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Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy P18 - Fire and the Flood P1

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GoldenScientist's Avatar GoldenScientist
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Hello. I am very sorry for this hiatus. I started this chapter before the school year ended, and I was overwhelmed with assignments. Now the school year is over, so I have no excuse. Finally getting to work on this on June 22. Looking on a brighter note, the Hollows escaped from their containment chambers in my lab, and me, Greief, and my guards and researchers joined some of the contestants to try to contain them, and we kinda succeeded, but Evoker pushed herself too hard and she fainted. Allay tried to help her, but the Hollows got the best out of her too. She ended up hurting her arm, but she's recovered.
Later, I traveled to an ominous dimension filled with sculk with Greief in hopes that we could find a tool to stop the Hollows, but I ended up hurting my foot and then were attacked by this thing called a 'Dusklit Egray'. We ended up finding a town called Darfyra inhabited by a race of people who are resistant to sculk corruption. They seem to be scientists, and they let us stay in their town.
It's safe to say that I have returned, but I am still a bit affected by that stupid sculk corruption. Luckily, it's not getting any worse than it already is. Unfortunately, I don't know about my friend's whereabouts. I overheard Agnes saying that he's still in Darfyra, as his Hollow trapped him there. The Hollow also held one of Darfyra's scientists captive in a lab here. Also, this will be a long chapter due to the long wait. Perhaps this will have a month's worth of work done in two days in it.
With that long introduction out of the way, time to start today's chapter!

Thank you, viewers, voters, and all who read this and voted.
Welcome back to the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy.
Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy P18 - Fire and the Flood P1
Want updates on BENT as they are made? Follow the Update Log here!
  • GoldenScientist is a young woman with short blonde hair and blue eyes.
  • She has light skin and appears to have similar physical traits to a Swedish woman.

  • 1.19 - Sculk & Swamp or the Mild Update?
  • Pizza?
  • Beware the Dusklit Egray.

Read the rest of the series
View the Collection here!

Here are the contestants
Contestant List
Team #1: Alleviation
- Allay check_circle_outline
- Copper Golem check_circle_outline
- Glare check_circle_outline
- Axolotl check_circle_outline

- Cow check_circle_outline
- Mooshroom check_circle_outline
- Warden check_circle_outline
- Moobloom

Team #2: mångfald
- Pillager check_circle_outline
- Vindicator check_circle_outline
- Evoker check_circle_outline
- Iron Golem check_circle_outline
- Bee check_circle_outline

- Enderman check_circle_outline
- Piglin check_circle_outline

- Tadpole
- Vex
- Piglin Brute
- Goat
- Glow Squid
- Ravager
- Illusioner
- Frog
- Wandering Trader
- Hoglin
- Phantom
- Villager
- Iceologer
- Cat
- Wolf

  Allay files to the elimination dorm, struggling to carry all the food that the eliminated contestants had ordered. As she approaches the front door, a gust of wind blows, almost causing her to lose her grip on the tray.
"Woah! A little help here?" she shrieks, catching the attention of a guard.
"Hello, Allay. May I take that from you?" he asks.
"Oh, yes, please. I'll be back with the drinks and the rest of the food shortly," she replies.
Allay hands the tray of food to the guard as she flies back to her apartment.
At the apartment, she is greeted by Evoker.
"It's really nice of you to bring them food. Even Illusioner. Would you like some help bringing the food down there?"
Allay nods and the two bring the remaining food to the elimination dorm.

  Once again, Illusioner and Piglin Brute sit in the elimination dorm's cafe. This time, they do have better food. Both of them had ordered eggs with bacon and hash browns.
"This food is amazing! This bacon tastes like a hoglin. I wonder where she got that from..." Piglin Brute asks.
"Doesn't matter! This is way better than anything they serve here! I'm soooo glad that Allay stopped being lazy and made us food," Illusioner replies.
"Me too. It's been a while since she's made us food. What's with her nowadays?"
Much like they had done almost every other day, Phantom flies in to put the boys in check.
"Must I tell you guys again that Allay wasn't being lazy? She was helping with the Hollows and got hurt. Again. She really needs to stop it, because I'm sick of burnt among us crewmate toast too," they explain.
"Ok miss or mister or whatever the heck gender you are today know-it-all," Illusioner says. "She's still slacking!"

