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Originality VS Unoriginality, What's the fuss?

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Endersteve's Avatar Endersteve
Level 42 : Master Mage
Well hello lovies, 'tis i Enderteve with yet another well written blog. Yes, another blog.
"So Endersteve, what great things will you talk about this time?" You may ask. Well today i would like to talk about the growing issue of Orignal VS Unorignal. 

Now before i start this annoying hornswaggling rant i will first state that i really don't care what you as the viewer has to say about this. I'm only doing this clearly for diamonds and subscribers, like some bloggers now 'a days.

Let the storm of human whaste product begin!

First let us understand what Original is, If it exists, huehuehue.

Something that is orignal is something that is more down to earth, something that is new and fresh to the table and can easily be done by the means you are given in order to make your original idea into something that's real. many people have made orignal things, inventions if you or ideas that have changed our lives maybe.


Unorignal is something that is "stolen" from an orignal idea, something that has been slightly tamered too in order to give it the feel that it is "original" in it's own right, but according to blogger logic this week, that is indeed the case.

So hold the phone here. Something like teen skins is considered orignal? Pffft, what a cow pile!
Maybe to the one who toxicated the orignal idea, yes it is orignal however to others, who in this case is the other 99.9% will view this pile of dung as unorignal.

So say for example. Steve. Steve was drawn by Mojang and was used as a skin template for everyone to use, the image itself is "Orignal"


Ok, so yea we know it's orignal, but what if i do this...
Yea... just change some colours around 'N stuff...


Oooh yea baby...So original...oooh BABY!


Ooooh, Oh baby yes it's just so original!

Ok so back to reality here. So, to you people who say that this skin is "Original" and "It doesn't matter" well what would happen if i posted this skin on PMC? I'm sure that the Staff would remove it. But... If they removed it, it would mean it was unorignal, or a stolen idea that is overused. and thus we have a clear devide on what is orignal and what is not. 



So, it DOES matter what is orignal and what isn't. There is a CLEAR line of difference to what is orignal and what is not orignal, we don't need clone blogs crying out to us saying what is not this or that, and to be honest here i know i'm being a massive hypocrite so i will allow you to say in the comments, it will only feed me to make more parody blogs in the future. So please hate this blog, tell me what you think (Then again, i wont really care anyway) and give me all you got!

Hate this blog? meh, i can live with that.

CreditOriginal Minecraft Blog Unorignal What Is The Fuss About Questionmark

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04/24/2015 2:12 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
RenegadeRad's Avatar
You are Hilarious XD
12/06/2014 9:28 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Pig
sso2's Avatar
Hate this blog? meh, i can live with that.

03/26/2014 9:32 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Scribe
Jiloacom's Avatar
This is just a milked topic. Stop making "Original/Unoriginal" blogs.
03/25/2014 9:40 pm
Level 27 : Expert Dragon
Strikelord's Avatar
Something just popped into my head when I read this blog...

Anything that we create comes from something or, in other words, the flame of an idea must be stoked by a certain event that occurs in someones life.  The point is, if I can take unoriginal content (definition meaning people have made it many times before not the stolen part) and create something new out of it, would that new content be considered original or unoriginal?

Personally, every content that any artist, writer, or coder that has put blood, sweat, and tears into their work should be defined not as unoriginal content, but rather his or her own take on the theme (teen skins, for example) or their own opinion on the subject (rant blogs).
03/26/2014 6:24 pm
Level 1 : New Network
angel12386's Avatar
You are right on one thing, most things we created are sparked by other ideas, however if its almost an extact replica like a story rewritten with just a few different words that would be unoriginal, its just the same story. However if they had a simlar storyline but different chacters and different setting etc then I would consider that somewhat Orginal but it would mean the story is overused. I agree Teen skins are unfortunely 'Original' since they have been created with different styles and hair but teen skins are way overused.
03/26/2014 10:53 pm
Level 27 : Expert Dragon
Strikelord's Avatar
Angel12386 Wrote:
("You are right on one thing, most things we created are sparked by other
ideas, however if its almost an extact replica like a story rewritten
with just a few different words that would be unoriginal, its just the
same story. ")

Strikelord Wrote
("Anything that we create comes from something or, in other words, the
flame of an idea must be stoked by a certain event that occurs in
someones life.  The point is, if I can take unoriginal content
(definition meaning people have made it many times before not the stolen
part) and create something new out of it, would that new content be
considered original or unoriginal?")

I was not implying taking someones idea, copying it, put a different word here or there, and call it my own.  Therefore, if you wrote a blog that looked the exact same as blog x, but the words are shifted around a bit, then it would be considered blatant plagiarism of someone's work if you did not give credit where it was due.

Topics are a different breed; simply put, they are there to express your own opinion about the subject at hand, it would be like someone asking you about what you think about PMC's problems (or somthing similar), except you're the one picking the topic.

In conclusion, the whole point of saying "taking unoriginal and make something new" implied this: "take overused, unoriginal content and try to let it inspire you create something completely new."

If ideas are sparked from something, then couldn't the overused and unoriginal give you inspiration to create something completely new?
03/25/2014 9:28 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Cake
legomasterpb's Avatar
I do agree with this, but I am pretty sure the reason why they make a fuss about this is because of plagiarism. You can get quite in trouble at school for doing that
03/25/2014 8:34 pm
Level 21 : Expert Pirate
Jade-Craft's Avatar
03/25/2014 5:26 pm
Level 24 : Expert Toast
nolez15's Avatar
This post IS unoriginal.

Stop the madness, you're only making things worse. Don't be a hypocrite.
03/25/2014 4:51 pm
Level 25 : Expert Hunter
bigf's Avatar
Ew pls remov itt
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