Minecraft Blogs / Interview

Interview with Kazoto

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Lolisher95's Avatar Lolisher95
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Please enjoy this lovely interview with Kazoto!

Who introduced you to Minecraft?

ZeroCaim actually introduced me to Minecraft. I never knew what Minecraft, then I saw "related videos" on YouTube and my reaction was "THAT is MINECRAFT?" I watched him and actually enjoyed it lots!

Who introduced you to PMC?

My brother introduced me to PMC, he was looking for skins and guess what? He ended up here!

Do you think this interview will make you more popular here on PMC?

To be honest, I don't care if it does get my name into the community, but I do hope so! xD, my business... has been... slow I guess, but I'm not expecting to much out of this. I just want to have some fun.

Do you like any other games more than Minecraft?

Well I do enjoy playing Battlefield 3 on the PS3, butt that's equal to Minecraft. I really don't judge games on a scale. If all my games were 1-10 they'd all be 9's XD

Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

I'm young, but not going to yell out all my information to the world XD. Let's just say not I'm not an adult . I enjoy playing PS3 and the Wii. I also think Skyrim is waste of money! (Haters gonna Hate! LOL). I'm a Brony, but not the hardcore fan boy. I just enjoy watching the show. I've skipped 5th Grade, so I'm a smarta*** and I'm a wonderful Troll ;D. I give Free Cookies, Cakes, and Pies (Diamonds, Favs, and Subs) to originalyalitism.
Well that wraps about everything up, thanks for the interview Lolisher

Thanks Kazoto for the interview!


1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Lolisher95 09/28/2012 6:52:32 amSep 28th, 2012

- The new picture is now not blurry and is bigger.

- Fancy writing!!!

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09/29/2012 9:58 am
Level 28 : Expert Princess
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09/28/2012 7:34 am
Level 26 : Expert Pokemon
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Thanks, Cookies!
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