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Minecraft community: Changed for better or worse?

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Innominate's Avatar Innominate
Level 39 : Artisan Vampire
Hello there, what is going on, it's sonicfan0001 here with another blog post.

I thought it appropriate to adress certain topics concerning the Minecraft community. During this, I just want to ask one question to you: What's happened? So, get ready to sit through a small little article (I tried to make it short :D) that I took the time to write simply to raise awareness. Get ready, fasten your seatbelts... erm... just read it.

You may have noticed while recently playing on your favorite survival server an exponential increase in the word "Noob", sometimes used just as an insult. The word "Noob" comes from the word "Newbie", which started in the 1980s. This eventually was shortened to "Newb", then, through some magical wave of a wand, there was "Noob". Not only did we modernize it to something different, but it began to become an insult rather than a small tease, especially in games such as Minecraft.

It can be pretty disencouraging to
be called a Noob. It hurts your morale, makes you feel like an outsider. Think about the person on the other side of that screen. Just for a moment, tap into their emotions about the word. You're being a bully (Unless you're a troll, in which case you want a reaction even more). I have noticed that over the months and eventual years Minecraft has been around, it has worsened.


If you're a grammar cop like me, you've definetly noticed this. I'm not encouraging people to pull out their dictionaries and learn every word. As a matter of fact, common mispellings are OK. But, here are some examples of what I mean: FITE ME IRL BRAH. U LOK GUD DOOD. See what I mean? Mispelling on purpose, plus the obnoxious all caps technique. Just a small thing, but please: Try to improve your vocabulary. ;)

Troll lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
Now we get into the main part: Griefing/trolling. Nothing in Minecraft pisses me off more than a troll, which is what they want. A simple troll that doesn't do much harm, OK. But a griefer who makes something you spent weeks working on look like complete crap, you're gonna get a bit mad. This is why I encourage creative servers to use either plots or claimable land, so people have to be added to do anything. I don't feel this needs any more explaining, trolls are just annoying.

Lack of empathy
I recall one time, I kept hearing sirens nearby, thinking they were passing the neighborhood. I looked outside and saw them in our yard, our neighbor's attic was aflare. 7 fire trucks lined the road. I instantly typed into the chat on the Minecraft server I was on what was happening, and anyone had any ideas to help. Low and behold, not one person answered, as the chat was being spammed with things like: "NIGHT CLUB NEED BOYS" I'm still angry about that. There is also the scenario of someone posting something (Here or otherwise) related to Minecraft that does really well, and sparks the oppurtunity for hate comments. Once again, the trolls.

Sexism, racism, ageism. Need I say more? People are being these on servers, it needs to stop. That's literally all there is to this.

People on here keep saying that the community on MC Forums is dropping. I agree, but it's starting to happen here, too. Our lovely moderators are trying their best and doing a great job, but things just keep seeping through, be it on a website, ingame, or elsewhere. All I want you to take with you: "Is the community dropping for Minecraft? If so, what can I do to help?"

I'm sure I missed something important, please post if I did in the comments. Also, please forgive me for any typos. Thank you all so much for reading this article!

Remember to diamond and favorite if you liked this, it supports me! Also remember to leave a comment saying what you think. If you like my work, tell me, and possibly subscribe!



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08/30/2014 11:40 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
XelBex's Avatar
Couldn't agree more on the part where you tell people in the server what's happening IRL and they say nothing about it. Angers me to such great extents. And about the part of deliberately misspelling, I agree withat part too. I'm friends with staff members that purposefully and frequently misspell like this "u wanna fit m8 irl." I mean it's funny/fun for a while but if you do it over and over it's like... stop please? :P
08/29/2014 9:19 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
KayeLowMC's Avatar
I feel like you are right, about everything. I mean, telling online people about a tradgedy going on outside isn't a very good idea when you have a phone right next to you. But still, if you saw someone write something like that in the chat, it should really be taken seriously. Not like they want attention and they are troll (lol lol lol lol) ing. And also, the word "Noob" is being used way too often. When i see someone in a steve skin, I tend to leave them be because they are not npc people, they are real people somewhere in the world who will be offended by this. And, the words often used before the word noob is "You're such a..." and then "noob" meant to mean "you dont know much about this game, do you?" Making people feel like they shouldnt be playing because they do not know what they should do first also intimidating them more by knowing that they were just insulted. Minecraft loses population everyday because of this nonsence. just adding on to her article a bit. ;)
08/29/2014 8:53 pm
Level 26 : Expert Grump
IceCream_Sundae's Avatar
If you were asking your fellow Minecrafters about how to help a housefire that had firetrucks there, or arriving shortly, I wouldn't think that's the best place to look for help about a real life issue. Many probably didn't see your comment or ignored it, thinking it was fake or a joke.

I think it would have been better to call 911 (I've heard that the more calls are made into one event, the more serious they treat it, ex. more trucks etc.) or go out and ask neighbours/fire men what you could do to help.
08/29/2014 9:28 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Vampire
Innominate's Avatar
Yes, I knew that it could not help, I wasn't thinking about it. There was no use calling 911, there were 7 fire trucks already there and fixing it.
08/29/2014 4:01 pm
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
butterstrokeboy's Avatar
Well that's the first time I've seen the word ageism in anything.
08/29/2014 4:02 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Vampire
Innominate's Avatar
Well, that's a pro... I guess. :P
08/29/2014 4:00 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Vampire
Innominate's Avatar
Thanks for getting this article to the main page pop reel! I appreciate the support for this article an the issue it entails.
08/29/2014 8:28 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Dragon
samkee00's Avatar
Noob and newb are now used as seperate words, at least in my experience, noob being the offensive "you suck at this game" word and newb being just, well, a newbie or new player.
08/29/2014 8:19 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Explorer
ThePopcornKings's Avatar
Kudos to you.
08/29/2014 5:26 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Answer
DoctorBuster's Avatar
Agree with you SonicFan. I am not sure but i think the comunnity got wasted because of the small kids, you know like 8- 10 year olds. Almost on every server i go, there is atleast a few people who start swearing or griefing. I got griefed on a server a few weeks ago, by 2 people i trusted. Sure i don't know them in real life. But they came across so friendly.
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