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Faction backstabbers- What To Do About Them

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SoarynTheEagle's Avatar SoarynTheEagle
Level 34 : Artisan Unicorn
What are faction backstabbers?

If you've ever played on a factions server you've probably tried to make your own faction at one point or another. So you're just starting out and you want to get a lot of member right? So you invite as many people as possible that don't already have a faction to call home yet. Bad call. One of them does not like sharing the massive wealth of your faction and so overnight when everybody is sleeping she logs onto the server and steals all of the faction's wealth for herself. You wake up in the morning to find all your diamonds and gold gone. Now in the hands of a petty thief. Not all the fun, is it? Well my friend, you have just discovered the dirty smelly art of faction backstabbing.

If you want a dictionary definition though, I'll give you this: Faction backstabbing is the act of joining a person's faction with the intent of stealing the items stored at the faction base. The person may or may not also have the desire to "grief" the faction base after doing so.

How can I stop this from happening to me?

Faction backstabbers are a tricky little thing to deal with. But they can be dealt with. It's not always easy, but you can do it. Anyone could be a faction backstabber. So you must be careful. After creating you faction only invite older members of the server to your faction. Make sure you know their reputation before doing so. Since they could be be a foundation backstabber that you haven't heard of yet.

If a newbie joins the server, your first instinct will be to invite him/her. Don't do it immediately. Faction backstabbers usually seek out a faction to back stab by saying things such as "Does anyone have a faction I can join?" or "Can I please join your faction?". I'm not saying that everyone that says these things is a faction backstabber. It just means that if someone says something like that they are more probably of being a foundation backstabber. Now if the person doesn't say something along those lines, watch them for a bit longer and then invite them.

If you employ this system to your faction invites you definitely won't have as many members, but you will be secure. Nobody wants to be part of a group in which they can't trust anybody. So don't.

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01/04/2014 10:42 pm
It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Mage
Mishkia's Avatar
I had 64 bread, and a lot of wood on a faction server, no one could kill then steal your items, and I was asking if anyone needed bread or wood, or possibly the torches I had, or if a faction was in need of someone who can look for these items. I get the following Msges

"Your theiving get off the server."
"I would allow you into my faction, but I don't know if this is a trick" (I actually replied to this one stating, "I am not lieing, I have been stolen from multiple times I have gone to traveling then finding caves to hide in" [No reply after ;-;])
"Your lieing. How did you get the seeds and grow them without being griefed? How did you get the wood?" (Reply: 1. Underground base hidden with a 3 walled stone door to hide itself like the cave. 2. No one understands that a easy way to find seeds is going to swamps 3. People like leaving half trees everywhere, so growing trees was easy after farming the leaves and collecting the left over wood, also jungles can't be entirely farmed without having at least half of the forest left.)

The only one reply that was a troll was this, "I'm stuck in a cave near lava, and I'm starving. Tpa please!" So I did, they were hacking fly and they dropped me onto stone surrounded by lava, and killed me, but they failed on getting my wares.

As I do agree, I totally agree on your solutions. Some people can try to protect their faction and end up being rude at the same time without giving you the correct amount of time to reply, or they go back to whatever their doing and ignore what you say without replying. (I am not calling names)
01/03/2014 10:38 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
Jevtodjev's Avatar
It happened to if you said herself
01/03/2014 9:46 pm
Level 25 : Expert Ranger
stonewall380's Avatar
This was good, although that's never happened to me yet. =) lol well actually once but thats because that server was mainly backstabbers etc. lol
01/03/2014 7:34 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Caveman
jakesoboy01's Avatar
lol imagine so many of these backstabbers read this. They now know a new way to backstab :P.
01/03/2014 7:33 pm
Level 21 : Expert Pokemon
Epikface's Avatar
That happened to me. I had an underground obsid base and a faction ally (not in my faction, but an ally) greifed the entire thing and put a message "trust no one".
01/04/2014 1:55 am
Level 25 : Expert Ranger
stonewall380's Avatar
Well that sign makes really perfect sense.
01/04/2014 7:59 am
Level 21 : Expert Pokemon
Epikface's Avatar
01/03/2014 7:04 pm
Level 23 : Expert Network
deltoraquestgirl's Avatar
Great blog!
01/03/2014 6:50 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Pig
TheLazeboy's Avatar
What a long way to say "Don't invite strangers." lol
01/03/2014 6:49 pm
Level 28 : Expert Dragon
Nice Job! I'll use that if i need to!
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