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[One Crazy Year] (Level 5 special)

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Nyan catz's Avatar Nyan catz
Level 21 : Expert Pokemon
Hey guys. This is a story! (Level 5 special) If you like romantic, evil, that kind of stuff, read this! Enjoy! :)

Chapter: 1

"All the -" Jacob started. "No!!!" Alex screamed. "Give me the cookie!" "Well, if you pay attention you might get it." Ashley, (There mother) said. Jacob continued to speak, "As i was saying, All the people in town should stop littering! It's disgusting! Like, one morning i found moldy cheese lying in front of the doorway!" The problem was not ever solved, after a few years, it got worse...

The next day when Jacob went to school, he found a wrapper on his field. He picked it up, the words inside were "5:45 pm, Thursday at the Hong park" "Weird" Jacob said slowly. It was Thursday! I guess i might have to wait. During Math, he found out that his friend Tricia had a crush on him. Yes, he was shocked, but he also had a crush on her too. Happy, in overall. A few seconds went by. He couldn't stop thinking about it. So, he got up and went to her. "Ahem, ugh... Tricia?" Jacob nervously said. "Yes?" She responded. "Nice-" he looked at the windows.. "Nice weather we're having." "Listen, i need to tell you something. Meet me at the furniture store nearby at 4:30" She smiled, then looked at the next question she was on. Jacob sat down. All kinds of thoughts was rushing threw that head of his. Zig-zag, up, down, sideways, all different direction's!

"RING" the bell caught everyone's attention. They all exited the class. Jacob went to the store, waiting for Tricia. "Boo!" Tricia came up. "Whoa!" Jacob said. His face was so scared everyone would of laughed. But, only Tricia was there, and she was the only one that laughed. "I have a really big crush on you, and i'm hoping to be your girlfriend!" Jacob was excited. His first girlfriend. "Sure" He responded. "Great! I'm so happy! Thank you! Oh, and do you mind if we keep this a secret? I don't want this in like the news or something." Tricia said, looking down. "Ok. I don't mind" Jacob said. Tricia kissed Jacob on the cheek.

End of chapter one. Please post your thought's below. I took some time to do this. Really enjoyed it! :D Also, i can't think of a name. Please can you put one below too? c: Thanks so much again!! :D
CreditMe of course :3, and my friend. :D

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11/15/2012 11:49 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
It's great. The only thing I would have changed is when they meet and tell that they like each other (all a bit sudden to me) but otherwise it's good.
Nyan catz
11/16/2012 12:10 am
Level 21 : Expert Pokemon
Nyan catz's Avatar
Thank's. I recently just started writing stuff like this. Thanks for the tip, and the diamond. c:
11/16/2012 12:23 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
No problem besides you've earns it.
11/15/2012 10:14 pm
Level 29 : Expert Ninja
Awesome3475's Avatar
A few typos, but I like it :D
lolman_noob. Saying anime's weird is like a Japanese guy says that burgers are weird to an American.
Nyan catz
11/15/2012 10:33 pm
Level 21 : Expert Pokemon
Nyan catz's Avatar
11/15/2012 8:35 pm
Level 1 : New Dragon
lolman_noob's Avatar
What us at the top for the pic looks weird
Nyan catz
11/15/2012 8:36 pm
Level 21 : Expert Pokemon
Nyan catz's Avatar
It's anime. Sorry if you don't like it.
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