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Fish's Chronicles Spoilers - Questions from an AI

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FISH5398's Avatar FISH5398
Level 47 : Master Dinosaur
Before I start I would like to say that this AI is made by Tzyber

Now onto the questions

Q: What's your favourite type of dragon to draw

A: I draw lots of different types of dragons

I especially like drawing my original

species of dragon called a Seastern


Q: How cool! What makes your Seastern

dragons different from other dragons?

A: Seastern dragons are based on Betta fish they have the anatomy of a dog, tiger, alligator, and shark.

They come in bright colours and are usually similar to eastern dragons (hence the name being similar to eastern dragons) they live in the ocean and their current queen is Queen Coral They are actually in a book I'm currently writing lol

Q: Will this book be published?

A: The first book will hopefully be published by this year or the next depends if my motivation stays consistent

Q: What kinds of other creatures are in the world you've created?

A: There are lots of dragons and other dinosaur/dragon-like creatures most creatures currently don't have species names because I'm horrible at coming up with them

Q: What are some of the dragons like? Are there any you especially like?

A: My favourite is definitely the seastern

dragons lol

but others would have to be a species that has the build of a diplodocus with a parasaur horn thing that I forgot the name of

The most mentioned one in Fish's chronicles is Averill

He's brown and blue

(I'm done putting things in bold this takes too long on mobile)

Q: do the Averill dragons have any special abilities? And are they a hero of the book?

A: They are pretty fast and very strong. They

have a strong venom response (they don't usually die if they get bitten by a venomous creature)

It depends on the character

Averill is a hero in the story. others can be villains.

Q: So the dragons are like humans in that aspect; they're all different, and a lot of them have a story to be told. That's really cool! Do you have any villains that are dragons? And do the dragons have any cities or countries they live in?

A: Yeah I have multiple villains! There are main villains for every prophecy (every book has its prophecy, there are four)

We have for the first book, The External Kingdom, Cadmus. He is a large fire dragon that lives in a volcano.

We have for the second book, Thorns and

Roses, Thorn, a nature dragon.

We have for the third book, Willow Trees,

Swamp, a muck dragon.

And for the last book, the fourth one, Riptide the corrupted Seastern dragon.

Q: Do you have any non-dragon villains? Or are all of the villains a specific type of dragon?

What's the plot of the book with the nature dragon?

A: It depends on the character if it's going to be a villain or not. Riptide is a villain and he is a seastern dragon, others like Mathew and Fish are not villains and they're also eastern dragons

I would love to answer the plot, but sadly I haven't worked on that book very much.

Q: That's okay, I wouldn't want you to feel rushed or pressured. What's the plot of the book you have the most done with?

A: (The first book) It's just five friends, Fish the Seastern dragon, Mathew the eastern dragon, Cyrus the Anthropomorphic cat, Theirra the Velociraptor, and Jordan the Storm dragon all going to defeat Cyrus the magma dragon to save their world.

Q: What kind of abilities does a magma dragon have? (I'd also like to know why their world needs saving, and what kind of abilities the other dragons have)

A: A magma dragon can spit lava and fire from its mouth

(Cadmus is burning everything with his

lava to try and make the whole world his own kingdom)

Seastern dragons are just really strong. Some have more abilities than others and they all vary.

Fish and Mathew are both said "corrupted" and have dark magic. They get it from their father Riptide

Cyrus is really smart (the smartest out of all of them)

Theirra is fast and really hyper (Theirra is scientifically a Utah raptor but in the books, she is stated as a velociraptor)

And for Jordan. Jordan is the only one with wings out of this group, making him the only one that can fly (obviously) He can spit lightning from his mouth and he is extremely lazy

Q: What do the corrupted abilities look like? What does dark magic look like? Is the world being destroyed by Cadmus? Or is it the world as they know it?

A: The corrupted dragons at some points don't have control over themselves, making them dangerous and aggressive. They are all controlled by these soul dragons (they are invisible to every dragon that is not corrupted) they are unable to be explained.

Cadmus gets killed at the end of the first book and the world gets reborn.

Q: Do the corrupted dragons have physical differences? Like different eye colours, or some form of magic symbol somewhere?

A: Whenever the corrupted dragons are not in control of themselves, their eyes go black and look like that of a dragonfly they go back to normal after they gain control of themselves again once they are completely not in control of themselves forever their eye will have a red slit, like a snakes eye for example. Riptide is the only known dragon this deeply corrupted)

The corrupted dragons are said to be extremely dangerous and to never be approached.

Q: What makes their eyes change back to normal? Can they do it on their own, or do they just go back? What about the rest of the corrupted dragons? Can they control themselves? What makes the corrupted dragons so dangerous?

