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Music Review: Blurryface (twenty one pilots)

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Punkamoar's Avatar Punkamoar
Retired Moderator
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
twenty one pilots


Beginning thoughts -
I really like twenty one pilots. They're doing something that not many people are doing in this current musical age. So just a warning, most of the thoughts on these tracks will be positive, but I will flesh out some negatives if I can.



"Gangsters don't cry"

This is a great starter track. It starts the entire album off with an upbeat vibe, which peters into a more soulful and longing chorus. It's a simply brilliant song, crying out for someone to "Save my heavy dirty soul".

The drums, provided by Josh Dun, are incredible to say the least. As an avid drummer, it simply astounds me that he can do the things he does. Joseph Tyler gives the vocals, a stunning conglomerate of punk-rock, alternative, and hip-hop.

They even add in an ode against suicide: "Death inspires me like a dog - Inspires a rabbit."

Though compared to some of the latter songs, this track feels slightly out of place. It has a slightly higher beat, and the entire thing feels faster than most of the following songs.

I rate this track at 7/10.

Stressed Out
"My name's Blurryface - and I care what you think"

A much slower track than the first, detailing Joseph Tyler's want of a simpler age (like childhood). In the opening lines, he sings: "I wish I found some sounds no ones ever heard - I wish I had a better voice to sing some better words" clearly identifying the difficulty that every musician has.

This track also details Tyler's insecurity, and as an artist, I can totally concur with this sentiment. It is extremely unnerving for thousands of people to hear your voice, or to read your words, or to see your artwork. But it is something that all artists must come to and break past.

There is a music video too, which can be enjoyed here

This is one of my favorite tracks, and I rate it at 8/10

"I'm boring - so I'm taking my time on my ride"

Dang, this is one of my absolute favorite tracks on this album. It grapples with some tough questions, like self-sacrifice "I'd die for you - that's easy to say", and who you would sacrifice yourself for: "Who would you live for - who would you die for? - would you ever kill?".

It also deals with artists feeling unrelevant: "I'm boring - so I'm taking my time on my ride". A feeling that every artist has, had, or will have in their life.

Yet another track with a music video, found here

A solid track deserving a solid 8.5/10

Fairly Local
"Is that who I truly am?"

. Tyler and Dun adopt a dysoptian tone for this track, making it feel much more dark. The idea behind it is this "I'm evil to the core - what I shouldn't do I will / I'm not evil to the core - what I shouldn't do, I will fight." Breaking out of the rat-race, standing up for what's right. A very solid song.

It was the first single released off of this album, for very good reason.

I rate it 8/10

Tear in My Heart
"I'm driving here I sit - Cursing my government - For not using my taxes - To fill holes with more cement"

A rather upbeat and happy-sounding song, dictating a girl being "the tear in my heart", i.e his heart is falling for her. It also deals with a slightly more.. ahem.. graphic depiction of this: "She's a carver - She's a butcher with a smile - Cut me farther - Then I've ever been".

Not the best song ever, but definitely better than most of the stuff on the radio.

A peppy song deserving a 7.75/10

Lane Boy
"Don't trust a perfect person - and don't trust a song that's flawless"

This is one of the more popular songs recently, due to the music video recently being released. This might be my all-time favorite song from this album.

I love this song because it really digs deep into what we idolize. "Don't trust a perfect person - and don't trust a song that's flawless". It's easy to think of these as the higher regard, but it's impossible to be perfect, or to create something perfect.

This track has a lot of instrumental parts, which can get kinda boring after listening for a while. But it's still a great song, and has a great video to go along with it. Enjoy it here

Another upbeat song, earning a 9/10

The Judge
"I'm a pro at imperfections - and I'm best friends with my doubt"

Yet another poke at the fickleness of the human person. Stereotyping: "When the leader of the bad guys sang - Something soft and soaked in pain". And later on, Tyler sings "I don't know if this one - Is about me or the Devil", yet again nudging at our tendencies for thinking ourselves evil.

He also sings: "And I hide behind my mouth - I'm a pro at imperfections - and I'm best friends with my doubt", hinting at how behind his music, he is still a human, with all the messed-up things that follow.

And, as a change, Tyler plays a ukulele.

Another grand track, and I'm giving it a 8.5/10

"Don't forget about me"

This is a song about doubt. No kidding.

This is a really hard track to describe, but I'll do my best. I imagine it to be more of a plea to someone to "don't forget about me". And then Tyler goes through and lists a lot of reasons why that person might forget about him, and continues to plea.

