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Movie Review - Avengers Age of Ultron

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GrayRemnant's Avatar GrayRemnant
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Hello there ladies and gentlemen, Gray Remnant here!  Today I’m doing my first ever film review, and it’s Avengers Age of Ultron.  Please watch the provided video or read the blog below to see my thoughts on the movie.  It will be divided into two sections: a brief, spoiler-free critique, followed by an in-depth plot synopsis with my thoughts sprinkled in.

I want to start this review by saying that if you liked The Avengers, or just Marvel films in general, then I highly doubt you’re going to dislike this film.  It’s not a departure, a change from the norm, or anything of that nature.  Having said that, there are distinctions between Age of Ultron and its predecessor that make this a slightly different viewing experience.

In The Avengers there was never any introductions.  We were thrust into the plot of the film almost immediately.  This is because The Avengers was a sort of culmination-sequel of films that had already been made.  We’d already seen Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Bruce Banner, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Nick Fury from their respective franchises.  We’d even met the main villain (Loki) before, which left no burden of introductions upon Joss Whedon’s shoulders.

This form of freedom allowed the Avengers to get straight to the point and clip along very fluidly and efficiently.  The result was one of the best comic book movies of all time.  This time around, however, there were introductions.  We saw four new main characters in Age of Ultron, all of which we’d never seen before (save for a cameo appearance by the Maximoff twins in Winter Soldier).

Unlike The Avengers, that began without a prologue and without delay, there’s a fairly lengthy prologue in Age of Ultron.  It is here that the plot is set up, and three of the new characters are introduced.  There’s a fairly lengthy scene in this portion of the film that drags noticeably.  It’s a much slower-paced intro than the one we experienced back in 2012.

Again, in the film’s second act, we encounter another slow-paced, longer than necessary scene that leaves the viewer hanging.  It is these interruptions in the plot that both ruin the fluidity that we saw in The Avengers, and contributes to Age of Ultron's 141 minute run time.  Instead of the tasty nugget we savored in The Avengers, we now have something far more chewy, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

The upside of this is that the plot is far more developed and more intricate than the first film.  There are a lot more twists and turns and a lot more questions asked and answered.  This is the thing I really like about Age of Ultron; I was far more intrigued and absorbed by the plot than I was in the original.

But plot isn’t everything; there are also character interactions and character arcs that need to be weighed in.  In The Avengers I felt like the character interactions were perfect.  It was far more entertaining and interesting to see the Avengers fight and engage in banter with each other, than it was to see the arbitrary ‘Avengers vs Chitauri’ battle sequences (don’t get me wrong, I loved the last battle scene).

Here in Age of Ultron, however, it’s mostly just the Avengers vs Ultron.  There’s a grand total of two scenes where the Avengers fight amongst each other, and it’s very toned down and civil compared to its predecessor.  There’s still no shortage of one-liners and comical dialogue, however.  Less than The Avengers, but still plentiful as ever.

The acting was solid, even from Aaron Taylor-Johnson.  I have to say, I was worried about him, given his history in film, but even he was decent in this.  Elizabeth Olsen was awesome as Scarlet Witch.  That’s all I’ll say about that.

And then we have Ultron.  James Spader was obviously the perfect choice for the role, but honestly he played it much differently than I thought he would.  Ultron is about as nutty as can be.  He’s not the coherent mastermind we’re used to seeing, but rather a raving, muttering lunatic with an incredibly twisted ideology.  That said, he’s probably my favorite Marvel villain to date.

Of course, with all Marvel films, it all comes down to the final battle sequence.  Age of Ultron winds down in epic fashion.  In comparison to the final battle in The Avengers, I have to say I liked this one a bit more.  Not because it was epic, but rather because the imminence of Earth’s demise was much more prominent.  The Chitauri just didn’t feel like a match for the Avengers, but Ultron’s master plan seems quite insurmountable and quite threatening in comparison.

Overall, I left my theater satisfied.  I didn’t expect Age of Ultron to exceed its predecessor, and it didn’t.  But, nonetheless, it was a worthy sequel and one that I enjoyed immensely.  It had just enough humor and just enough darkness to balance out in the end, and I would see it twice just for the thrill.

Since this is my first review, I’m unsure of how I’m going to rate this.  Let’s just go with the standard four-star rating system.  I’ll give Age of Ultron a full 3 stars.  For reference, I would have given The Avengers a score of 3 and a half stars, and I would have given The Dark Knight the full 4 stars.