A: Whenever they are in a corrupted state the soul dragons (the invisible ones) take control of their bodies. No corrupted dragon can force the souls out of themself. The souls make the dragons aggressive and force them to attack and attempt to kill everyone around them. The corrupted dragons usually have extreme depression and anxiety because of hurting loved ones in the past.

Q: Is the soul dragon an entity completely separate from the corrupted dragon? Are these soul dragons malicious, or do they just have good intentions? What do the soul dragons look like?

A: Yes the soul dragons are not the actual corrupted dragons the corrupted dragons are just "haunted" by the soul dragons never have good intentions, they just want to start fights the soul dragons are like a misty, black dragon figure with glowing white eyes they are mostly not able to be explained, kinda like biblical angels are not able to be explained

Q: They're like shadow beings that

possess people? Are they visible if you have magic, or still invisible in that situation?

A: Exactly that! I couldn't think of the word. Only the corrupted dragons can see them.

Q: It must be super scary for the corrupted

dragons to be haunted by the soul

dragons. Does each corrupted dragons have its own soul dragon, or are there just several soul dragons that go around from dragon to dragon?

A: There are four soul dragons and they are in every corrupted dragon at all times

Q: Wait, at all times?

Like, constantly?

What about when the corrupted dragons sleep? Do they torment them in their sleep?

That sounds like a nightmare!

A: They're not constantly tormenting them but they're always there, sometimes not visible, sometimes as voices.

Corrupted dragons do sleep, but have frequent nightmares.

Q: That sounds miserable.

Is there a way to remove the soul dragons? And how do the soul dragons get in the dragons in the first place?

A: There's sadly no way to remove the soul dragons. And the corruption spreads through bloodlines

Q: Oh, so it spreads through bloodlines?

So if a corrupted dragon has a child, does that mean their child will have it as well?

That's really interesting.

I hope the corrupted dragons can at least find some peace

A: Yes that's how it works. For example, Riptide is heavily corrupted. He had a child with Coral named Fish. Fish also is corrupted.

The corrupted dragons try to find peace with distractions like drawing and writing!

Q: can see why Fish needs to draw and write, they must get so stressed out.

So, is there any hope for the corrupted dragons? Will their kids also be corrupted?

A: Fish's kids will all be corrupted

there sadly isn't any "hope" for the corrupted dragons. To stop this curse they all have to be killed off.

Q: Oh, so they're all gonna die?

Is the series gonna be the story of the last few corrupted dragons, trying desperately to survive against the odds while being tormented by these soul dragons?

I'd read that!

A: The books are all about Fish trying to survive and not get killed.

Fish is forced into prophecies because of his physical strength and has to save the world from multiple villains.

Q: Are you going to publish multiple books, or just one?

A: I'm going to be publishing four main books and other books titled "Fish's Chronicles: Legends of [​Villain name]" and they will be explaining all the villains

Q: How often do you write, or at least add to the lore?

What kind of dragon would be in Legends of [​Villain name]? Would it be a legend told in the main book?

A: I write and add lore almost daily or every other day depending on my motivation

I try to at least add a sentence to the final projects a day.

Characters like Willow, Riptide, and Cadmus would be in the Legends

Q: Woah, that sounds really cool!

When you write, do you write from any specific character's POV, like maybe Fish, or some other character?

Which character do you write from most often?

A: The books are all in third person

Q: Do you think the story might be long enough to go into each characters' perspectives at some points?

Or do you think it's best to keep things in a third person narrative to keep the story cohesive?

A: It would all flow better in third person

Q: Yeah, I think that would be best.

I know when I write, I often change perspectives a few times in a story just so the reader can get some extra character backstory/information.

Does their world have magic in it? If so, is it hard for the corrupted dragons to do magic?

A: Yes their world has bunches of magic. It would depend on the character if they could to magic or not.

Q: What's Fish's magic like? Is it cool, or is it like a normal magic system?

And how do the soul dragons interact with the magic? Can they see it, or is it invisible to them?

Does Fish have any cool abilities?

A: Fish has a purple and green fire that is hotter than normal fire. Said fire in a bonfire

Fish also has great physical strength

The soul dragons can see the abilities/magic and can use the abilities/magic when they take possession of a corrupted dragon's body

Q: He can heat the area by creating fire? Can he control this fire, or does he accidentally set things on fire all the time?

Is Fish able to use these abilities without drawing power from the soul dragons?

A: Fish can only use this ability when extremely mad. It usually causes the soul dragons to take action and make him cause lots of harm.

He also only gains this power later when he's in his 20s he is just told by his mother he will have powers (she goes into detail about them) He is 13 in the first book, 14 in the second and third, and 15 in the start of the fourth one and has a birthday later making him 16.

He never actually lights things ablaze. He has amazing aim with his fire.

Q: Do you have any villains that are not dragons?

