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come one come all hear me rant about this new genie

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ziggy like stardust's Avatar ziggy like stardust
Level 72 : Legendary Vampire
So if you clicked on this, you're here to see just why I hate this Will Smith genie.

come one come all hear me rant about this new genie

My issue comes with the CGI/Paint.
come one come all hear me rant about this new genie

Excuse me, this is a DISNEY film. You know, with a huge budget. I shouldn't have been able to trace where the fake skin and the actual skin met. Are you serious, Disney? This looks disgusting!
Look at my traced image and the original. Look very closely. Here.
just in case y'all can't zoom, or if you're lazy like me
come one come all hear me rant about this new genie

Not only this, but Smith's skin shade is DARKER than the cap. I get it, he has dark skin, but then they could've used a lighter blue. I feel like they used the same blue as the cap.
Also, it's pretty clear that it's a cap because of the lack of wrinkles.

Disney, stop what you're doing. Stop raising beloved classics from their graves for money. The kids who grew up with these beautiful films beg you to not torture the younger generation with... this.


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08/21/2022 4:52 pm
Level 24 : Expert uwu
MassiveEgg74523's Avatar
U guys are HATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was a GOOOD MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05/19/2019 5:56 am
Level 43 : Master Witch
dawnosaur's Avatar
It's not just the genie
What df have they done to Jasmine? Why has she got short hair? It makes no sense!
03/19/2019 11:56 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Dwarf
MuggleWorthy's Avatar
OOF I have to agree... this does NOT look good one bit... I’m astonished though, I didn’t even see the cap thing!!! ThATs jUsT sO BaD
03/06/2019 1:25 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Paladin
Momu's Avatar
I mean... atleast The Lion King remake looks good ._. But yeah lol, this one looked horrible in the trailer. Wtf is wrong with Jafar’s voice ._. IT IS TO HIGH
02/20/2019 9:38 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Cyborg
walk's Avatar
im here for this rant
02/18/2019 2:22 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
InuYasha86000's Avatar
I myself am not a fan of all these remakes, especially when a lot of them seem to be of movies from really good actors who have passed (such as the late robin williams), it feels like they are defiling the actors legacy by going "hey, we ran out of ideas for original movies, what are we going to do? let's just remake this good movie to make a quick buck, people will recognize the title and flock to it!".
02/16/2019 9:39 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Sailor
MrOceanTravel's Avatar
I'm deaddddddddddd! This is so on point true. XD
02/14/2019 7:29 am
Level 32 : Artisan Explorer
TheCyanShyGuy's Avatar
dont you remember that 'Jungle Book" remake?? that was a piece of trash. Mowgli looked and sounded weird King Louis was enormous, and he died in the remake. (i dont think KL died in the original did he?) I get Disney is money hungry, but really... let the originals rest in peace. did you know that disney stole micky mouse? YEAH there was an original cartoon maker guy thing back in da day (when cartoons were JUST becoming a thing) who had his i dea STOLEN from him by disney. not ONLY that but Disney also profited from this stolen idea, and put the original maker out of business. have fun with that people.
02/15/2019 10:25 am
Level 38 : Artisan Artist
Antiquez's Avatar
Yeha remake was supa trash
02/15/2019 10:57 am
Level 32 : Artisan Explorer
TheCyanShyGuy's Avatar
yay someone agrees with me :D
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