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Inspiration, and where to get it

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madmax3004's Avatar madmax3004
Level 36 : Artisan Ranger
And where to get it...

Hello everyone, welcome to yet another blog, this time I’ll talk about inspiration, and where to get it.

First of all, you can get inspired by allot of different things;

Food, buildings, dreaming, reading, writing, just about everything can give you inspiration, and a new idea.

I usually get my inspiration while I’m almost asleep, and I’m almost starting to dream, If I remember it the next day, I just write it down or make a note in my phone.

There’s inspiration for plenty of different things, for example, you can get ideas for buildings, mods, texture packs (Yes I know they’re resource packs now, but for me they’ll always stay texture packs), blogs, …
For me, it isn’t hard to get ideas, because I’m pretty creative, and allot of you most likely also are creative.

Now, I’ll give you some tips on how to get new ideas for whatever:

Just go for a walk, look at buildings, and really look, don’t just walk past them, look at the architecture, at the colours, make notes.

Dream, combine things you know in real life, just use your imagination, you’ll be surprised by what you can actually create by just dreaming.

Game, I mean, by just looking at other people’s strategies, buildings, techniques, you can adapt to them, and create your own strategies, just try to combine different styles, but don’t copy them, create something of your own.

Drawn, practise, first tries usually don’t go that well, if you’re not a great writer, ask some help from other bloggers, write more stuff, let people read it, just keep on trying, also, drawing your building before you actually start building can be a great help, because otherwise you may mess up your original idea and totally fail.

Just mess around, I mean, usually I get my funniest ideas after doing random stuff, just have some fun, blow stuff up, (Don’t grief), and all that.

Also, movies, don't you ever feel like you want to build the shire after watching the hobbit, or making an ice landscape after watching frozen?
Well, movies can be a great inspiration!
(thanks to aboveordinary for the movie inspiration thing)

And finally, ask for help, if you don’t have ideas, or just need help with a blog or whatever, ask help, you can even ask me for help if ye need an idea.

Thanks for reading, please leave a diamond if you liked it, and subscribe for more!

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12/26/2013 11:16 am
Level 43 : Master Engineer
aboveordinary's Avatar
Very nice ideas! I also love getting inspiration from movies. I absolutely love going to the movie theaters and almost all movies have inspiring buildings or characters. For example, I just went to see the Hobbit and Frozen. Both had amazing architecture that would inspire building.
12/26/2013 11:38 am
Level 36 : Artisan Ranger
madmax3004's Avatar
I'll add them and give ya credit for those :D
12/26/2013 11:45 am
Level 43 : Master Engineer
aboveordinary's Avatar
12/26/2013 11:46 am
Level 36 : Artisan Ranger
madmax3004's Avatar
Yer a pretty good skinner and builder, I'm gonna sub to you
12/26/2013 12:51 pm
Level 43 : Master Engineer
aboveordinary's Avatar
why thank you. I really enjoy your blogs and subbed to you too
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