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Interview: Battle of the Bloggers: Jetra VS Happykeystv

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SoggyTractor's Avatar SoggyTractor
Level 56 : Grandmaster Spelunker
WELCOME to the Battle of the Bloggers!

In this blogging arena there can only be one winner. I am your host, SoggyTractor, and today Jetra and Happykeystv will compete for the highly prestigious (ahem) Reader's Choice Award! Once you've read the following interviews with the writers themselves, you will be able to vote for your FAVOURITE blogger! Without further ado, let the battle commence!

What influences and motivates you on PMC?

Jetra: The fact that I know that, by being a moderator, I'm helping to create a better community by guiding members and making sure that their time in the chat is fun and safe. As for influences, I do it because I care and that is what keeps me going. To know that I could put a smile on at least one person's face and to know that they're having a good time.

Happykeystv: What inspires me to keep going is the simple fact that I have earned many a friend on PMC. To be completely honest mostly all PMCers have at least one thing in common... MINECRAFT of course, otherwise why join the site :P. But seriously, it's the support mixed with the feeling of accomplishment when people comment saying "Great blog" etc.

Where do you see yourself on the site by this time next year?

Jetra: I hope that I'm still a moderator on the site and hopefully the Minecraft community doesn't die down by then. I do wish to maybe become a site moderator one day, but due to some nerve and stress issues, I don't think I'd make it in that year time frame, however friends have been helping me take it one step at a time so who knows?

Happykeystv: This time next year... hmm, well I know I will definitley and finally have Photoshop XD So I will be able to add more cool effects on my work so it looks more interesting. I will be a better writer and if PMC hasn't jumped into a lava pit in a years time, I will still be trekking here on PMC, guiding newbies through the hard times of finding popularity.

Who would you consider your biggest rival/competition here on PMC?

Jetra: Unfortunately, the only real competition I had was Yisewalton, but he quit blogging and got rid of everything he had. I wish I had competition, but there aren't really any reviewers, per say. I could try to compete with bloggers, but that's just not my style. I came in as a reviewer, and I'm determined to leave as one.

Happykeystv: I don't "really" class him as a rival, but he's always one step ahead and I want to beat him so bad! His name is Jetra, he hates me so much :) and I love him hating me, it's actually one of the reasons I write as well, just to grind his gears on how good I'm getting so fast ;D. Lawl, after this, I think we are going to become rivals >:) Bring it on! :P

[Note, the bloggers didn't know they were competing with each other at the time of interviewing]

In terms of your work on PMC, is there anything you're particularly proud of or disappointed with?

Jetra: Definitely my rants. Those have been a burden and a constant reminder of what happens when you get too close to the edge of the rules. I should just delete them, but I can't bear to do it after all the work I put into them. Rants are fun to do and probably belong in the forums, but just saying out loud your frustration with a particular topic is a great experience if you don't try to burn bridges. In my case, I was complaining over the number of simple and photo-realistic packs. I've grown past hating simple packs after seeing a couple of good ones. However, my stance on photo-realistic packs remains firm: Why bother with them? You may as well just either go outside or play another game if you hate graphics that much. I don't care about graphics, I just want to play my game.

Happykeystv: Well... I am very, very proud that I have been accepted into this wonderful community, but my favorite submission that I've made, that took me quite some time was my Piggy Parkour map, taking me a whole week to make! XD. But I also love my Piggy Exploder due to how many people tried to stick up for the Pigs. But in all honesty, I LOVE PIGS. I know what you're thinking, yes I like Greytopher, yet I didn't blow up his cousin in my machine... *awkward silence* Well... I'm just gonna say my best submission so far or to date is my Scratmeus skin, the most diamonds I've ever gotten and I put a lot of time into that submission, it has a few funny stories, from the cool 3D render at the bottom to the fact that Vrej(sorry, Vrezh now) accidently deleted the submission for a bit, and I got the almighty Vrej(SORRY, Vrezh) to say that he HerpDerped :) My proudest achievment. To date.

Is there anything you take from PMC to use in real life or in future?

