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Complaining - How To Get Something Without Complaining! [Contest!]

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Greytopher's Avatar Greytopher
Retired Moderator
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pig
Hi guys, Greytopher here with another topic I'd like to talk about with you. Complaining, and why complaining for something will not get you anywhere.

When someone says "no" they mean it...

Complaining starts at a young age. As far as I remember, I've seen everyone complain; even myself. Through the past years I've observed, especially on Minecraft and PMC, complaining does happen a lot when someone doesn't get something, wiether it's a kid or an adult.

I totally get my fair share of complaints from numerous players on servers, since I'd perfer to moderate and take control rather then build at this very moment. Taking care of one community and making sure it doesn't fall apart is a hard task, especially if everyone is aching for one thing: the next rank. This is what I find troubling: when I moderate servers, I usually vanish into the night and stalk the noobies like a wierdo. I check if they're griefing, a griefing team, or that kind of sort. I see them either building or jumping around in a forest with nothing but a block of TnT. Anyways, if this player is building, I can tell by the way they're building they're not doing it for fun, like how it's made out to be, but more along the lines of "I need to finish this so I can progress!"

The next day, this noob asks for a rate, acting fairly cocky about it in the process. I continue to judge the build, even though I immediately know what my answer is. I tell the kid "Sorry bro, this isn't really that great" and I proceed to tell them what they could improve on as a builder.

Then, surprise surprise, the complaining begins. "But, but I worked so hard on this! Took me forever! Plzz rank me up plzz!" I don't rank people up out of pity. As bad as I feel, I can't do that. They start offering me things in return, like they'll do my laundry (yeah, I've gotten that), or they'll help me later in the future or some excuse like that. I tell them no, and they need to work a little harder, and all they do is pout and wait for the next mod/staff/admin to come along. That same staff/admin says it looks like utter poop, and the complaining rises up from the depths again.

I see this happen every day, wiether it's Minecraft or not, it's annoying to everyone when we see a complaining player. If you complain, I can almost garuentee you'll be looked down upon by higher authority, seeing as you're the person who wants to get what they want, and they'll do anything to get it.

Ways to get stuff done without complaining...

I can tell you right now that there are TONS of ways without complaining of how to get what you want. If you follow these steps, not particularly in order, you should be able to get what you want.

  1. Patience. Being patient is key to anything. The longer you wait for something to come to you without asking, the more of a chance you'll get it!
  2. Take the advice given. If someone tells you "Imrpove on this that and this" then don't just shut them down and cry, take the advice (Only if it's good and you think you might actually improve...)!
  3. A small reminder. So, let's say you're following number one. Maybe the person forgets what you're asking, or maybe the person doesn't care. A gentle reminder of what you want could seem as though your just nudging them on the shoulder, a little like "Hey, could you rate my plot?" or "Could I have this?" If they say "No, you cannot" then WAIT! Being patience is key! Then, when time has passed (a day or two) ask them nicely again!

  4. Be respectful. The more you get to know the person, the more that person respects you. The more they respect you, the more they want to give you something in return.
  5. Stay positive. Acting like a lazy scrub won't do you any good... play it optimistically!
  6. Don't be obvious! The more obvious you are about what you want, the more they won't give it to you. Keep it to yourself, and don't mention it too much.
  7. Whatever you do: Do not COMPLAIN about it! Asking for something isn't enough, but then begging for it won't help either. The more you complain, the more something will not get done!


Basically: Don't complain, bro. The more you do it, the more you won't get what you want. And remember: usually, my helpfulness through this blog will get you what you need! Patience is a virtue! Read above how you can get what you want without complaining!

Hey you! Yeah you, in the shirt! I just want to say thank you for reading! If you liked this blog, go ahead and leave a diamond and a favorite, if you enjoy reading my blogs, subscribe!

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~ rspminecraft & Greytopher (rspgreytopher)

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12/31/2012 12:42 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Scribe
Torm's Avatar
I 100% agree.
08/11/2012 10:06 pm
Level 47 : Master Blob
8BitShadows's Avatar
patience doesnt work. i've been waiting a month to game a full length game that is $10.
08/11/2012 10:09 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pig
Greytopher's Avatar
Patience always works, you just don't know how to use it wisely. If you've been waiting but no answer, give a friendly reminder that you can A) get the game yourself on your own time B) wait till your parent(s)/gaurdian is available to take you.
08/11/2012 10:10 pm
Level 47 : Master Blob
8BitShadows's Avatar
i have been reminding them every so often, its for download.... and when we were at a hotel with infinite download, they downloaded.... we (the kids) did not..... :(
08/19/2012 2:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SuperDwarf52's Avatar
You could try getting the money yourself from doing jobs around the house/neighborhood to get the game yourself. Trust me though, of how long you've been waiting, it's totally worth it. The game is amazing. Also don't watch stuff about it like lets plays, reviews, etc. Like what the blog said, patience is the key to anything you want. Games, money, even women if your into that kind of stuff. Just wait and be patient.
08/19/2012 3:17 pm
Level 47 : Master Blob
8BitShadows's Avatar
i have $100, and the game is $10....
i have the money, and i got it from working
08/20/2012 10:55 pm
Level 47 : Master Blob
8BitShadows's Avatar
im getting teh game now :D
08/11/2012 1:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DuckTheDuck74's Avatar
What if im not wearing a shirt?
08/11/2012 10:10 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pig
Greytopher's Avatar
Well... then it just got a tad awkward.
08/10/2012 9:56 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Mage
fishman12345's Avatar
Nice! Hope you win the Contest..... or atleast in the top 3 finalists!
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