Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to make good quality blogs!

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DerpyKat's Avatar DerpyKat
Level 45 : Master Sweetheart
Hello everyone! Now, I am very aware of how much attention my blogs have been getting me lately, and I'd like to say thank you. But, I also want to help other bloggers who want to improve on their writing skills, and people who just want to start blogging in general!

Step 1: Proper topics!

So, now here comes the hardest step (At least in my opinion), choosing a blogging topic!
Now, this being Planet Minecraft, you have to choose a topic that goes with the content on the site. Here's a list of things that might be a good topic for you to write about:
o Skins
o Skinning
o Popular Minecraft maps
o Tutorials about building, making skins, etc.
o Interviewing another Planet Minecraft member
o Making art or comics about an experience you had in Minecraft

These are just some beginning topics. As you start to write more blogs, I guarantee that you'll come up with your own ideas!

Step 2: Grammar, grammar everywhere!

Now, grammar is a very, very important part of making a blog. Not only do you have to use proper capitalization, but you also have to use accurate punctuation. This is your sentences do not run on, and that the entire paragraph as a whole flows with ease. You also need to remember to use bigger words. Instead of 'Great', you could use 'Fantastic' or 'Phenomenal'. But make sure not to use too big of words, or else the reader will not understand what you're saying depending on their literary skills. There are some minors on this site who are not used to some words that others might be completely comfortable with.

Step 3: Do your research!

If you're writing about a popular PMCer, I highly recommend you research their work and such before you start writing. This way, there will be no false facts or statements that might upset the person you're researching. Not only that, but chances are people will learn new things about the PMCer that they didn't know before that will earn both you and the person you're researching more subscribers! Everyone wins.

Step 4: Write from the heart.

When you're writing about an important PMC issue, try thinking about how this has affected you, and your fellow PMC friends. Also, remember a time when this has especially hurt you in some way (Ex. Writing about skin theft, you remember a time when someone stole your skin). Incorporate what you felt then into your writing now. This will give your blog more depth and feeling to it, and it will allow other members to relate to you if they've experienced the same thing you've experienced.

Step 5: An eye grabbing image.

When selecting a picture that represents your blog entry, try finding a picture related to the blog topic, or you can even make your own! If you're too lazy or tired after all that writing to find one, find a picture you already have that's bright and eye grabbing (This is probably the one I least recommend, I mean COME ON, It'll take 15 seconds to find a picture, or 5 minutes to make your own).

Congrats! If you follow all these steps, It should come out as an awesome blog entry that will be the talk of PMC for centuries to come! (That was an exaggeration..)

I hope this will help not only new bloggers, but every blogger who just needs help on writing their own blog!

- DerpyKat

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04/17/2016 5:18 pm
Level 22 : Expert Pony
Catsuite's Avatar
I used to try really hard to make blogs that I thought would be instantly popular, but looking back 2+ years,

I'm gonna try again, and I think this blog will really help
08/11/2013 1:48 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Ninja
darksix360's Avatar
I want to start blogging but when I think about it I can't come up with any topics that either have been overused or just will be boring. :/ can you help?
08/11/2013 10:05 pm
Level 45 : Master Sweetheart
DerpyKat's Avatar
Think of a topic that you have personally felt with, like unfair admins, bullying, etc.
It just kind of comes to me when I think really hard.
08/12/2013 2:55 am
Level 30 : Artisan Ninja
darksix360's Avatar
:D maybe it will come to me.
Otaku Girl 15
07/05/2013 6:23 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Otaku Girl 15's Avatar
Thank you! I was thinking about starting up blogging, cause I can't really do anything else, also it sounds like fun! X3 This helped me a lot! I actually have ideas! XD

P.S- love the picture. You can probably tell from my user name tho. :3 I love lucky star. X3
07/05/2013 6:30 pm
Level 45 : Master Sweetheart
DerpyKat's Avatar
Thank you, I wish you luck on your blogging adventures! :D
I'm having a 200 sub party right now, you can come if you want.
Otaku Girl 15
07/05/2013 6:40 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Otaku Girl 15's Avatar
Thank you! :3
07/05/2013 6:49 pm
Level 45 : Master Sweetheart
DerpyKat's Avatar
No problem, we'll wait for you <3
Otaku Girl 15
07/05/2013 7:05 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Otaku Girl 15's Avatar
It's ok! You can go on ahead. I want to come, but something isn't working right, so it might be a while. :'3 Congrats on 200 subs tho! X3
07/05/2013 7:16 pm
Level 45 : Master Sweetheart
DerpyKat's Avatar
Its okay! It's a 1.6 server
06/28/2013 6:10 pm
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Sir_Meep's Avatar
Derpy remember... never stop cause ill be watching you!
your amazing
Planet Minecraft


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