Thank you very much for reading!  What follows is a spoiler-packed synopsis.  Please stop reading if you haven’t seen the film and don’t want to be spoiled.  See you guys later!

-Gray Remnant

Warning Spoilers!
Alright then, lets get into the meat of this film.  We start with the Hydra base seen at the end of Winter Soldier under attack.  Soldiers are panicking and running about, but Baron Wolfgang von Strucker is convinced he’ll emerge victorious (why do they always think that?).  Granted, he is played by Fegelein, so maybe the master of antics will emerge victorious.

Minutes later, it sure doesn’t seem like that’s going to be the case.  The Avengers storm the outpost, blowing up bunkers, cracking skulls, and throwing motorcycles, while Iron Man raids the castle.  It is around this point that the Maximoff twins decide to join the battle.  As Hawkeye tries to blow up a bunker with an explosive arrow, Quicksilver grabs it out of midair and knocks Hawkeye out of cover.  This leads to Hawkeye getting wounded and, with the assistance of the Hulk and Black Widow, is taken back to the Quinjet.


Tony Stark finds a hidden laboratory within the fortress where he finds Loki’s scepter along with one of those massive Chitauri whale-things from the first movie.  However, Scarlet Witch casts some sort of spell on him, which prompts a nightmare vision.  Stark sees a desolate and destroyed Earth with the sprawled bodies of the Avengers lying in a heap.  Meanwhile, Captain America apprehends Strucker.


Oh, and did I mention that Black Widow now suddenly has electric stinger weapons?  Yeah, they don’t even mention it in the film.  I guess nobody cares.  Oh, and she apparently has the ability to turn the Hulk back into Bruce Banner.  How?  Secret handshake.  Yeah.


So the Avengers, emerging victorious, return to Stark’s tower.  Tony decides to have a look at the scepter, and quickly learns that it’s housing some sort of dormant AI interface.  Fearing that his earlier vision of Earth’s destruction will come true, he makes the brilliant decision to use this alien AI to create a peace keeping robot.  Smart.  What could go wrong?


I don’t usually say the word ‘plothole’.  Frankly, I think it’s one of the dumbest, most overused words on the internet these days.  But I’ve got to make an exception here; this is just plain stupid.  I realize that Tony wants to prevent the decimation of all life on Earth, but come on.  He’s playing with a computer program that he only just discovered within a weapon that was previously being used to conquer and enslave Earth.


So, of course, Tony and Banner decide to try to integrate this AI into the Ultron program.  Of course, Tony has to leave to attend a party . . . of course.  That’s convenient.  So the Avengers party, and we discover that Black Widow is now suddenly attracted to Banner (I don’t know where that came from). I guess we’re just supposed to accept the stingers and the love interest without explanation.

Nevertheless, they party and then try to lift Thor’s hammer, all unsuccessful (though there is a moment where Captain America almost does it).  Meanwhile, Jarvis manages to integrate the Chitauri AI into the Ultron program, which has unintended consequences.  I swear I’m not making this up.  Literally 5 seconds after the birth of Ultron he decides he wants to wipe out mankind.  5 seconds.


I have to admit, I went into the theater thinking that Ultron’s character development would be a bit more complex than that.  Oh, and Ultron tries to kill Jarvis; just cuz.

So, Ultron creates some makeshift drones and crashes the Avenger’s party, raving like a lunatic and muttering things about strings and peace and murder.  The Avengers destroy the drones without taking casualties.  Of course, someone takes the moment to ask the pertinent question: “Tony, what did you do?”.  A very awkward ‘I was just trying to help’ standoff ensues.  Thor makes the very good point that what Tony did was extremely asinine.  Tony, prideful as ever, respectfully disagrees.


The Avengers immediately decide to track down Ultron, who has escaped through the internet, by questioning Strucker.  Turns out Ultron already killed him (that was fast).  So, they go to the next best thing, Strucker’s BFF Ulysses Klaue who’s mining vibranium in a shipyard somewhere in Africa.


Unfortunately, Ultron (who has now joined forces with the Maximoff twins; turns out Tony accidentally killed their parents) beats them to it, and demands that Klaue hand over all the vibranium to him.  Klaue refuses, which prompts Ultron to magically move billions of dollars into Klaue’s bank account.  Klaue happily hands over the vibranium, but makes the mistake of drawing some tenuous correlation between Ultron and Tony Stark.  Ultron doesn’t like that, and consequently karate chops Klaue’s arm off.  Ouch.

