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Making a Multiplayer map Server freindly

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hooptiecoupe's Avatar hooptiecoupe
Level 43 : Master Network
I've been playing minecraft for a long time, and have have the privlage of
owning and operating my own Minecraft server for over 2 years now.
In running my own server, i've come to understand HOW running a server works.
from modded servers, to vanilla servers.

One thing i've learned is that nearly 100% of server owners are going to use bukkit or spigot
on there server to help prevent grief issues.

In the past few months, i've come to discover a conflict that arises
between map makers who design maps to be played in multiplayer settings.
and server owners who run a community.

In the precideing pages, i wish to outline some details that might help
map makers who design maps to be played ON servers to understand
what issues server owners have when uploading your map on there server to
play it with freinds. So, lets get started!

The following tutroials will assume and consider 3 things.

1 - That the server owner is using a plugin to allow for multiple worlds
why?.. because he dosnt want to delete his main map that everyone plays on.)
for the purpose of this article will mention multiverse as its the most common popular
multiworld plugin

2 - That he is using SPIGOT (since bukkit is mostly obselete now)

3 - That the server owner is unaware of these issues and is going to assume that your map is broken. Because he may be an inexperinced server owner and so simply does not know these things about using multiverse or multiworld type plugins

#1 - Scoreboards
As a map maker, you might naturally assume that once you create a scoreboard for teams or whatever..
that theres nothing else you need to do, since its in the .DAT folder information of your map.

and, you would be right.. but wrong at the same time.

Multiverse will only read the scoreboard.dat file from the world folder called "WORLD"
so, when your map is loaded up to be played as a multiplayer map it will essentialy be
broken on the server since the scoreboards are now missing, or wont load up.
there in the folder.. however multiverse wont read them. onlty form the WORLD folder.
The server owner, might be unaware of this issue and think that your map is basically useless.
Or, if he's like me and as discovered this understanding on his own... Henow has a new option. he can

A) Manullay enter in all your scores and teams and set them up they way you have them.
however, if you've made a map with 100 scoreboards and teams.. He likely wont do that.

B) He can replace his the scoreboard.dat file in the WORLD folder with yours.
Again however, this creates a NEW issue. What about scoreboards the server owner
made for games he's been working on?  or if he has scoreboards loaded up from another
game on the server?

Thus, the server Owner is forced to NOT use your map or help support it.
Since, its JUST not useable on his server.

Simply create a command block that will create the scoreboards and teams once its loaded up on a server.
This is good if for instance, perhaps the server owner replaces or deletes a need/important scoreboard.

 This can also be useful for you as you can visually see and EDIT your scoreboards easier.
This way, all the player has to do is press a button, and all the scoreboards and teams
have been created and added to the WORLD/ Scoreboard.dat file
#2 - super fast clocks
In Vanilla minecraft, when a chunk unloads that has a superfast clock
(I.E. one command places redstone, another command destroys it.. in micoseconds.
allowing /testfor and other commands to be run for the game in microseconds.)
the superfast clock continues to run when the chunk is loaded back up.

However, on multiverse, Its a bit diffrent.
The first world to load up is alwasy the 'WORLD' folder. Then.. everything else.
for some reason ( unknown to me) superfast clock STOP working when the chunk loads back up.
it will either be stuck with the stone block, or the redstone block. But.. its stopped.
and it as to be restarted again. Honestly, i dont know why.
but its been something that happens with MULTIVERSE setups since... atleast 1.7.2
is when i had noticed it.

setup a tripwire, or some other kind of button that when pushed will activate superclocks again.
What i did is .. used a tripwire to /setblock stone.. then /setblock redstone
on the superclock and everything cranks back up without the players knowlege or anything
being wrong.

If you use super clocks, create a system that makes the super clocks restart whenever teh chunk
as to be loaded. Otherwise, your game will be broken and serverowners wont even KNOW
what to do to fix it.

#3 - Command Signs
Command signs are AWSOME!. but, in a real server setting they dont work.
unless the owner is using your map .. and your map ALONE on the server.
but, he's probably not.

What happens is when a normal player clicks a COMMAND SIGN, Spigot tests to see if
he is an OP player, since the sign is running the command as if he IS
But, since the player who clicks the sign is NOT an OP player,
SPIGOT prevents him from running the command. Thus, making COMMAND SIGNS
a pretty thing to look at. But useless.

as a backup option, have a button BELOW the sign that will run the command as well.
i know it can ruin some asthetic look you were going for. But, COMMAND SIGNS
are just not practical in a REAL WORLD server setting.

A good case in point is a multiplayer map i did a review on called "shattered PvP"
its on HECK of an amazing map! However, the only way i could test it on the server
is by loading it up with filezilla, stopping the server. re-configuring my server to run
Vanilla minecraf 1.8.7 (at the time) and then i had to change the folder name to 'WORLD'
then.. when we were done.. i had to take the time to change it all back to normal so
my regular players could join the game.
not to mention the fact that i had to whitelist players and whitelist the server in the configs to
keep people off while we privatly tested.
bascially, annoying serveral Long time players on my server.
As a result, this MUTLIPLAYER PVP map which is AMAZING! is broken.
it CAN'T be loaded up and played on a spigot based server because SPIGOT bugs and issues
and multivers bugs and issues wont recgonize his setup of COMMAND SIGNS and
Scoreboard useage.

As a general rule, IF you want server owner to use your map on there server and PLUG you
and market you and show off your map to people... if thats what you want..
DONT use COMMAND SIGNS. Spigot as a bug that wont allow them to be used by NON-OP players.
#4 - Teleportation commands

This is probably one of the most IMPORTANT commands to use when making a PVP
map, or someother kinda of multiplayer map. This is ALSO one of the biggest
commands that new (and old) map makers mess up on so BADLY becaue they have NO
experince actually running a server. The following are some common mistakes
i've run into when testing various maps and doing reviews on multiplayer based maps
on my server with friends....

A- /tp @a command

This is the laziest way to teleport players. and the worse offender. As it will TP EVERYONE on the server to a certain location. basically, becoming a TROLL command.

Easy fix, .. simply put the brackets after it with a radius, or team effect.

/tp @a[r=25] or: /tp @a[team=game] is a quick an easy fix to make the map multiplayer freindly.

B- /tp @p @r[type=armorstand]

What many map makers might fail to realize is that on a server.. they may be SEVERAL armor stands hiding around the world.. with visable names.. or player armor on them.. or for other reasons. When you create such a simple random teleport.. your going to end up

teleporting the player who pushed it potentially ANYHERE on the server that is loaded up with an armorstand.

Easy fix: Name the armor stands on your map then do: /tp @a[team=namehere] @r[name=namehere] Now, your map will be more playable and much more customizable

making sure to do these quick and easy addons will ensure that your map is multiplayer
ready and server freindly.

Our community as been doing reviews on anything for maps & mods to servers
and texture packs for minecraft for well over a year now.
if your curious or would like to join our team of writers,
your welcome to learn more at: www.hooptiesworld.enjin.com

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by hooptiecoupe 11/16/2015 7:56:13 pmNov 16th, 2015

added subject on teleportaion work issues that exist on servers and how to fix them

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