A very nice song, whereas really enigmatic. I'll give it a good 7/10

"I wanted to be a brother, better son - A better adversary to the evil I have done"

This song is primarily about Tyler singing for someone to help him "polarize", which can be translated in the rest of the song. "I wanted to be a better brother, better son", "Wanted to be a better adversary to the evil I have done." The rest is open to interpretation.

Another song that's really hard to explain, I'll also give it a 7/10

We Don't Believe What's On TV
"I don't care what's in your hair - I just wanna know what's on your mind"

This is a peppy song, once again featuring Tyler on ukulele.

This is a conglomerate of a love song: "I used to say 'I want to die before I'm old', but because of you I might think twice", and a warning: "We don't believe whats on TV - because it's what we want to see". An odd mix, to say the least.

The randomness melds with the haphazard ukulele well, actually.

I give it a 7.5/10

Message Man
"Please use disgression when you're messing with the Message Man"

This song goes hand-in-hand with Doubt. Doubt was a very consciencious, cautious approach to it, whereas Message Man is a caution: "Please use disgression when you're messing with the Message Man".

It also hearkens back to Vessel (their previous album) in the third verse, in a refreshing way. Beyond that, the track has a post-apocalyptic feel to it, which is not quite as refreshing.

A solid track, with a solid 8/10

"Where we from, there's no sun - Our hometown's in the dark"

This track has a dysoptian feel to it, along with a splash of disco in at the end. The song details the debauchery of Tyler's hometown: "Where we're from, there's no sun - Our hometown's in the dark"

As with Lane Boy, the outro can get a little long, so I'll give it 7.5/10

Not Today
"You - are outta my mind"

An upbeat song, kyboshed by Tyler: "This songs a contradiction - because of how happy it sounds - but the lyrics are so down". He also goes on and says: "It's who I think I am right now". For those who are confused, he is saying that he looks good on the outside, but he's not on the inside - yet another prod at over-modesty.

I personally like this song, so how about 8/10

"I've got two faces - Blurry's the one I'm not"

This song almost sounds out of place. Mainly piano, a stark contrast to the epic melodies and drum tracks done by Tyler and Dun. But they do it so well, I don't even care.

Tyler calls out to whoever might be listening: "Don't let me be gone", and "I'm a goner, somebody catch my breath." He does it so powerfully, I love it.

In the end, it picks up almost a metal vibe, which totally works somehow.

I love this song, there's not anything wrong with it, 9/10


Joseph Tyler and Josh Dun fit no category. Someone had to make a new genre that they fit in, because they didn't in any others. But what makes Twenty One Pilots stand out, is that in the face of the entire pop music industry, they aren't singing about depressing/inappropriate topics, or complete nonsense. These guys are actually contributing to the world, which is something the rest of the music industry could stand to take a lesson from.

I know there are two bonus tracks exclusive to Japan, which I did not listen to/or review. I'm sorry.

Blurryface debuted at #1 on the Billboards 200 chart.

I used Spotify to listen to this album.
CreditZatharel, Chron,

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07/27/2016 10:31 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
KatTheFangirl's Avatar
|-/ Stay alive.
01/31/2016 1:43 pm
Level 45 : Master Theorist
Averli's Avatar
I recently started listening to TØP, this is the first album I heard. They're awesome! And all these songs! =D
My personal favs are Doubt, Ride, Tear In My Heart, Lane Boy, and Fairly Local. c: (Wait, is that half the album... .-. )

I also really like their cover of Jar Of Hearts.

Edit: I've heard all their albums and omw I'm in love ØvØ
08/04/2015 8:49 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Mage
TwinTailedGamer's Avatar
I honestly enjoyed the review. I personally am not the biggest fan of Twenty One Pilots (when it comes to duos I am more of a Royal Blood and The White Stripes person) but it was still enjoyable ^-^
08/05/2015 1:31 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
Yeah, Twenty One Pilots isn't for everyone, but thanks anyway :D
08/04/2015 2:30 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Cookie
oh_wow333's Avatar
Whish we could turn back time to the good old days
08/04/2015 4:33 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
when the mama sang us to sleep, but now we're stressed out
08/03/2015 9:30 pm
He/Him • Level 59 : Grandmaster Waffle Wizard
Fred's Avatar
I was really dissapointed in this album in comparison to Vessel. I liked all the songs on Vessel, but on Blurryface I only liked four songs Stressed Out, Tear In My Hear, The Judge and Polarize. But that's just me.
07/27/2016 10:32 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
KatTheFangirl's Avatar
me too i was introduce by my sis and i heard blurryface first but i really like vessel and self titled.
its still good but i prefer those. |-/
08/03/2015 9:40 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
I enjoyed Vessel, but I was introduced to 21P with Blurryface, so of course I'm bias xD
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