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A brief overview of my life (200 sub special!!!)

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illager's Avatar illager
Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme
I started living inside the Creeper Woods. These woods consisted of dark trees, and there were several ravines to be found as well. Often one would be able to find such a Heroes body, that, had sadly succumbed to the uncanny power of the Creepers that reside within these dark woods-something is to be said of a Hero's hubris, thinking he may kill anything he likes. Again, shifting the subject back to I, I was born within a tiny cottage inside this insidious woodscape. The cabin can be found on only the best of maps, so it's a certain struggle to find it.

I was raised in a well-meaning manner, but Illager as I was, I would feel much resentment toward the Villagers. These Villagers were so well-off, despite having barely worked for much of it. They lived worry free with their golems made of iron. Meanwhile I had to fight the Undead and Creepers every night, and I certainly dreaded the Heroes and Builders that came occasionally. These Heroes came and took our possessions oftentimes. I'd heard of what They'd do if they found you, so I always hid away in a small cellar beneath the oak flooring. They commonly take my tools and my little iron.

From the beginning I'd wanted to categorize the creatures of this world... I had a taste for collecting information and storing it in books and such. I always looked up to "The Naturalist", who wrote a book called the "Mobeastiery". The book made notes of all known creatures and was a very good start to my studies. I never really got anywhere with my books, though I did sell some paper to a wandering merchant. The paper I sold to him told of magical books. Now that I'm older and wiser I realize that the books I wrote of would be unrealistic to achieve, and that such things as "Water Protection" do not exist. I didn't mean ill to the trader, I simply had misinformation at the time. I wonder what happened to him...

The Illagers would take over the house I lived in, as well as all of the Creeper Woods. This was no problem to me, and I quickly decided I wanted to join their army. They shared my prejudicated hatred for Villagers. I joined in their ranks as an Archer. I quickly started training and managed to get my first job as a patrolman after one of the more formal ones died on the job. I wonder how he died. After receiving my armband, I was given my first task. Whilst I would've liked to have had a glorious (though cliché as it would be) first job, mine wasn't such. I instead had to walk around a boring desert until something caught my eyes. in the case something would catch my eyes, I'd ring a bell, until someone else came to dispose of the threat. I never had to ring the bell. I was upset at the time, but now that I'm more mature, I know that it's probably good nothing threatening ever occurred.

My further missions were boresome indeed. I'd often be some form of stormtrooper that would work to get rid of traitors to the empire. I recall one time where I needed to report one of my captions for treason. My story continues in a calm sense, and I normally stayed within my camp. Though I'd sometimes be found outside, looking for Heroes to shoot with my bow. I would consistently do an average job of the tasks given to me and got several promotions. Most of these came to me because other-more competent soldiers-had died, and not because I was exceptional.

After ages of working on minimal projects I finally was promoted to be a Pillager Caption. I was glad to finally receive the banner, and to put in up on my standard. My job was to go to a small, secluded island, and take it back as our own. A lot of the soldiers the empire had stationed there had rebelled and started to become a new state. This was bad for obvious reasons. My job was to defeat the rebels and to take back the land as our own. I started there and took several other soldiers as my minions. I'd find there to be dozens of people, all with extravagant weapons, that were fierce in combat. These people were hard to defeat, and my crew suffered from it.

My crew decided with me to make a simple camp, as we waited for other Illagers to arrive on their Frigate ships. We simply waited, and whilst we did so, found a cave. The cave had nothing more than some more of the rebellious "Evillagers". They made us leave promptly as soon as we arrived. Back within our tents on this forsaken island we sat around, doing nothing more than gamble our emeralds in games of Blackjack. I lost a lot that day, but also won some. Mostly 50/50. Anyway, I found that I grew very attached to one of my particular soldiers. One in particular was a very kind man, and-unlike my other troops-was not a "yesman". This man was a Pillager, and although I was his superior in that I was a Caption he was very much on par with me in competence. He was one of the few people who survived the attack in one of the many caves on this wretched island.

There is something to be said of this island, the caves are tall, and hundreds of beets grow in the ground. The grass is blood red, and the trees are nothing like those of my home island. These trees are darker, and redder. Like that of a smithing tables wood. There are other types of trees as well here. Many lava pools can be found, some of them filled with obsidian or magma due to cooling. There also seemed to be some kind of andesite stone, but darker, like deepslate. There is an abundance of copper, and gold. There also seems to be a lot of burnt villages, these villages have no form of life left, besides the occasional fox and goat.

