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Minecraft Theory: Origin of The Witches

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CreeperLadMC's Avatar CreeperLadMC
Level 56 : Grandmaster Slime Tamer
As most of you swamp-dwellers would know, apart from gigantic living boogers (slimes), witches are also common monsters found at night in swamps, and also occasionally in other biomes. However, here's the thing - witches, with their long noses and grumpy expressions and also their glued-together arms, resemble villagers in almost an uncanny manner. This leads to the question of the day: WHAT DO WITCHES ACTUALLY HAVE TO DO WITH VILLAGERS, and where did they actually originate from?

As you all know, creepers, when struck by lightning, will become charged; villagers, likewise, will be transformed into witches upon being struck by lightning. This led me thinking that the two of them simply must have some sort of relationship. Maybe witches are corrupt versions of our favorite NPCs? Or maybe witches actually ARE another type of villagers?

The first theory is actually quite reasonable; after all, as I've said earlier, lightning-struck villagers are transformed into witches, suggesting that witches are actually the alter egos of the harmless villagers. However, here's the thing - when more than a single lightning-bolt strikes the same villager, the same number of witches will appear. Now, what does THIS imply?

The second theory, that witches are simply another type of villagers, is also quite plausible. Well, they might have been once, but they certainly are not now, considering that villagers will run away from witches and that witches will automatically engage Iron Golems in combat. The diversion of witches and villagers, in my opinion, could have been due to the following reasons:

1) The villagers opposed to witchery and alchemy; when trading with villagers, you'll notice that, although they DO sell enchanted items, they, however, will never sell potions or brewing-related items for emeralds.

2) The witches turned on the villagers. The witches' potion-brewing suggests that they tend to crave for power very much, as the whole reason behind their brewing is to obtain themselves special powers. This might have led to their attack on the puny villagers for their dominance over them.

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Oka Cola
07/15/2016 7:56 am
Level 41 : Master Wolf
Oka Cola's Avatar
this is a good theory!
07/15/2016 8:33 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Slime Tamer
CreeperLadMC's Avatar
07/13/2016 4:32 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
HaruNoTaizai's Avatar
This makes a lot of sense, and your theories are quite plausible.
My personal theory is that Witches are simply Villagers that turned to magic, alchemy, witchcraft, etc. for power, as in many ACTUAL real life fairy tales.

Given that Villagers turn into Witches once they come into contact with lightning, not ALL Witches wanted to become a Witch, simply they were cursed to be one once they came in contact with lightning.

Another thing to think about: if a Witch is near a village, is it a cursed Villager simply wanting to go home? Or is it a Witch ready to attach Villagers?

Overall, your theories are great! (And I love the picture :3)
07/14/2016 4:40 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Slime Tamer
CreeperLadMC's Avatar
Thanks! By the way, answering your question: it's probably the latter, as witches WILL automatically attack the friendly Iron Golems upon sight.
07/15/2016 4:15 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
HaruNoTaizai's Avatar
Yeah. I hope to see more theories in the future! :)
07/13/2016 11:13 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
HoneyBeast's Avatar
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