Jetra: Nothing is ever simple, so you need to look carefully. This has been said a million times: You can't judge a book by it's cover. I want to rephrase that to suit what I've experienced: Each person is just another piece of history waiting for you to dig though. As a reviewer, I simply didn't want to grab the greatest texture pack or the first server I saw in the listings. I went in and dug through each and every section, including skins. You'd be surprised at just what kind of quality there is if you simply "pull things out of the box" as I like to call it. Each person is unique and should be treated as such.

Happykeystv: I can take many a skill from PMC, from the cliché friend making and socialising, but the main thing I've learnt from PMC is to always be yourself, it's true. Copying someone else's style is awful, but making your own is creative. Yes inspiration and copying are completely different. Hmm... I can't think of anything else here.... lawl. Well I've also learnt some coding due to PMC and a few morals and sadly I finally learnt some "common" sense XD. Yes, I use to be like Sheldon Cooper from "The Big Bang Theory", I never responded in a normal way and I could never approach people, but PMC taught me to talk more. THANKS PMC(Due to chat)


If a book about failures doesn't sell, is it a success?
Jetra: No, then it'd be a failure, duh.

Happykeystv: No, it's not a success, because it hasn't sold.

why is the word 'abbreviation' so long?
Jetra: I don't work at Oxford or Webster, so you should probably ask them.

Happykeystv: Because in old English people liked lengthened words, so abbreviation was made long. (Poshness ftw!)

Shouldn't there be another word for 'synonym'?
Jetra: Isn't it called equivalent?

Happykeystv: There should be another word for synonym, I think there is one but I'm unsure...

What's another word for 'thesaurus'?
Jetra: Probably glossary or lexicon

Happykeystv: Lexicon or even dictionary would work.

Why is the word 'dictionary' in the dictionary?
Jetra: Same reason gullible is in there.

Happykeystv: I would assume because it is a word with meaning, and the dictionary gets words and shows the meaning, so it's name should be involved in the contents.

BONUS QUESTION: How does it feel to currently be one of PMC's hottest bloggers, and how do you think you got there?

[WARNING: modesty alert]

Jetra: I'm surprised as I didn't notice this fact. There are a number of better bloggers than me, one of whom I look up to is hobo joe. I think I got there because I just tried my best and filled in a unseen niche that people don't realize. Blogs have a review section, so I spent my days in there rather than the Articles section. After about four or five months at it, I wrote probably the first tutorial for reviewers.

Happykeystv: I actually didn't know I was a hot blogger but if you say so *flicks hair*. What got me here was advertising, friendship, being social. Oh, and being original. :D

There you have it. Wise words from both of them. You can check out their submissions here: Happykeystv Jetra

They've posted their blogs. They've given their answers. Now it's time for you, the readers, to have YOUR say. Vote for your favorite blogger HERE!

The votes will be counted and after 7 days we will have the winner! Happykeystv or Jetra? YOU DECIDE.

D I A M O N D if you enjoyed! :)


1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by SoggyTractor 07/06/2013 4:15:16 amJul 6th, 2013

Change of title.

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09/19/2013 6:48 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Sailor
Mars's Avatar
two of my favorite people (I has tons of fav people)
07/09/2013 12:38 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Prince
MayuriYandere's Avatar
Now watch as a 3rd contestant (derpeh) comes up and wins x3
07/07/2013 10:21 pm
Level 46 : Master Blockhead
Danthec00lman's Avatar
Do they even know about this blog? lolz
07/08/2013 1:10 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Spelunker
SoggyTractor's Avatar
07/08/2013 11:01 am
Level 46 : Master Blockhead
Danthec00lman's Avatar
Yah I asked happy he said he knew
07/06/2013 11:02 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pyro
Supernova666's Avatar
TL;DR. I win instead.
07/07/2013 1:00 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pig
Greytopher's Avatar
07/08/2013 1:53 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn
AquilaeVolanti's Avatar
No, Greytopher wins.

Sorry Jetra.

(Shamelessly puts up a Greytopher Banner)
07/06/2013 1:06 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Spelunker
SoggyTractor's Avatar
Don't bother explaining what you mean by this.
07/06/2013 5:29 pm
Level 22 : Expert Grump
Arty's Avatar
Too long, didn't read.
I win instead.
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