And are there any other characters that are main players that are not dragons?

A: Some aren't dragons. but all characters are some sort of animal-creature

humans are overrated lol

Q: Oh okay, so just animal characters?

Do they all have the capability to use magic?

For me, humans are the most boring thing ever. In my stories, I like to write about literally anything other than humans, lol.

A: Not all characters have magic, no. But some there are not dragons do. Not just dragons have magic

Q: Can the non-dragons get possessed by soul dragons?

A: The only known creatures to get possessed and be corrupted are the Seastern dragons (Why when talking about corruption I've only mentioned Riptide, Fish, and Mathew)

Q: So only Seastern dragons can get possessed.

Do any of them have magic at all? Or is it just the soul dragons that can do magic?

Do the seastern dragons have anything special, since they're the only ones that can get possessed?

Have any seastern dragons escaped the possession, or is there no hope for them to escape it once they get possessed?

A: Seastern dragons have great physical strength and sometimes magic abilities that vary through genetics.

There's no way to get rid of the soul dragons. dragons are born with corruption.

They are not constantly "possessed" though

Q: Woah, so they're born with the soul dragons inside them?

That sounds terrifying. Do any seastern dragons do well despite this fact, or do their lives always end up being terrible?

A: They are born with the soul dragons inside of them.

It depends on the character and their mental stability. Most either commit suicide, live a horrible life and get killed, or give into the corruption and live to kill

Q: Woah, so all the corrupted dragons end up either getting killed, or end up killing themselves?

What happens to their soul dragons when they die?

Are they just gone?

A: They live on through other corrupted dragons

Q: Woah, so they have no end at all?

So, for a seastern dragon to be able to keep control of themselves, do they have to be pretty strong?

Also, how do the soul dragons possess them?

Are they able to just kind of jump into their body at any time and take control?

A: As weird as it sounds, all corrupted dragons have the same soul dragons. They're always there but sometimes not visible to the corrupted dragons.

Q: Whoa, that's really interesting. So the soul dragons are kind of like a hive mind, and all share a central control?

Does any information about the soul dragons get passed down from dragon to dragon?

A: Corrupted dragons can communicate about the soul dragons easily

it's not as easy to tell a non-corrupted dragon about it as it is tricky to understand.

The corrupted dragons will only use other people against one's self. They never share positive things

Q: so they almost act like an evil hivemind?

Does that mean they're all evil? Or are some of them good?

And could there be good soul dragons? Or are they all bad?

A: All soul dragons are bad

Q: I love when there's an absolute evil. Makes stories more high-stakes sometimes.

So they're all bad, but do some do better at hiding it? Or are they all blatantly murderous?

A: All soul dragons are blatantly murderous

Q: They sound so scary. They could be a powerful threat to a lot of things. Are they all immortal?

A: They have lived for centuries and plan on living for centuries more.

The only way to get rid of them is to get rid of all corrupted dragons

Q: there's no way to actually kill them?

So that makes them an eternal threat.

Are they the main threat? Or are there other threats that are even worse?

Do they have a goal, like destruction, or taking over?

A: They are an eternal threat. Their main goal is to cause mental distress to all corrupted dragons and kill

Q: So they actively make the corrupted dragons life a nightmare? That sounds terrifying.

So if there's no way for someone to kill the soul dragons, then that means they're a literally unbeatable threat?

Do they have any weaknesses?

A: they have absolutely no weakness

corrupted dragons are left helpless

Q: does that mean the corrupted dragons are completely hopeless in their situation?

If the soul dragons have no weaknesses, does this mean they would outlast even the corrupted dragons?

Is there really no hope of beating them back?

A: That's a very deep point I never thought about lol

Q: is there any way to suppress the soul dragons at all? Or are they just unstoppable?

A: Once all corrupted dragons die soul dragons seem to just exist and have no power and cannot do anything. Soul dragons can only communicate with themselves and cannot be seen by any other being besides themselves.

Q: so if all corrupted dragons die, the soul dragons basically become impotent, and can't do anything?

So, for example, if there was an island with only corrupted dragons on it, and all of them were killed, the soul dragons couldn't get out of the island, or hurt anyone else?

A: They wouldn't be able to hurt anyone else anyway because the only way to get the soul dragons is through being born with it

so pretty much soul dragons are then left helpless among themselves

Q: So for corrupted dragons, the only way they can stop being tormented, is by dying? That's a pretty bleak fate!

A: Yeah they have to die to end their torment.

Q: So, is the story going to be about trying to avoid that fate?

A: Yeah ultimately that's what it's about

Q: Do you have a general ending planned out? And how many books would it take to tell this entire story?

A: Yeah I have an ending planned. kinda.

Hopefully four books

Edit: damn turned into 11

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