm up. The Shadow students also warm up... in quite an unusual way. Most of the students aren't good with sport, so they just wait until the more athletic are done. DG is in a corner of the gym, looking at the girls from Spark class with a very weird look. Natasha chats with Lily and Sadie about music and books.

"Ha ! I'll pulverize you, you dummy ! You don't stand a chance !" Someone shouts.

"Please, can't you just shut up ?"

Shadow Zibonzi is talking to Rider, and by the looks of it, he's trying to pick a fight.

"I bet you I can eliminate more opponents than you do !"

"Look, that's not the point of..."

Without listening to him, Shadow Zibonzi turns to the Spark students and yells:

"C'mon, you morons ! Bring it on, and let the slaughter begin !"

Most students of the Shadow class sigh and roll their eyes to the ceiling, discouraged and embarrassed by Shadow Zibonzi's behavior. The latter grins in a sinister way as the other students get ready to play. The clones of Mrs. Lemon say:

"Remember, no powers allowed. This is a PE class, NOT a magic workshop, so behave !"

The whistle blows, and the game begins. Obviously, Shadow Zibonzi and Rider immediately start on the offensive, being the two most sportive students in the gym, and the school in general. Arianwyn quickly dodges a ball from Shadow Zibonzi, aimed at her face, and lets out a little scream as she gets the other one on the hips.

"One down, nine to go..." Says Shadow Zibonzi with a mocking tone.

"Take that !" Grimm yells, as he pitches a ball toward Shadow Zibonzi.

The latter quickly evades the hit and switches his attention to Grimm.

"You should know better than aim at a girl's face !" Says Grimm, before being nearly hit by a ball.

"So what ? She dodged it, right ?"

Shadow Zibonzi grabs two more balls and throws them both in different directions, one at Belle-Chan, who gets it in the stomach, and the other flies toward Greief, who manages to bend and evade it. Another ball from DG hits his head as he's bending, and he falls on the floor. Mrs. Lemon's clones whistle and interrupt the game to check if Greief is okay. The latter gets up and quickly declares:

"I'M FINE !"

"Come on, guys ! Shouts Arian, standing in the safe zone. Let's get 'em !"

The match resumes and this time, the students of the Spark class lead, eliminating Wagner, Lily, Sadie and Midnight. Suddenly, Rider throws balls at the Spark team and successfully eliminates Tremella. From the safe zone, members from both teams encourage their teammates. Meilin, very motivated to eliminate Shadow Zibonzi, throws a ball at him but he dodges, which causes Lorelai to be eliminated instead. He then tries to hit Meilin with a ball, but Grimm uses one of his own to throw at Shadow Zibonzi's ball, deflecting it.

"Die !" Shadow Zibonzi yells.

A fast shot from him hits Grimm. The whistle interrupts the game for the half-time.

The remaining players are :

Ender, Ash, Libby, Meilin and Silas for Spark team.

Shadow Zibonzi, Rider, DG, Ayano and Natasha for Shadow team.

The last part of the game starts violently, as Shadow Zibonzi and Rider both eliminate poor Libby, who takes two simultaneous hits. She groans in pain and walks to the safe zone with her friends. In revenge, Silas aims at DG and manages to hit him on an arm. DG takes it pretty bad and tries to shoot Silas. He is dragged out of the game by two clones of Mrs. Lemon. Ayano and Natasha team against Ash and Meilin. The girls throw an impressive amount of balls without hitting the members of the opposite team and finally, Ayano eliminates Ash.

"Yay ! Ow !" Says Ayano.

Meilin manages to hit her just after Ash's elimination, and then proceeds to eliminate Natasha as well. She quickly dodges a hit from Shadow Zibonzi. In the Shadow Team, only him and Rider are left, but they still represent a great threat. Meilin, Silas and Ender face their opponents, encouraged by their fallen teammates:

"Go, Ender !" Arianwyn exclaims. "You can do it, dear !"

"Don't let him get you !" Grimm says to Meilin.

"Come on, kill them all !" DG yells.

Mrs. Lemon looks at him in a very dissuasive way, which makes him shrug and say:

"Can't I support my comrades as well ?"

Apparently, Shadow Zibonzi hears him and keeps attacking with great speed and violence. Ultimately, he smashes Silas's face with a ball, before Meilin throws a ball at him. Rider interrupts the shot with his own ball, just like Grimm did a few minutes ago. Shadow Zibonzi turns to him, looking furious:

"I saw that one ! Why did you get involved ?! I could've dealt with it !"

"Yeah, sure. Focus a little more, would you ?"

Then, Rider throws a ball which eliminates Meilin. Ender is standing alone against the two guys.

"Ooh boy... I'm so gonna get it..." He says.

Almost instantly, he's hit by the combined shots of his opponents. The whistle blows one last time, meaning the end of the game.

"Victory of the Shadow team !" Says the clones of Mrs. Lemon.

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03/01/2023 7:16 am
She/Her • Level 62 : High Grandmaster Strawberry Witch
autumn's Avatar
Awesome work!
02/28/2023 6:04 pm
They/Them • Level 40 : Master Pyro Robot
KingtheTitan's Avatar
Poor Ender, they didn't stand a chance.🙁
02/28/2023 6:09 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar
Yeah, I feel sorry for him, too...
02/27/2023 12:37 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Programmer
SAMEER_99's Avatar
i resign.
02/27/2023 12:52 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar

Fine. Then I'll just change the storyline.
02/24/2023 11:50 am
She/Her • Level 29 : Expert Lemon Artist
Evilxlemon's Avatar
I love that I just walked out and let my clones deal with it
Can wait for chapter 3
Your work is outstanding
02/24/2023 12:54 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Princess
Arianwyn's Avatar
Thanks !
02/24/2023 10:31 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Professor
LeLovesJazz's Avatar
It's so nice to read these. Can't wait for chapter 3
02/24/2023 7:44 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Programmer
SAMEER_99's Avatar
ok what in the world is this. I dont understand a thing at all. Do you all mean to say that we guys have to make story?? Arianwyn, didnt you say that you would set everything up?
02/23/2023 9:02 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
“DG takes it pretty bad and tries to shoot Silas.”

I’m sorry, shoot? I hope you mean a ball, because if my brother has a gun at school, he’s gonna be in some big trouble.

Also, why was he looking at those girls like that?
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