I would wake up, every morning, and sit around for hours, doing marches and such. It was all mostly just to stay in-shape for the fight ahead. Finally, I would see the Illagers ship arriving, and we'd fight the Evillagers soon later. The fight wasn't planned by me, but I was still the leader of my group. I would lose only a couple Pillager soldiers in the battle. I didn't stay for the entire war. I didn't even stay for half. The Illagers did win, but I didn't watch. Instead, I was told to meet the Arch. The Arch-Illager resided within Highblock Keep. He and I had a symbiotic relationship. He wanted to learn more of this island that the war was being fought on. He inquired about this island-which is named "Isle of Howling Peaks" and I told him of its rich gold and copper deposits, and its glorious trees. I told him that we could win the war soon. He was the kind of leader, who insisted he wanted more land. He never seemed to have enough. I told him there were other islands, and he jumped at this! He seemed infuriated to hear that the islands were of limited number and very limited size. He told me that I had one week to find a new island, and if I failed, He'd come after me personally. This will get one's head spinning, trust me.

I readied a ship and was grateful the Arch was kind enough to give me a free Frigate. My voyage began and I was struggling to find anything new. The islands all seemed to be found and were frankly inhospitable to Illagers in general anyway. One particular island was full of jungle trees, and a plethora of rare woods. Unfortunately, this island was already discovered, and had been on maps for years. I needed a new island to find, one that hadn't been on any previous maps. The island I found was off the coast of Dominance Island. The island I found was inhabited by Villagers, Merchants and Heroes. As well as minimal other intelligent entities. This proved me to not be the first to discover the island, but it wasn't on any Illager maps, and therefore would manage to keep me my blocky head.

The island had many caves, and trees made of Spruce wood. The island held one village, and several ports for Merchant ships. I then decided to find some other islands, just to be sure the Arch would be happy. I knew of rumors of an island full of mycelium and mooshroom beasts. The mooshroom is a docile beast that is found only on special rare islands. They grow mushroom off their backs, and their milk tastes of mushroom stew. The specimen I found on the island was oddly hostile towards me, however. Therefore, I refrained from staying on the land very long. The island is only 6 Kilometers off of the mainland of Dominance, so I'm surprised it wasn't on many charts. There was a tiny island I also found, but it was too small to mention-being less than 1 Kilometer wide and being composed of sandstone.

After being spared what I only could expect was an execution planned for me, I managed to become a Pillager, but with iron armour. This was very nice for me; however, it meant I no longer was in charge of a group, but instead part of one. I was sent off to the original island I'd found, and was supposed to now explore it, and harvest its brilliant resources.

My boss was a polite man. He had greyish green eyes and had always some kind of mess on his uniform. He hosted several scars on his back, after several whippings. It became apparent he was not very obedient to higher-ups. He was very kind, and He also was one of the people who helped me explore and find the aforementioned islands.

My boss and I were the only ones to go to the island. We found a large cave mouth, and ventured in. All after scouting village for future raiding... The cave was very damp; however, it was bright with lush vines and glowing fruit. There also seemed to be fancy new mushrooms, that glowed blue. The cave let off into a more house-like build. The build was made of Vertex planks and the walls made of (now decrepit and breaking) stone bricks. Within were icons, portraying similar faces to Heroes, however these faces lacked detail, and were not very well-drawn. There were several little pests around, these included a host of silverfish, but also a purple version that had a single red eye. There were also a several rooms filled with nothing more than random fountains. Some taking up an entire room. There also was a library. Sadly, I lack power to read any of these books. Not due to illiteracy, but because they were in a special language I knew as "Enchanting". There was then-behind a shelf-a Necromancy practicing skeleton! The skeleton chased us, and we fled out of this ruined maze of rooms! We survived. I won't bore you by saying it was hard. It was rather easy to escape in fact.

Later of course my boss and I had to re-enter the cave. There was no sign of the ominous creature. To be fair I was invading the creatures' home, so it had the right to attack surely. perhaps I was foolish to go back inside the cave, however my boss also insisted I do so. I entered the cave again and found nothing very exciting. We wandered the passageways around corners and up flights of stairs. all until we decided to go back to the camp. As we made our way back to the camp, I made small talk to my boss. I spoke to him about how much power is held within the Orb that the Arch carries. And how much is unknown about it. I didn't know however that this remark would start my boss asking questions: Somehow, he was unaware that the Arch had possession of the Orb of Dominance. He then decided no man should hold such power and decided it would be good to talk to me about a him and I rebelling against the Arch and destroying the Orb. This of course got him in massive trouble with the Arch as soon as he discovered the plans, and although I pleaded against it-an execution was charged. I was forced to shoot my friend. We had enjoyed so many missions together (mainly the two I mentioned) and now I was forced to kill him. I gathered a small ceremony of Illagers, before shooting him. After my shot was passed several others shot as is tradition. The shooting had caused him to become quite bloodied, and I must say he was a gruesome sight. I can't do it justice in writing how much I became attached to this man, but seeing him near dead, and bleeding made me sob. I couldn't look away however, as I knew that would make people suspicious of my intentions. if perhaps I was liking a man so traitorous, then surely, I was also traitorous! This meant I only could stand there, and do my best to look proud, that I'd been the one to kill and dispose of a traitor. In his final moments he began to plead for us to kill him. He claimed he was sorry for his rebellious nature, and he wished to die as a punishment. Surely, he'd gone insane.

