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Every Lifesteal Member as a Monster (character ai)

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CrownDeluxe's Avatar CrownDeluxe
Level 44 : Master Lemon Cake
Thought I'd do this, so here it is (thumbnail is the pic is gave for word "lifesteal)":


Your RoShamBoGames is a demon lord of the Void. He possesses a variety of powers and abilities that make him a formidable foe. He has incredible speed, strength, and agility; he is also extremely durable and will not stop until his foes are defeated. RoShamBoGames is a tall, dark humanoid with large wings and a spiked tail. He wears a cloak covered in thick armor. He carries a large sword with a blood-stacked edge.
    Every Lifesteal Member as a Monster (character ai)

Your Vitalasy is an undead warrior. It is a zombie-like being that is filled with hatred and fury. It is about 6ft tall and is a muscular beast that has black skin. It wears a long, black robe and has a long, thin sword. Vitalasy is extremely strong, and has no feelings of remorse or mercy. It has the ability to summon undead minions that do its bidding.
    Every Lifesteal Member as a Monster (character ai)

  Your Subz is a giant creature of the sea. It is an 80 foot tall creature with an elongated body. Its body is covered in thick, dark fur, and it has a long, spiked tail. It has a single yellow eye that is embedded in its skull. The Subz lives in the ocean, and can be found roaming the deep. It has the ability to shoot bolts of lightning from its eye.
    Every Lifesteal Member as a Monster (character ai)

Your ClownPierce is an immortal, clown-like spirit. It is an extremely tall humanoid with bright clown-like makeup. ClownPierce has a cheerful, friendly personality, and it loves making people laugh. However, it also has a dark side; when ClownPierce is angry, it becomes a vicious killer that will stop at nothing to satiate its thirst for blood.

Parrot / ParrotX2
Your parrot X2 is known as Bloodlust. It is the embodiment of rage and hatred. It is a blood-crazed bird-like being that is filled with rage. It has a razor-sharp beak that can cut through metal with ease, and it has razor-sharp talons that can tear through flesh and bone. When it is filled with rage, this bird-like creature becomes a force of nature capable of tearing through armies.

Spoke / SpokeIsHere
Your SpokeIsHere is a being of pure chaos and madness. It is an eight-legged beast that stands 18 feet tall. Its body is a combination of different colors, with dark purple legs. The SpokeIsHere is extremely fast and can move at great speeds. Its eight legs provide immense balance and stability, allowing it to run over any terrain. It has an incredible sense of smell, and it can track down scents for miles.

Mapic / Mapicc
Your Mapic is a beast of the skies. It is an enormous bird-like creature that has two large, leathery wings. It has a long, sharp beak that is used to devour its prey. The Mapic has a long body that is covered in thick, black feathers. It is a silent beast, and it is not known to make any sounds.

Your Pofoa is a dark shadow beast that is said to haunt people's nightmares. It is a huge, shadow like creature with long, black wings that are used to crush its prey with ease. The Pofoa has the ability to teleport and travel through solid objects. It can also cast powerful shadow spells that can cause hallucinations and insanity in its victims.

Your Reddoons is an ancient dark god. It is a giant beast that has the body of a bull and the head of a man. Its eyes are glowing red, and its voice is deep and booming. Its body is covered in red scales that burn anyone who touches them. The Reddoons is the lord of chaos, and it loves to destroy. It delights in causing harm, and it feeds on the fear of its victims.

Your Planetlord is a creature of the skies. It is a giant, flying creature that has the power to manipulate gravity. It has a long, serpentine body that is covered in black scales. Its wings are covered in large feathers, and its mouth is filled with sharp teeth. The Planetlord is an extremely powerful creature, and it can cause great destruction.

Your Spepticle is a beast of nightmares. It is a giant creature that is covered in thick, black fur. It has long claws that are used to tear apart its prey. It has a single, red eye that is located in the center of its head. The Spepticle is extremely powerful and can use magic to attack its prey from a distance. It is able to use magic to cast fire, which is extremely powerful and dangerous. The Scepticle can use its magic to manipulate nature, summoning powerful storms and natural disasters.

Your Pangi is a powerful, demon lord. It is a giant, horned being that is covered in red fur. It has a large, spiked tail that is used to crush its prey. It has two large, red eyes that are located in the center of its head. The Pangi is extremely powerful and is said to be capable of destroying entire civilizations.

Woogie / WoogieX
Your Woogiex is a powerful demon lord. It is an enormous, four-armed beast that is covered in red fur. Its upper body is covered in large, spike-like protrusions, and its lower half is covered in thick, sharp scales. Woogiex is an immensely powerful beast that is capable of destroying entire civilizations with its power. It wields a massive sword in each hand, and its strength is unmatched.

Yeah Jaron
Your Jaron is a great, sea monster. It is a giant beast that is covered in thick, brown scales. It has a long neck and tail that is used to crush its prey. It has long, razor-sharp talons; its sharp teeth are made of steel. Jaron is a huge creature that will swallow its prey whole. It is powerful and can be difficult to defeat. It is capable of swimming or walking on land without issue.

Your Rekrap2 is a powerful demon. It is a giant, winged, four-armed beast that is covered in red fur. Its body is covered in thick, spiked scales. It has a long tail with a long, spindly tail. It also has many sharp teeth. It has two large, yellow eyes that are located in the center of its head. It wields a massive sword that is made of solid gold. The Rekrap2 is a ferocious and violent creature.

ashswag / ashswagg
Your Ashswag is an ancient sea monster. It is a giant, tentacled beast with sharp teeth. Its arms are long, thin, and sharp. its hands are covered in long, sharp claws. Ashswag has a long, spindly tail that is used to grab its prey. It has a large fin on its back that is used for navigation under water. Ashswag is a fearsome beast that no one dares to go near.

