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Interviews With Players™ in: Interview with loveanimals4good!!!

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ShadowFallGames's Avatar ShadowFallGames
Level 36 : Artisan Loremaster
Welcome to another episode of Interviews With Players™!!! we have a special guest that we have here with me today and that is none other than Alderleaf!!!

Welcome to Interviews With Players, do you want to begin?


lets start off with what is your favorite color? it can be multiple Colors if you have many?

My favorite color is pretty much any shade of blue

do you have a favorite band, if so what?

no I do not have a favorite band. Tbh I don't listen to very much music

What Genre of music suits you best?

hmmmmmmm idk. like I said, I don't really listen to music that often.. but I am kinda thinking pop? (Idk!!)

How did you get into Minecraft?

So I used to think Minecraft was really dumb. (I never played it before) and then my friend was like 'you should get it! Its so fun!' so now I have it and we play together all the time!

How long have you been playing Minecraft for?

ooh thats hard to know! I think I have been playing for about 3 years? (I think! I'm just guessing!)

What's your favorite time of the year/season?

Hmm I love Winter. It does not snow where I live, but Winter is when we get the most rain! (I love rain!)

Do you have a song or activity, or anything that motivates you?

Hmm I'm not sure about this one either. I like to dance, and read and of course, play Minecraft when I can!
I also love to snuggle with my cats!

Do you have a skinner that gives you inspiration?

There are so many people that give me inspiration in different ways. Like Spongie for her sweet personality and elfie_, Wisteri and Michiru for their amazing skins!

Wow!! What is something you wish you could do?

Hmm.. Lets see. I wish I could have all the animals I want!
Seriously. Lol I'm not kidding! hehe

wow, now i know why your called loveanimals4good now! and finally, the last question... if you could meet anyone on Planet Minecraft in real life, who would you like to meet?

Oh that is so hard! I would love to meet Spongie and Brick, elfie_ and lol so many more!

Thank you Alderleaf for joining me in Interviews With Players™, and I will see you later!!!

Thanks for interviewing me! It was really fun (I have never been interviewed before) and you asked me questions I would never have thought of! Thanks again! <333

And that is that...there you have it ladies and gentleman, please leave a like and diamond for this wonderful lad here... And it looks like we have reached end to this episode, If you want an interview with me just let me know in the comment section below, and you will be added in the seat, see you all in the next episode of Interviews With Players™!!! Later!
CreditInterview with loveanimals4good

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11/22/2020 12:24 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Mage
helloooooooooooo's Avatar
11/18/2020 4:03 pm
She/Her • Level 55 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Spongie's Avatar
11/18/2020 1:17 pm
Level 49 : Master Artist
Alderleaf's Avatar
That was so fun! Thanks for doing this!
Lol the front picture is really cool! XD
11/18/2020 1:20 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Loremaster
ShadowFallGames's Avatar
i know right?! 😁
11/18/2020 2:00 pm
Level 49 : Master Artist
Alderleaf's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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