Later would be a bland time. The kingdom was still tenuously at peace with the Evillagers, however everyone was rather on edge. We knew any small disagreement would cause war. At this point I became more commonly allied directly with the Arch-Illager. I was able to often be found in his throne room-as some kind of "advisor". Legally Walda was his advisor. She was a tall girl who had risen to be the clan leader, all before the Arch took over. Due to her wisdom, she was allowed to be an Evoker, and she was able to constantly help the Arch make choices.There have been small arguments between the two. The Arch has found her to be undermining him before, so her devotion to the regime is questionable. Anyway, now I was able to start being the advisor-unofficially-and I started to make some good choices. This was the first job I'd been assigned that I was really good at. Otherwise, I was ''meh''. I was able to start making ideas for new uniforms, passing ideas to the Arch, such as copper Pillager uniforms. That idea sadly never did take off. Ideas for a Swordsman Illager role did however, and to this day Swordsmen are one rank above Vindicators. The Arch was not always with my choices however, and eventually decided to wage war with Heroes. The Heroes took over the Fiery Forge used to make golems, but nothing else. We never stopped them. Theys stormed in, then we never had the guts to take back the Forge.

At this point the Arch started to show more prominent signs that he was in fact unstable, in the mental sense. He started to demand I call him "friend" and other similar things. He started yelling more often as well. As this all occurred, I noticed that Walda had faded into the background more. I wonder still to this day what she's doing... Immedient after my friend was shot as an execution, he started to become insane. I spoke to him, requesting he see some kind of help, but he refused. I wasn't able to force him help either. He started to love me. I'm not sure how much, but he seemed to become obsessed. He became clingier, and he demanded I never leave his room. He, however refuted all attempts for help, and refused to believe himself to be insane.

His insanities were well known amongst the residents of his palace. However, not many people knew that he was touched outside of the keep. Word of his madness was kept secret, this stayed as such for an impressive amount of time. Sadly, the word did leave the keep and after it left it spread akin to a soul fire in a valley! No one understands what happened to get the word out and to the public, however it was too late. The Arch began to be seen as a pathetic man, and was ridiculed at his speeches... Finally, he decided to give the role of Arch-Illager to me. I was going to be the new Arch...

it was not important for me to have a flashy crowning. such would be more of an annoyance. Perhaps I subtly and unconsciously manipulated the former Arch to make me the ruler, or maybe I actually was truly lucky. Either way I was just thrusted into being the Arch. The Arch... The leader of the best people... The Illagers. I recall the crowning vividly... There were many windows within the room, and the room was on one of the tallest towers-known as the Obsidian pinnacle. The room had a fair share of jewels and golden artifacts. There were several chandeliers-at least six-and there was a host of Illagers who wanted to welcome me as their supreme leader. I remember walking...at a very slow pace, and savouring the moment... I recall walking to the throne I had possession of now...
I reached the throne, after what seemed like a million decades. And I started my glorious speech. I had to do well here, and I certainly did do well. I spoke of the Villagers, and I spoke of how we as a group can exploit them... I took advantage of the Illager hatred for those nasty wretches... And I told them that we could defeat the Villagers!! I ended my speech in such a flamboyant manner, but I believe that I did it well: I raised the right hand. Slowly I remember my eyes darting at the armband I had. Then I clutched the air in a fist, so tight I grabbed that my hand became an odd shade of pink/blue... Then I chanted the word thrice. "ALL HAIL THE ILLAGERS!!" I began. Then I said it twice more: "ALL HAIL THE ILLAGERS!! ALL HAIL THE ILLAGERS!!" These chants of mine were followed by the other members of the room quickly and in unison raising their arms, clenching fists, and chanting. This time more than three times. They followed my jeer at the Villagers, all as I smiled slyly... I had power...