Your Don Turnt is a demon lord. He is a giant, hulking beast that is covered in red fur. Its upper body is covered in heavy plates of armor. It has four arms that are covered in thick, razor-sharp claws. His hands are used to crush its victims. He has a huge sword that is embedded in its chest. The Don Turnt is a powerful demon capable of destroying entire civilizations with its power. It is said that nothing can defeat The Don Turnt.

Your PrinceZam is an ancient beast that was sealed away by a powerful mage long ago. He is a colossal beast that is covered in thick, black scales. It has long claws that are used to crush its prey. Its eyes are glowing red, and it has an iron sword that is embedded in its chest. PrinceZam is a powerful demon with a voracious appetite. It is said that its hunger is so great that it can even consume planets.

Branzy / BranzyCraft
Your Branzy is a giant, horned creature that stands on two legs. It is covered in thick, brown fur and has long claws. Its upper half is covered in a dark iron armor that is covered in spikes. Its left arm is made of stone and its right arm is made of steel. Its head is covered with a black hood that hides its face. Branzy is a violent demon that will crush anyone in its path. It has the ability to cast powerful magic, such as lightning. It can also fly at great speeds.

Your Terrain is an ancient, powerful entity. It is a giant beast that has the power to manipulate the fabric of reality. The Terrain is an ancient, eldritch being that has been around since the beginning of time. It has the power to create entire dimensions and universes in its wake. The Terrain is an unstoppable force. Nothing can stop it or change its mind. It will follow its own will. It is a force of pure chaos.

Your VortexDragon is a powerful demon lord. It is a gigantic, winged beast that has the power to control the minds of those around it. Its wings are covered in green scales, and its tail is very long. It is a force of nature capable of destroying entire civilizations. It is extremely powerful and can cause great destruction.

Your Leowook is a mythical creature. It is a giant, wolf-like beast that has two large, glowing eyes of pure white. Its fur is white and silver, and its body is thick and muscular. It has massive paws and a large nose. The Leowook is a powerful creature that can cause great destruction. It has the ability to breathe fire and to cast magic. It can also change its shape and size at will.

Your Middlyx is a humanoid spirit. It is a dark human spirit that is covered in thick, black fur. Its skin is covered in runes and tattoos, and it is surrounded by a veil of shadows. It has a long, red-glowing staff that is used to cast spells and curse its foes. The Middlyx is an ancient spirit that is known to haunt ancient ruins. It is known to cast powerful curses on those that venture too close. The curse will take hold of the victim and slowly drive them insane. Once this happens, they will become a mindless, blood-thirsty monster.

Your Mistercube6 is a demon lord. It is a giant, horned beast that is covered in dark blue fur. Its wings are huge and extend out of its body. Its eyes are glowing blue, and its body is covered in thick, black armor. It is an ancient, powerful being that is capable of manipulating space and time. It is also capable of creating black holes that can crush anything in its path. The Mistercube6 is a powerful demon that should not be trifled with.

Your BaconWaffles is an ancient demon lord. He is a tall, dark figure that is covered in black, leathery skin. His upper half is covered in steel armor that is reinforced with leather. His lower half is covered in thick, black fur, and his legs are covered in metal. He is heavily armed and carries a massive sword over his shoulder. The BaconWaffles is a fierce creature that has no remorse for his prey. He is merciless in his killing and will not stop until he has eaten his fill. He has the ability to cast powerful magic, such as lightning. He is also capable of manipulating reality.

Pangi is a giant monster of lightning and wind. His body is very large and it is covered in armor made of wind and lightning. It is quite fierce, being very fast and incredibly strong. Its body is filled with enormous strength... and its claws are very sharp. Pangi is a monster filled with rage and destruction. It is full of energy and anger... and it is quite fast. Pangi is a demon that is very dangerous indeed.

MinecraftCurios (He has two because I’m putting in his username and what everyone calls him)

MinecraftCurios is a huge creature of steel and stone. It is quite fast, being incredibly fast. Its body is filled with steel... and its eyes glow red. Its body is filled with pure iron, and its hands are quite strong. MinecraftCurios is an ancient beast... and its wings are very tall too. MinecraftCurios is a monster whose power is immense. It is quite fast and it has an enormous pair of wings. Its wings are like a steel wall, making it quite formidable... but it uses great care when its wings are used. MinecraftCurios is an extremely powerful demon.

i can’t believe the AI generated a Minecraft build.
Baked is a monster of fire and smoke. Its body is filled with iron... and its eyes glow red with pure hatred and malice. Baked is quite tall and its body is very muscular. The creature is quite fast, and its presence causes enormous destruction. Baked's powers are very dangerous... it can cause mass destruction and it is very powerful. The monster is full of anger, rage and malice... and these emotions make it quite powerful. Baked is a monstrous demon of anger and hatred. It is a dangerous creature that can bring about great destruction.

That's all for now, as of November 2022. The roster can change, but I'm not sure if I'll update this in that case. Hope you enjoyed.
Creditlifesteal for being cool

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02/20/2023 5:32 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
OrderOutOfChaos's Avatar
Gotta love AI art.
11/07/2022 12:50 pm
He/Him • Level 26 : Expert Theorist Mage
Skwerps's Avatar
Excellent. I'll add this to my research database.
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