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From Genre to Genre - Server Unoriginality

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Greytopher's Avatar Greytopher
Retired Moderator
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pig
Hi guys, Greytopher here once again with a 'server unoriginality' blog. I know, I've done this before, but I've got another couple of things to add to this. Before, it was just faction servers, but now... it's a whole new ballgame.

Survival Game Servers...

Oh, the worst out of all of them, originality wise. I've bet we've all seen this type of server, and it's probably the most posted of all servers as of this moment. Survival Game servers, as most of you might not know, was started by the trend of the 'Hunger Games' coming out in Movie theaters. A famous Youtuber made a map (4 of them to be exact), and they got popular. Ever since then, people have been overwhelmed with this idea, that they must have this type of server. It's popular, it's fun, and most of all, you can make your own type of map to this idea. Though, not a whole lot stand up to Variede's Survival Games. His maps are top notch to what they are suppost to be. They gave a whole new way of thinking to Minecraft servers, but, was this a good thing, or a bad thing?

To every thing, there is a pro and there is a con. A pro (for those who don't know what it is) is something that basicall is good. A con, is something that is bad. So, let's start on the pros list. Here, I will try to list everything that is good about Survival Games, and vise versa for the cons list.


  • It has created a whole new genre of Minecraft servers. This allows players to be more diverse in how they want to play Minecraft. There are tons of servers like the original survival games servers, and they're not hard to find.
  • There are plenty of them out there! Like most popular things, there are copy cats of that same thing. It's not always a bad thing, but when it's good, like a minecraft server, there's bound to be a lot of them. Searching for them on PMC, Youtube, or other websites shouldn't be a problem.
  • Easy to play. Survival games is quite straight forward; start in a circle with a cornicopia in the middle (a center of goodies), and try to be the last man standing. Form alliances, be a traitor to your group, and go off on your own, trying to find the hidden pleasures.


  • There are... too many of them, to say the least. Trust me... there are literally too many of these servers. Sure, they're made because they're a good genre, but seriously guys, enough is enough.
  • Some of the 'survival games' copy cats are bad. When I mean bad, I mean that they're hosted off of a personal computer (which usually has bad internet), so the gameplay is slow and laggy. Sometimes, admins can be abusive, others use hacks (because some server owners don't know how to install anti hacking plugins), and overall, it can just not be fun.
  • They spam the PMC Server reel. You may have seen it, the Hunger Games logos on the reel of the Server Reel. They literally are bad graphics, but they get on the reel for a reason. Why, do you ask? Well, since it's so popular, people just want more and more of it. I hope that it will die down soon, so other servers have a chance at the spot light.

As you can see, there are a equal amount of pros as there is to cons. I could possibly go on forever on both of the lists, but 3 is usually a good number to stop at. In the comments below, tell me what you think of Survival Games servers. Are they good for PMC? If not, why? Do you hate these kinds of servers? I would love to hear what you think, as your opinion matters!

Prison Servers...

I've got to hand it to the guy that came up with this idea; it's quite the server. Although I don't play much on prison servers, they are the next up and coming genre. Prison servers are servers that when you first join, you're an inmate. You work your way up to the top, and in some servers, you are set 'free'. If you are a donator, or if you apply, you can become a guard. That's the basic jist of this type of genre. Some of you may think 'wow, this seems a bit too boring...' but fear not, dear child, as some owners got the hang of how to keep their players entertained. There are PvP areas against the guards (which I love to go to), and places where you can escape. If your owner can pull it off, prison servers can be very, very good.

But, are there downsides to this type of genre? Of course, laddie. To every upside, there is a downside, so there must be some to this. This type of server, now, is mostly populated here. I've seen a lot of 'prison servers' on just PMC alone, which suprises me since I don't see them too often anywhere else. Let's do what we did before; a pros and cons list.