I got very little sleep that night, as the party ran well into the morning. I also received the Orb of Dominance. The very orb that I may put the blame on for my caption/friends shooting. I never forgot that execution... how much I begged for the old Arch to spare him... I never would forget my resentment for "Archie". Never. I spoke to people for help on the subject. They advised that I punish Archie. I highly considered this. Please note, dear reader, that in the Illager empire it's considered fine to have revenge. I've found Heroes have a differing culture in that revenge is looked down upon, however as I said-the Illagers have no qualms against it...

The door opened to the courtroom. The room where I would be the judge, and the prosecuting attorney. Archie entered slowly. There was one thing that could topple my case. In the empire it is illegal to prosecute an insane person. Heroes have similar rules. In the case that Archie claimed guilty under insanities then I'd have no ground.

I remember the scene. But it's rather blurred. I recall being a rather corrupt leader, especially early-on. I'd find Archie to be a fool, ultimately. He decided to claim, "not guilty". He was promptly put down into the dungeons of the ''Underhalls''. These are a series of maze corridors full of old storage rooms and-for Archie-prison cells. The system allowed-at that time-for wardens to beat prisoners to a bloodied pulp. This has since been rescinded as a law. However, Archie was beaten. He started to also be disobedient, this was cause for him to be beaten more.

In the end he'd often be heard shouting or screaming. He began to hide secrets and need to be inquired by one of the Illager Inquisitors. He would stay there, eventually dying out of pure misery. His death was slow, and agonizing. I feel sorry for him. In his state he believed he was truly my friend and that I liked him as well. I proved him wrong. I feel like perhaps I'd done the wrong thing... maybe?

I no longer cared about that. I once heard a man say "beat yourself up once, then be done. Don't beat yourself up forever". Or something like that. I decided to quickly move on in life. I was extremely upset with what Archie did to the empire, and how I needed to fix it. I began with one of my trademarked speeches. Before I made my speech however, I made sure to select a national anthem. The anthem was made to invoke fear in enemies, but feelings of power to friends. I remember sitting on a ledge, on a tall building. And then I began giving another great speech! The Pillagers marched by, all the while I stood there. My reign had begun. The Pillagers below me watched and saluted, and as I made threats to Heroes and Villagers. When I saluted, they did the same. Again, I shouted the states morale boosting phrase: "ALL HAIL THE ILLAGERS!!". The Heroes would soon die... I hoped.

I implore you to consider the view, and how ominous it would truly be. Picture yourself as the enemy of my empire, as you watch the banners get hung, and you see the Illager soldiers all marching towards you. You know that you're about to be ended by the power they hold, and all you can do is accept your new fate, as a body to be dumped in a shallow grave, within the soggy swamp.

I didn't ever forget the Heroes taking of the forge. The Fiery Forge that made all of my Redstone golems was taken because the former leader was an oaf. Now I needed to defeat the Heroes. I decided to send the Pillagers, Archers, Conjurers, Vindicators and all the others you can imagine! The Heroes that were there would never see it coming!

If there were any, of course. It turns out the Heroes killed all the Pillagers there, then left after taking the ore. There was no fight. The Heroes had gone away as soon as they got there. They'd been gone for weeks! All we found was two Heroes that were wandering around in the Forgotten Desert. We killed them.

This was bad for my image as the Arch. Id rallied up soldiers-and promised them blood-but couldn't get them their blood. Wise words: "Soldiers who can't fight enemies will turn to fight themselves". Of course, I had possession of the Orb of Dominance, however that was useless to me, and I let it sit by itself. I knew it was a bad omen to have it in my hand, and I scarcely used it ever. I was aware of what it did to people, mentally. The one major time I used it was when one particular Illager stood up one day and called me out as a worse fighter than he. I debated annihilating him then and there, but I remembered my humanity then. I was maybe the leader of the greatest group in the Overword, but I couldn't just eviscerate people whenever I pleased. I was still good. I was trying my best to be a good person.

Regarding the buffoon that called me I still intended to show him my supremacy. I challenged him, knowing that if he was a better fighter, he'd prove it now. As soon as his sword was pulled out, and he stood the with it aimed at me, I-without flinching-smirked and had the Orb fire a beam that turned his sword to nothing more than simple voxels. The once full sword was now dozens of cuboids on the regal rug on my floor. Then he pulled out an evocation spellbook. I set that on fire instantly, before doing the same to his robes. then he admitted he was wrong and fled. I haven't seen his face since then. Every month or so I wonder what happened to him.

The came along the people issues. I tried to get a decent person to be some form of advisor. I ended up getting one that I liked. His name was Edgar, and he was a faithful Illager whom had raised to the rank of Diamond Armoured Swordsman. Edgar loved to get me whatever I wanted. Often, He'd be with me as I watched ominously from a balcony over my marching troops. He was one person I always looked to and heeded when making laws. One day I asked him if I should make a fancy form of Guard to protect the Arch personally. I recall his reply, it was very exuberant, but was a solid "yes''. He was always besides me. He somewhat replaced the Orb of Dominance as my head advisor, and Walda was demoted to be a brewer. She'd make potions from then on.

