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Give Credit - Don't Be Selfish

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Greytopher's Avatar Greytopher
Retired Moderator
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pig
Hi guys, Greytopher here with a blog. Throughout the past couple of weeks, I've noticed (and I don't know why all of a sudden) a recent increase of "I made this, even though you helped, but I'm taking most credit" or "I'm posting this on my PMC account even though you did most of it". Of course they probably didn't say that, but that what was felt; giving credit where it's due is an important role in building, or making creations.

Had Help? Credit Them...

With every known build that's had help, some of them give credit to those who helped build it. Whether that person made the build the most or not, it's proper to give credit to where it's due. Unfortunately, there are people who make up excuses to not credit those who helped.

When you give credit, you let the general public know who the builders were. Whether it was 'idea from steve123' or 'general design by bobbymac' is still as important as anything. Taking the credit for yourself only makes you look selfish, and especially on PMC, just makes you look like your only posting for the EXP. EXP is a reward if you do something good, it shouldn't be abused by people who only post to post, or steal just to gain EXP.

A great example of these people would be skin stealers - literally, they're only job is to find the popular/good skins of PMC, take credit for it and for what? They only do it for the EXP. Atleast the ones that I encountered seemed to do that. It's a shame really; there's no profit to it, since they will be caught. Being caught, banned from the site, and so forth. Yet they don't learn from others mistakes. With nearly 1 million people on this site (woo hoo!), they're sure to be caught. But if they asked the creator to modify it, or they were helped by someone to make it, that's when it's appropiate to add that into the description, so it's less likely to be removed.

The Unfortunate Reality of the EXP System...

Sadly, the EXP system on PMC can really go two ways. There are those who make original, creative content and get rewarded by the people who look, diamond, favorite, and comment. They gain levels this way, and through the bright minds of young children and not very... smart people, they take things that look nice (such as skins) and repost them as their own, thus getting the fame that they see others achieving.

It's rather sad looking through the skin section and seeing so many stolen skins. It's nice to see the original, good ones on the reel, but there's always a bad side to something so good. Remember, I only use the skin section because plagiarism happens so frequently there. The blog section really breaks the rules, rather than writing plagiarism. Mods, well, that's explanitory, and projects, it's surprisingly hard to find plagiarized projects (unless they were removed before I could find them).

The most important thing to remember, is that to find true fame is to make original ideas. Although those ideas may not achieve you fame, patience is all you need. I was on the site a good year before I got popular, yet others resort to stealing skins and projects because sometimes they get so fed up with waiting. Or, maybe sometimes they do it for the EXP, like I said, which is a sad sight.

Need Some Examples?

I would think that the biggest example in this would be for building creations. A friend of mine recently not only helped build a boat, but nearly built all of it. With the other users selfish ways of thinking, that person posted it on PMC with asking the other, and took all the credit, by saying that the other person only build some of the ship. And with that, it only ended in anger and the sad end of friendship.

With everything that I make, I make sure that I credit the people that help me in the 'additional credit' box that's on the end of the editing page, or I say there link in my post and link their profile in here. With that, not only does it make that person feel welcome and that they helped, but it makes you a better person by doing so.

While it may not seem important to you, people can really hold grudges against you. If you notice in Hypixel's creations, Vareide's creations, and Disco's creations, they all credit those who helped. Especially, Vareide; he has a building team, yet he always links them in his project. It does give people a different view of who made it, but whether or not he made it doesn't matter. Once you credit someone who helped, not only does it make you happy for posting it, but it makes them happy for them being in the project.


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05/25/2013 10:05 pm
Level 47 : Master Princess
Whoever01's Avatar
Hey Grey, a small question,

How do you make the submission image with a bright centre and dark corners? Can I find them on the Internet anywhere?

05/25/2013 10:11 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pig
Greytopher's Avatar
I make it with Photoshop, not anything that you can find off the internet.
03/21/2013 9:59 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Robot
Sequax's Avatar
Give credit, don't be a shellfish.
03/21/2013 10:00 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pig
Greytopher's Avatar
03/22/2013 7:34 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Robot
Sequax's Avatar
03/16/2013 3:09 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
mcevan14's Avatar
Ah, Grey. Your words flow like water through a calm stream. :) I agree.
People always say "Oh he only built a little bit." That makes no
difference. Even if your buddy only placed one block on the build,
that's still worth giving credit. Geez...People annoy the buggers out of
me when they are jerks like that. Very, very nice blog, Greytopher.
Diamond. Peace.

People who helped write this comment are: mcevan14, mcevan14's brain, mcevan14's keyboard
03/15/2013 7:43 pm
Level 47 : Master Princess
Whoever01's Avatar
But, but, but

I rely on shellfish to give me credit! Without them, my work would be NoThInG!
03/17/2013 9:16 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
edlee0220's Avatar
Give them credit or else you'll get banned or
Worse lose that friendship...
03/13/2013 1:37 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Geek
Mooknkoyo's Avatar
I always make my own skins without being selfish and stuff. I only tried to do one thing though. i was trying to put up some game craft fighter (it's a minecraft version of street fighter) but it wasn't mine. It was Cubix Game's and Craft Studio's. Well i gave them credit, because i wanted to be nice! (Even though the file didn't work while trying to upload it :/)
03/13/2013 5:37 am
Level 29 : Expert Creeper Hugger
GreaTice's Avatar
Jesus! Thats just what ive been waiting for! :D
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