The Avengers arrive and confront Ultron who babbles some more about how humans are bad, before attacking them.  The Maximoff twins join the fight along with some Ultron drones.  There’s this magical moment where Quicksilver see’s Thor’s hammer flying through the air and makes the poor decision of trying to grab it.  Hilarity ensues.

Iron Man destroys the lead Ultron bot, but realizes that Ultron can just jump between bodies (very problematic).  Scarlet Witch casts spells on Thor, Iron Man, Black Widow, and Hulk, which results in some nightmarish dream states for the former three, and a raging temper tantrum for the latter.


Iron Man summons some sort of flying device that shoots spare parts at him, transforming him into the Hulkbuster.  A fight ensues that, I’m guessing, causes billions of dollars in damage to the city they happen to be in.  Afterwards, the Avengers decide to lay low because, well, Ultron wants to kill them, and Banner is now an international fugitive.


They go to Hawkeye’s secluded home where they meet his pregnant wife and two children.  This is that boring, plodding, second-act scene I was referring to earlier.  Nick Fury arrives to offer a pep talk, Banner and Black Widow discuss running away together, and Tony and Captain America engage in friendly banter while chopping wood.  Tony utters the funniest line of the movie: “Don’t take from my pile”.


Realizing that Ultron is headed for South Korea to enlist the help of bio-regenerative scientist Helen Cho in creating a new body for him.  She resists at first, but Ultron somehow obtained the scepter in the previous battle, and promptly uses it on her.  Basically, through some sort of magical, unspecified scientific procedure, she uses the regenerative tissue technology, fused with the vibranium to create a metal-organic body in this weird metal box.

Ultron removes a yellow stone from within Loki’s scepter and places it in the new body’s forehead.  Turns out it’s the mind stone (I know, wrong color, deal with it).  Scarlet Witch touches the metal box and sees Ultron’s master plan of wiping out humanity.  The twins aren’t sold on the whole idea (mostly because they’re human themselves) and flee.  Scarlet Witch removes the scepter's hold over Cho before she goes, which prompts Ultron to kill everybody before taking leave with the box.


The Avengers ambush Ultron as he’s en route back to Sokovia (the Hydra base from the first scene).  They manage to get the box, but Black Widow is taken hostage by Ultron.  The twins join forces with the Avengers, and head back to Stark’s tower.

Tony makes the brilliant decision of trying to upload Jarvis into this new vibranium body, which makes Banner highly skeptical.  After all, they had just tried the same exact thing 24 hours ago, and it backfired horribly.  Tony spins some crap about being mad scientists and ‘owning it’ and convinces Banner that this horrible idea is actually a good one.

  Fortunately, Captain America arrives with the twins.  Realizing what Tony is trying to do, he promptly asks Tony if he’s lost his mind.  Tony tries spinning the same crap which doesn’t go over well.  Quicksilver unplugs the machine and prevents the upload, but Thor comes crashing through the ceiling and completes the upload himself by shooting lightning at the machine.  I don’t understand how shocking a computer with electricity increases upload speed, but whatever.

Vision emerges from the box and the Avengers quickly ask Thor why he did something so amazingly stupid.  Thor says that the stone in Vision’s head is an infinity stone, one of six.  He says that the stones are important and need to be safeguarded from evil.  Vision says that he wants to help destroy Ultron, but the team is skeptical.  Vision makes a compelling argument, and hands Thor his hammer.  The team stares awestruck as Thor stands bewildered.  I guess Vision is king of Asgard now.

The team decides to take on Ultron back in Sokovia, but Ultron has outfitted his body with a vibranium shell (kinda like a protective iphone case).  Oh, and he’s created a device capable of lifting the entire city out of the ground, and then letting it plummet back down to Earth, wiping out mankind like a meteor.  I don’t know why he didn’t just go with nukes, but okay.


The final battle ensues and the team simultaneously fights Ultron and his drones, prevents him from pushing the button that would send the floating landmass falling down to Earth, and evacuates the citizens.  The plan is to have Iron man and Thor overload the vibranium reactor and vaporize the landmass.  Fury shows up with the helicarrier from the first film and helps with the evacuation.


Hawkeye goes to rescue a child from a building, but comes under fire from Ultron (who has somehow commandeered the Quintet).  Quicksilver dashes over and shields them from the bullets, dying in the process.  The team morns for all of five seconds and then tosses his body on one of the transports.

