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Grammar Jerk (Me)

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-Mage-'s Avatar -Mage-
Level 42 : Master Fox
Hello, my dear Planet Minecrafters,

I was just thinking about grammar. Grammatically organized correct sentences.

I know it sounds silly, but why is everyone (a certain category of people I call "Lazy Learners"), so bad at spelling?

It's really strange when people even abbreviate words into "lol" or "ftw". 

Some people even abbreviate cuss words.

It's strange, annoying and really doesn't take that long to just type out the whole sentence.

Soon our language will just be abbreviations and the English language will start dying out. -.-
(this is only a joke)

Look over this sentence, and see the error:

"I'd rather eat grandpa."

-WRONG You are stating you wish to eat your grandpa in this sentence.

Instead adding a simple comma will save your grandpa's life.

"I'd rather eat, grandpa."

-RIGHT This fixes everything.

There are plenty of sentences like these. 

I know I make mistakes sometimes, and I'm sure I have even in this post on grammar.

Let's say, you are texting a someone, relative, relationship, or friend and you say,

"lel thats funny"

I have to say I really hope the person you just texted didn't receive that message.

You could say instead:

"That's really funny. xD"

(I have nothing against making faces, since it shows how you're feeling at that moment).

It pains me to say this but people who are much older than me and people my age tend to not follow the rules of our United States language.

Well, I'm sure you understand my points in this short, but filling letter, dear friends.



P.S I don't mean to offend anyone in this blog, or hurt feelings, if you would like putting in your share of opinions, I'm open to talking.

(Thanks, Snowy, for pointing out some mistakes. C:)

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by -Mage- 11/23/2014 4:06:10 pmNov 23rd, 2014

Edited some spelling mistakes. 
Stuff mentioned below in my mistakes.

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12/13/2014 7:51 pm
Level 22 : Expert Network
87man's Avatar
I'm gonna eat grandpa.   I just ate a bacon flavored bean magicthief.  I just ate a flavored turtle Kirito.
12/13/2014 11:31 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
I'm going to chew a yummy gum flavoured cherry 87man.
I think I'm going to have yummy cheesecake Kirito.
12/14/2014 12:22 pm
Level 22 : Expert Network
87man's Avatar
*Slaps* Use commas!
12/14/2014 5:54 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
*rubs red mark on my cheek*
…Oh. Yeah, commas. Forgot about 'em.
12/08/2014 11:58 pm
Level 21 : Expert Mage
KPJ1's Avatar
... I.D.S.H.A.W.M.A.D
lol XD
12/18/2014 7:38 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
Whut? o-o
12/05/2014 9:01 pm
Level 22 : Expert Network
87man's Avatar
lawl ehrherererer
12/05/2014 10:13 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
-Mage-'s Avatar
lawlz such funneness
12/01/2014 11:26 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
lightningsun803's Avatar
The whole reason is because it's not really that important. I mean in a chat if someone uses lol it is a simple and short way to signify that it is funny to them. Also typos or just bad grammar is normally the same reason, to make typing simplier. I mean it isn't like we are writing a 30 page essay for college, and for some going to the internet is a way for them to kick back and relax. What is relaxing about worreing if you have a typo in eery sentence/word you type. Besides, any human with common sense can tell what a typo is suppost to say. For example if I typed, "Man it is a sonny day 2day", I mean it obviously says, "Man it is a sunny day today". Also, "I'd rather eat grandpa.", well inless the person you're talking to is a cannible you would obviously be able to tell he/she means, "I'd rather eat, grandpa." . Grammar Nazi's/ Grammar Jerks are wanting people to try so hard to just use better Grammar when really it's them that need to try harder to just use a bit of common sense. The internet isn't a classroom (inless of course you take online classes), so don't make it one.
12/01/2014 1:21 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
lightningsun803's Avatar
We are all imperfect so it is imposible for us to use 'Proper Grammer' all the time. YOU even had typos in this very post. Not to mention that when most people do have a typo they sometimes fixed it, notce the SOMETIMES. Also let me add the point where you said "so bad at spelling?", most of us that do the things you have described isn't because we are bad at spelling (most of us atleast) but because there is no purpose to try and make sure EVERY SINGLE LAST SENTNCE, WORD, DOCUMENT, LETTER, is in correct order. I mean we aren't valueing from having all of these correct sentences, and it is really un-offiecent. I'm also un-sure if you mean Planet Minecraft in general or just the plane internet. Well I'm not sure if you have noticed but..there is no auto- detect for typos on PMC. Yup there is none, so the plain eye will not always catch every single typo we wright/type.
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