Minecraft Blogs / Review

endergirls world reveiw 3

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berserkvampire's Avatar berserkvampire
Level 29 : Expert Taco
mc.dudecraft.org one the servers i have resided on for a long while filled with.. interesting people ive been reveiwing the server for some time now and i found it to be a plessent exsperience im glad i helped it for a little bit of time but slowely i felt.. empty agian the time came for me to try a new server i will not forget the friends i have made sutch as tastybagels, dudelydude, BlinX,Olly,beatbox, dzw11, kerp1unk, sister_pig, and many many others i have resided on the server for months and this was also the very first server i became a admin on i learned that.. i did not enjoy being admin responsabily was a burden to me. this is definitly one the best servers i have been on thats why i resided there for so long thhought a few admins fight with eachother here andd there and there greif everyonce in a while i wont forget it thi sserver has pvp creative survival and whole sorts of things its every kinda server meshed into one so theres always somethign for you to do. i helped creat eceonimy and made few statues but other than that i nvr really did mutch i did manadge to get the enderborn clan my brother has worked so hard for running but i feel like thats a bad thing its not his server or mine i felt as if i was trying to control everything to mutch so i felt it was time for me to go bu if you want to build, chat, exsplore, gain power, or idk anythign thi sis the best serveer for you i originally had a list of things i was gona put on this reveiw about this server but honestly its something you will have to exsperience on your own minecraft is as fun as you make it and i was glad to call this server my home

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04/12/2012 8:53 pm
Level 1 : New Engineer
tastybagels's Avatar
Thank-you very much Berserk. You really did help a lot and you have decided the whole economy of my server and there were a few fights but those are now hopefully over with. You will be keeping your admin spot so as long as you want to come back on, you will still be an admin and you will be missed by us. It was a bit stressful at points but you kept me up some nights until 3-4 a.m. just helping he server get better and grow.

You will be greatly missed. Thank-you.
04/12/2012 9:21 pm
Level 29 : Expert Taco
berserkvampire's Avatar
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