  • It's a lot more different then what we're used to. We're used to the basic two genres: Survival and creative servers. This prison type of genre could fall under survival, since you battle and try to survive a horrible prison. It's entertaining to say the least.
  • It CAN be fun, and quite entertaining. Prison servers are fun, in my opinion. They give you options to mine for materials to survive off of, cut down trees, and it's weird, but fun, being guarded. It's a fun type of role play, if you want to put it at that.
  • If you want, you can add a major role playing aspect to it. Depending on the server you play in, you can role play in it meaning making a whole new persona to yourself. You can give yourself a new name, background story of how you got in prison, and much, much more depending on how creative you are with it.


  • It CAN be really boring, at times. Like every server, your experience may be different. This prison genre can be really boring at times when you're fresh meat. You don't know the lay of the land, and everything seems like you HAVE to do this, and you HAVE to do that.
  • Some guards can be abusive with their power, thus ruining your experience. I think we've all experienced that one admin that is abusive with what they do, and this person is kinda like that; except their not the admin of the server. They boss you around, tell you what to do, and have armor on them, so they're hard to kill. They can really be a buzz kill at times.
  • Like all survival servers, there can be hackers. Especially with prison servers, hackers can be a really big problem. They can glitch through other things to get out of the prison, which really ruins the fun for everyone when it's not the point. They can aimbot in PvP areas, and most of all, have the best gear, which they didn't earn at all.
Well, that was fun. I hope you guys make the right decision when joining a server, and I hope this blog will give you a better understanding of how certain genres of these minecraft servers work. If you have anything you want to add onto this list, leave a comment below, and I may (or may not) add it, and if I do, I will add a link to your profile.

The End of My Rant...

It's been quite a while since I got something off of my chest. To be honest, it feels good just saying what I don't like about certain things. It may not be too much of a rant, but I had to say that these are typically overused. I want people to understand that sometimes creating your own Survival Games server or Prison server isn't the best of ideas, when there are hundreds of good ones out there to look for... I don't want to criticize you server owners out there, but some of you cross the line.

And... that's it!

I hope you liked this blog, and that it gave you a new insight on a couple of things.

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Please do not repost this anywhere else on the web without my consent, thank you.


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12/23/2012 9:42 am
Level 20 : Expert Toast
PurpleUrchin's Avatar
Factions? PvP? Creative? RP?
12/04/2012 9:01 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
mcevan14's Avatar
There is for real not ONE friendly server I've seen, except for Davichii's Revenge PvP. I know it doesn't sound friendly, but the people are pretty fair in PvP. Also, the first time i got on a pvp server, i was dead within 5 minutes. Why? Because the freaking SHOW-OFFS have full diamond armor and enchanted diamond swords and all that crap and I got nothing. Plus, those braggers camp at the spawn so they can surprise-kill new players on the server. >:( Good blog, grey.
11/17/2012 7:37 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Lad
3D's Avatar
Well...im getting a server and im trying to make a sorta different type of server. its gonna have both Creative and Survival but im not sure if its original enough...
11/17/2012 10:20 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pig
Greytopher's Avatar
Depends on how you do it, it can certainly be original with its build types and plugin styles.
11/17/2012 10:25 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Lad
3D's Avatar
2 Creative worlds: Modern only and Freebuild world. 2 Survival worlds: PVP and Monsters. and No-PVP and No-Monsters // Peaceful Survival.
11/17/2012 5:22 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Blob
crafter4ever's Avatar
You should add a part about the servers that go ERMAHGER PVP GRIIEF DO WUTEVAH GETOP CUS PLZ DIMUND BEZT SERVAH EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was painful to type.... It seems that the only servers people like nowadays are servers where you can grief and kill people. Last time I checked Minecraft multiplayer was made so we can build together with friends.
11/17/2012 10:20 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pig
Greytopher's Avatar
I guess people have their preferences, but I do agree, there should be some variety.
11/17/2012 10:53 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Blob
crafter4ever's Avatar
I understand if there are a few of those but they shouldn't be the only ones.
11/17/2012 3:37 pm
Level 48 : Master Technomancer
Emoticone11's Avatar
I lol'd at the irony of having two "server unoriginality" blogs on the popular reel.
11/17/2012 10:20 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pig
Greytopher's Avatar
Well, the other guy purposely copied me to make me mad, which worked.
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