The Hulk jumps up to the Quinjet, goes in, and gleefully throws Ultron out.  Scarlet Witch, who’s job was to protect the button from the Ultron drones, decides to take vengeance on Ultron for killing her brother.  She rips his robot heart from his body, but because of her apparent forgetfulness in regards to her aforementioned job, a drone pushes the button, which causes the city to plummet.


Thor and Iron Man execute their plan at the last moment, vaporizing the city.  Vision rescues Scarlet Witch, and the team suffers no casualties.  Except for Quicksilver.  Who cares.

Vision then confronts the last Ultron drone and tries to reason with him, but Ultron won’t have it.  He’s still angry at humanity for unknown reasons and believes that they’re doomed.  Vision agrees that they’re doomed, but stresses that that’s not a very good reason to kill them.  Ultron, remaining defiant, attacks Vision, but is destroyed in the process.

The Hulk remains on the Quinjet, turns off the tracking system, and lets it glide over the ocean.  His fate is uncertain.  The last scene of the film is the team training their new recruits (Rhodey, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, and Vision) at a new base.

The post credits scene is Thanos obtaining the infinity gauntlet, while saying something like “Fine, I’ll do it myself”.  Looks like it’s about to hit the fan.

That’s about it.  Hope you enjoyed reading this, and I hope you enjoyed the film.  Bye guys.

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07/23/2015 6:02 pm
Level 47 : Master Network
Linkini's Avatar
lol, you are indeed creative in making review in PMC. Not a bad thing, its just, lol. Still love you.
07/23/2015 6:15 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
Lol, thanks!
06/14/2015 2:50 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Miner
inxsone's Avatar
I gotta say I was disappointed that SPOILER:

Quicksilver dies too fast (LOL pun) He's only a main character in one movie, maybe in Civil War they could kill him but one movie...seriously Marvel. Groot already died in one film. That and the whole Thor going to the pond-thing was completely pointless and unnecessary.
06/14/2015 5:46 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
I was okay with it, purely because I dislike Aaron Taylor-Johnson.  He's not really an actor I want hanging around long-term.  If it were Evan Peters (like in Days of Future Past), then I'd be upset.
06/14/2015 5:55 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Miner
inxsone's Avatar
Yeah, I love the Future Past one.
06/14/2015 2:54 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Miner
inxsone's Avatar
Oh yeah, and Ultron's design was kind of dissappointing. I expected it to look like this: [url=www.blastr.com/sites/blastr/files/styles/blog_post_media/public/Sideshow Full Size Comiquette - Ultron 0001_0.jpg?itok=MCTIuHYS]www.blastr.com/sites/blastr/files/styles/blog_post_media/public/Sideshow Full Size Comiquette - Ultron 0001_0.jpg?itok=MCTIuHYS[/url].

I will never get used to Tony Stark's new JARVIS-type voice.
06/14/2015 5:47 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
Yeah, they had to change Ultron's appearance because he wasn't created by Hank Pym in the film.  Can't have him looking totally like Ant-Man, without any actual connection to him.
06/13/2015 11:37 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Strawberry
Orreh's Avatar
I won't argue with the 3 stars, but I found it a very amazing movie with very many comic book tie-ins. (CA: Civil war will have more, depending on how closely related it is to the comic book series.)
The soundtrack was excellent! -I bought it a week after I saw the movie and listen to it all the time. It's really nice to listen to while writing history papers.- 
The relationship between Romanoff and Banner I thought was well developed. (It was well-carried out because of the good acting. I had doubts about it, being I was an extreme Clintasha shipper. After seeing the scenes with Clint's family, though, I fully accepted Hulktasha)
Now, many fans complain this movie has a lack of Henry Pym. Personally, I HATE Pym, and thought the movie proceeded just fine without him. However, this movie had a sufficient lack of Janet van Dyne....
In my opinion, I thought this movie was much better than The Avengers, which strayed far from the comic books. But, I have a thing about the after-credits scene in The Avengers for you diehard comicers: "Humanity will court Death." Is this poetry, or will Thano's universe destruction be bent on the woman he loves and longs to impress like in the comics?
Anyway, I thought this was a great movie and would have given it four stars.
06/14/2015 11:09 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
From an entertainment standpoint, it was a very successful film.  I just wish they had taken a bit more time to develop Ultron's character.  It seemed like a bit of a missed opportunity to me.
06/14/2015 1:26 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Strawberry
Orreh's Avatar
Well, we all knew Ultron would die. This movie also had an hour or so cut out from it (Which will actually come with the dvd when it comes out! Yay!) which may have been time to further develop the character, probably along with the Maximoff twins.
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