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The World Ending

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Lavasaurous's Avatar Lavasaurous
Level 46 : Master Dinosaur
The World Ending

In the year 2050 where everything is more high tech and polluted than now. A province in Cebu have a story , a story of a savior that save the world from the hands of the underworld here's its story.

A University in Dumaguete city Cebu a student named Eric Manalo was known for his disbelief or denial of the existence of God . He always denies God that even his teachers in religious subjects avoided him . Sometimes his classmates just laugh on him when he is denying God in front of teacher Allson . Will that belief be changed

September 26 , 2040 Eric and his classmates had a school camping only eighteen join while the two did not , they said they have their own trip and they secreted it to their teacher. The bus will depart at 7:00 am but it cant depart because one is still missing then a very late student come running and panting .
his name is Robin " Am I late ". Everybody was angry of him even the bus driver Mang Kepweng " wow VIP..." then everybody just laughed and Robin just go in the bus coyly about himself . The bus departed .

They were along the way on the top of the mountains where the road were very steep and the cliff is just beside them
Some of the students are sleeping while others are just talking .Upon their trip a radio broadcast was heard "And here is our president speaking........ to our fellow citizens we our advising everyone to evacuate the entire country due to unexplainable creatures wandering out the country , military bases are deployed around of the country , thousands are already dead and its still counting , please leave the country immediately if you don't want to be one of "
The driver tried to catch the signal back " signal jamming , sh*t this old radio " Then the driver just slammed the radio and continue driving .
Eric tried to call his mom but its not answering the message , Eric putted the phone back in his bag.
Anna looked at him " there's no signal here "
Everyone was looking at Eric exept for the driver
Eric looked at the window " I'm just worrying " He was looking from far away and he saw something smoking from far away either its a crashed plane or a burning building.
Robin laughed " come on it just only a joke "
Eric was nervous " what if its not "
Simon looked at him and said
" you don't believe in Gods but you believe in that "
Eric take of his hat and said " will you just shut up "
Teacher Allson rebuked Eric " Eric stop it "
Everybody stopped looking at Eric and everything got quiet for a while .

teacher Allson go back at its seat when Mang Kepweng just stepped on the break , other's almost fall off their seat
He asked the driver " why did we stop ls there any problem " but Mang kepwengwas was just staring at its front " sir look
at this "

Teacher Allson stood up from his seat and look at the front and saw a child being eaten by four strangers
" Everybody don' t look at the window , i'm going to check what is happening "
Mang kepweng opened the door and teacher Allson go off the bus and tried to push off the strangers away from the child
but the strangers drag him down and start to eat him . Allson screamed in pain.
" Zombies " Robin said " lest get the hell out of here "
Everybody was panicking that waked the other's then some we're crying to what they saw . The driver drives the bus fast and bump the zombies to death .
But the driver was surprised by a burning vehicle coming to them that he turned the wheel to the right and the bus breaked the barriers then it slide downward a cliff and crashed to a tree.

Eric was woke up by Simon " what happened "
Simon checked Eric for any wounds " you only got only small scratches as well as the others but Mang Kepweng is not , hes dead, he got stabbed by a branch of a tree that broke the wind shield "
Eric saw Mang Kepweng blood dripping of the wound , Eric had a feeling of dizzy and nauseated .
Robin tried to go off the bus but before he opened the door , he got surprised by hungry Zombies
He crouched and crawled to the back of the bus .
" everybody hide " [he whispered]

Ralph asked Robin " what is happening "
Robin signaled Ralph to be quiet " Just stay quiet and let them pass by or we will be their snack " [still whispering]
Everybody stayed quiet until all the zombies pass by .
When their almost gone everyone slowly go off the bus and go straight to the forest , the last that go out the bus was Robin but he come back to get his back pack which is his worst mistake .
He took his bag but when he was getting of the bus he passed by Mang Kepweng that just waked up , he strangled Robin and bit off his neck .
Robins blood splattered everywhere .

They did not know that Robin was not in their tail anymore . They only noticed it when they were too far away from the bus but they can't go back , its too dangerous .
It was already sun down and they were stuck in the middle of the forest , They don't know what and where they were going
Sun had already set and they cant see anything in the dark . Emily get the flashlight on her bag however she was the only one that have a flashlight so she take the lead .

It was at the middle of the night and they've decided to camp out through the night ,
They used their extra clothes as their bed and their bag as their pillows . They cant create a bonfire because it might attract the dead around them . One was in charged to guard through the night and the Lucky one was Eric was the one in charged .
Emily give the flashlight to him and the go tho sleep . Eric sat on the center of the entire group . He guard until its almost sunrise but he was already sleeping while sitting . He got awake by footsteps , He turned on his flashlight and waked the others .

It was still dark . Eric saw small red eyes glowing beside a tree and it multiplied around them . one of the red eyes were getting close . Eric pointed the flashlight to it and he saw a man with its red eyes his skin is white as dead he was only looking on Eric then the guy rush upon him and pushed Eric down and dragged him away . Others ran and scattered everywhere hoping to escape but they were caught by the other strangers and like what they did to Eric they were also dragged and don't know where they were being brought .

They were draged and brought to a small town which was abandoned . They were brought to a small warehouse where they were caged .

They were not the only one inside . There were about 50 cages that can fit about 20 persons per cage and all of it were full of survivors .
Eric and his classmates do not know why were they brought in there so Simon asked the other inmate in the next cage
" hey you , do you know why we are here "
the inmate did not answered so Simon beat the steel bars and asked again then the inmate answered
" we are going to be eaten " The inmate then sat and looked from far way like his was in flotation .
Simon was thunderstruck to what he had heared that he bang the steel bars and start screaming.
" let me out of here , I don't want to be a snack , b*tches ".
One of the guards go close to Simon and punched him on the face . Simon lose consciousness and fell down
his classmates catch him and lied him to the ground . They need to escape or else they will die .
The next day the cage next to Eric's the guard took one of the inmates , they don't know what will happened until the next day the guard came back and brought a sac when he opened it , the sack contains a died body of the inmate last day , he placed it back on its cage and chose another cage , he chose the cage were Eric was , he opened the cage and grab Anna . but the guard don't know that when he left last night Ralph and the others created an escape plan and luckily the guard conformed with the plan .
the guard was attacked cruelly by everyone in the cage but the Guard was so strong . Vincent saw grab the sword bound upon the guards waist and stab the guard in the chest , It didn't bleed instead it burned as well as the body to the bones
" blood suckers " Vincent said... Simon took the keys and fled the others they escaped the town . Some of the inmates lead them to a military base were they were trained for months and was send to battles against the demons where they meet Lucifer the king of hell . thousands of soldiers died from the battle until the last were Eric and the troop . Eric killed Lucifer by slashing it in the heart by a baptized sword , Lucifer exploded and Eric and the others propelled . Eric landed on a rock but he stand like nothing happened he even vote to drive back to the base but when he reached the base he collapsed and died .

8 Update Logs

Update #8 : by Lavasaurous 08/01/2018 5:45:20 amAug 1st, 2018

plot ended the story

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08/01/2018 2:28 pm
Level 20 : Expert Dragon
FangABXY's Avatar
Interesting.... But maybe fix up the grammar a bit? I think some of the the sentences are run-on while some words were placed incorrectly and with a lack of periods and commas.
08/02/2018 5:03 am
Level 46 : Master Dinosaur
Lavasaurous's Avatar
Actually i'm bad at English I only created this because this is it my project in English and the strory was not finished yet
-thanks for the reply
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