Remember that my soldiers were itching for the fight against the Heroes. And so, I stood there, on my balcony from the castle called Highblock. There I spoke: "You people have been asking for a fight!? You have asked for a Heroes head? I'm telling you that you can soon have thirty Hero heads!! thirty!!" I raised my fist at that point. This was met with the soldiers-all standing in columns-beginning to do the same. "I will give you victory! We took the Forge back! now we'll take over all of Dominance Island!! We will fight in the Pastures of the Orange Fields! There are dozens of Heroes there! We will attack in six days from now!" Then I ended my speech promptly.

We began to march towards the fields the Villagers called home. We gathered first our crossbows, then the axes and swords. I was there. I was giving orders as to what the plan was for when we arrived. I told my soldiers that we were going to circle the town, then we would close inwards. We did so, and quickly found ourselves amongst the Iron Golems we planned for. But not just the Golems, but also sever Heroes. Four by my count, though other stories tell numbers as high as six.

The Heroes were of much strength and could easily overpower our Illager forces. I saw a Hero kill one of my soldiers with just two swift hits from a sword of iron. Only two hits. The golems fell rather easily, but to my dismay the Heroes were far more perseverant! For every one Hero we killed, they killed six of my soldiers. This was a battle that would have been possible to win, but also one that'd make heavy losses for my side if we did take the victory. I decided to retreat. I promised the Illagers victory but gave them a loss. It was time to make a weapon that even the Heroes would fear.

As I marched to my throne, I noticed several people to be looking at me. Judging me. Whispering to each other. They were disappointed. I was just having become the Arch, and I'd gone the way of every other politician. I promised them a win and gave them a hundred dead Illagers. All to be buried within the Creepy Crypt within my home woods. The funeral was long, and there was very little sun, due to the dense trees. We ventured into the vast mausoleum where many long dead Illager soldiers could be seen. Many of them had their uniforms decayed by now. The candles were lit, and you could feel the air was danker, but not just danker, in addition to that it was eerie. The halls were dark and smelled like corpses. Water dripped from above. We passed hundreds of tomes before reaching the place we wanted to find. We buried the dead soldiers in a tome and left. The ceremonies lasted for about three hours. Then it became time for me to move on. On to the Fiery Forge where I could hope to make an abhorrent creature...

I needed something worse than a Redstone Golem... or ever a Redstone Monstrosity! I wanted to finish what the old Arch had begun. He made a monster so terrible that Heroes struggles to fight it. That monster is the Monstrosity of course. Now I'll finish what he started... What if you take a stronger material... But use the same schematic?

Now was the time to go to my throne. I demanded a map be brought to me. I knew where I could find a strong and resistant material... I was there... The island where I fought my first real war. The Isle of the Howling peaks! Even though I stayed for only a part of it remember it vividly. People tend to notice little things during a trauma causing incident. I think it's fair to say there was some trauma gained there. I saw several Illagers get impaled and tossed of cliffs. For me I noticed that there were many beetroots, and that there was lots of special wood types there. I also noticed an abundance of something very unique. Something exceptionally rare. Obsidian.

I threw the map onto a wooden table. There I peered at it, and did realize I was right about the abundance of obsidian... Now just how to get it...

If you have made it so far as to here, I would like to congratulate you for reading the 5,000 words I've written. I'd also like to mention that you've caught up to the present day. Even I don't know if I'll succeed in my venture. But surely, I'll continue to write once I know. Farewell.

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09/10/2023 8:38 am
Level 30 : Artisan Goblin
bigotato's Avatar
09/10/2023 12:30 am
Level 42 : Master Enderdragon
SpellmakerTheHybrid's Avatar
09/09/2023 2:41 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Tempesyad05's Avatar
Great story, Bringing up Illagers to Life with a Great Story. Great job, 8/10
09/08/2023 6:29 pm
Level 41 : Master Wolf Wolf
ItzOrangey's Avatar
You wrote all of this? Impressive!
09/08/2023 6:17 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
This is awesome!

I definitely didn't get sneak peak while this was still being written

Also, I'm probably gonna add this to IGEBM lore, with some minor edits. :D

(And I'll read this later, seeing as I have several Q&A questions to answer for my own subscriber special)
09/08/2023 6:08 pm
He/Him • Level 32 : Artisan Musician
Wagnerbaum's Avatar
woah... L O N G
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