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Do what YOU enjoy doing!

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OliverFrenchie's Avatar OliverFrenchie
Retired Moderator
Level 72 : Legendary Scribe
Hello again, OliverFrenchie here. I'm back again with a motivational blog post about Doing what you enjoy doing and not letting anyone else say otherwise!

I'm an avid YouTuber as many of you know and I enjoy making videos that help, teach and entertain people. Regardless of my subscriber count and viewcount, I enjoy making those videos because I get a lot out of them. Its something that I love doing and will spend hours perfecting. My parents don't really see the point in what I do and why I do the videos because they aren't from this modern day and age. They think that I should be out there doing hours of sport instead of sitting indoors making videos...

But hey, I love making videos and I'm terrible at sport. Why should I have to go outdoors and do 2 hours of sport each day leaving me aching and embarrassed because of the failure that I am when I could quite simply be sitting indoors, sipping on a cup of tea whilst I edit a video. Sure I do exercise, I go running and swimming each weekend to pass some time and keep fit. The point is, that I didn't let my parents change or direct me in a path that I didn't want to go down. Instead, I continued doing what I love doing.

Another incident that happened a while back was the bullying that I got from my friends, or what they would call 'banter' or 'teasing'. Sure its funny to a point, but after a while you start to question if it really is teasing or if they genuinely mean it. Day in and day out, I'm surrounded by people that do extremely large amounts of sport especially amongst my friends. They practise hours upon hours perfecting their sport. I do the same, but with something a little more unconventional, making videos. I didn't let go of what I enjoyed doing, I persevered and continued.

Why should they dictate what you do in life, when it is your life. Your life to direct, your life to lead and your life to do what you want with.

If there is something that you enjoy doing and get immense happiness out of then just do it and don't let anyone stop you because at the end of the day, who gives a flying codswallop about what they think.

Its not their life, its yours.

Thanks once again for your support and positive comments, they really help me to strive further into the community.


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09/08/2012 9:23 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Lolisher95's Avatar
My parents are SO strict. The time limit I am aloud on anything is 30mins. While my little brother gets hours and hours on end of playing the computer, PlayStation, Xbox and Wii. I am so sick of them. I can't wait till I get to move out because then I can do what I want.
09/09/2012 11:52 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
xDarkSniper1300x's Avatar
Same here only 6 years and im moving well goin on to college
08/24/2012 5:41 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Skinner
POLE STAR's Avatar
My Mom Says That If I Enjoy Something Then I Should Do It.
She Is The Best!
09/30/2012 1:29 pm
Level 26 : Expert Modder
FailureGamer92's Avatar
same! my dads like 'whats good with walking throught blocky field hitting blocks while looking at blocks!' he atually once said that! but my mums like 'let him do what he wants!' im on mah mums side :D
10/02/2012 2:18 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Skinner
POLE STAR's Avatar
08/21/2012 8:03 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
xDarkSniper1300x's Avatar
i hate how we pre teens teens and children try to have fun but our parents dont want us to live life we want its always live life how THEY want u to live i get tired of it im tired of my mum being like "thats enough playin the computer" and "thats enough playing xbox" whats next i get limited on listening to music onmy ipod my little shitthead of a little brother doesnt get limits on things he gets to do watever he wants im fuckin sick of it
09/08/2012 9:24 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Lolisher95's Avatar
I totally agree with you.
08/17/2012 2:24 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Taco
thurgiie's Avatar
You have a point. My mum doesnt like me playing minecraft, blogging ect. but its what i like to do. I love blogging but my mum doesnt want me to. I dont think she understands.
08/15/2012 6:57 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Modder
Surseance's Avatar
Lol. You have a point, but you should listen to your parents once and a while. At least listen to your mom: she pushed your body out of her anyway, so that should make you respect her a little. Just make sure you have time for their requirements AND the things you enjoy doing.
08/14/2012 10:18 am
Level 42 : Master Electrician
FewPlayers's Avatar
yea your right my mom and dad always tell me to stop play and go outside but my neighbor comes to MY backyard and breaks the fun stuff, and they don't listen! i love playing minecraft and other games, but they always tell me and tell me but i don't like going outside, they make my creations horrbie by pushin me around. and my uncle hates minecraft because it's "Blocky" HE Hasn't even tryed it!
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