Hello and welcome back to the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy. Today, I have a few announcements to make before we start. Firstly, I'm really sorry for the unexpected break and the long wait for today's game. If you weren't already aware, the Hollows broke free from their containment chambers in my lab and they attacked. We tried our best to fight them off and contain them again, and we partially succeeded.
During this time, a few contestants came down to help with the Hollows, and I am truly appreciative of their efforts, and everyone's efforts in this trying time for that matter.
Shortly after, Greief told me to come with him on a mission to an ominous dimension. This world was full of sculk and I was honestly really scared. I ended up cutting my leg and then we got attacked by a creature and I got a little bit corrupted.
  My second announcement is that I will be going on vacation again for the second week of July. I'm so sorry. Just a few things I'd like to say about this 'vacation' - Firstly, I did not choose to go on this trip. I was signed up to go against my will, and there's no changing anyone's mind at this point. Second, this trip isn't even to a cool place. If it were to some far-off city in a different country, that would be one thing, but this is to another campus that's like two hours away from here. I was forced to go there last year, and the housing situation was far from optimal. The room I was sleeping in was less than half the size of my bathroom here on campus, and I had to share it with three other young women. There was barely any room in there, considering all four of us had our luggage in there, and the room wasn't even made to suit four people. The bathroom, which I remember as only being slightly larger than the bedroom, smelled awful. It's almost like that school locker room that smelled like dead mice after it rained.
The food there was less than preferable, and so was the eating area. Regardless, I'm going back this year and I don't think things are going to be any better. On top of what I described, I don't think they have good reception, so I won't be able to communicate with anyone here. I also doubt that I'll be able to do Duolingo, so if I don't get back right after that week, don't worry about me. I'm just escaping Duo's lair. I've actually always wondered what that owl's hideout looks like. Does he even do that kidnapping people for forgetting their lessons anymore?
To sum things up, I will not be here for the second week of July. Don't count on me being able to contact you.
Allay looks up.
"That sounds awful. I'm so sorry you have to go to such an unfavorable place. You keep on going on holiday, and it worries me. Please be safe," she says.
Thanks for the support. I'm hoping for my own safety too, and that I return home as soon as I can.
  For my third and final announcement this morning, you may have noticed some changes in the way that our economy works and that two of our 'voters' have mysteriously disappeared. These two are connected. One of the 'voters' has been exiled due to reasons that I will not disclose. Likewise, I will not publicly disclose the location of the second person. Because of what these people did, the economy has changed. From now on, and we really should've done this earlier, our businesses here will not accept any currency except for the Kiruna Dollar. Please do not use gemstones to buy your food.
Since I've made the announcements that needed to be made, let's get on with the elim- I mean rejoining! First, let's bring in the eliminated contestants!

  Last time, the voters picked one of ten previously eliminated contestants that they wanted to rejoin BENT, and let's just say that I was a bit disappointed by the outcome. We got 13 votes, which is the lowest amount of votes we've gotten since P9, where we only got 12. I'm really hoping we get more votes today, but that's off-topic.
Today, we are going to let the fourteen contestants who are still in the game vote too. I'll let them vote first, and then I'll show the votes cast by the voters! I turn on my slideshow and cast it on the Promethean board. It displays an empty graph listing each of the ten possible rejoiners.
So, as I already said, the contestants still in the game will vote too, and when they make their choice, that vote will be added to this chart. Whoever gets the most votes will rejon the game on Alleviation, and everyone else goes back to the elimination dorm.

Alright. Allay will be going up first since she is the first one in the alphabetical lineup very cool, so she should go first!
She flies up to the stage and looks at the eliminated contestants.
"Hmmm.... who to vote for?" she asks herself.
She turns back to the other contestants and then back to the rejoiners.
"I think I am going to vote for Phantom. She doesn't seem to get much support, so they get my vote," she declares.
A navy blue box appears above Phantom's row on the graph.

Axolotl is up next. The amphibian slowly walks up to the stage and stops. Remembering their bovine teammate, they move towards Moobloom.
That's one vote for her!

Alright. Bee is next.
The insect flies up to the stage and goes straight to Moobloom, almost as if to say that she was voting for her.
Ok, I'll take that. Another yellow box is added to Moobloom's row on the graph.

Next up is Copper Golem. He runs up to the stage and calls out his vote without hesitation.
"I vote for Moobloom!"
Ah, Moobloom is looking very popular.

Iceologer looks to Piglin Brute and Illusioner.
"WHY IS THAT COW BEATING ME?" he shouts angrily.
"Yeah! Don't those fools know anything? We are getting outvoted by a COW!" Piglin Brute responds.

Well, you three are out of luck this time. Cow is up next, and I bet I can guess who she's going to vote for.
She runs up the stairs and much like Copper Golem, she casts her vote for Moobloom without thinking. As she turns to leave, she is met with a problem.
"Help! I can't go down the stairs!" she exclaims.
Well, just stay up there and stay out of the way.

The next one who will be voting is Ender-
Before I am done announcing, Enderman teleports up to the stage.
"Chillager for the win!" he exclaims before teleporting back down.
A blue box pops up under Iceloger's row on the graph.

Next up is Evoker.
Evoker walks up to the stage and brushes off her skirt upon getting up.
"Let's see here..." she says. "Piglin went kinda crazy after her brother was eliminated, but I have to look at the other options first. I'm not voting for Illusioner for obvious reasons. Cat tried to eat Allay at IKEA, so she's not getting my vote. Neither is Wolf. He never contributed anything to the game, but then again, Alleviation gets the winner of this vote. That doesn't mean that I am going to use my vote to sabotage them. I'm voting for Piglin Brute, because he's not Moobloom, and I kinda want to see Piglin's reaction if her brother gets back in the game,"
Ok. One vote for Piglin Brute! A dark brown box appears in his row on the graph.

Glare is up next.
They promptly fly up to the stage to cast their vote.
"I will go for Moobloom. It would be nice to have her back," they say.

Ok. Iron Golem is up now.
"Sorry if you don't agree with my vote, but I'm going for Villager. I am obligated to do so," he says as he walks off the stage.

Mooshroom will vote next.
Much like Cow, Mooshroom runs up the stairs and votes for Moobloom. She too is stuck, as cows can't walk down stairs.

Now, Piglin, Pillager, Vindicator, and Warden haven't voted yet, and we are running out of time for this section. Let's make this fast.
Piglin unsurprisingly votes for Piglin Brute.
Pillager goes up next and votes for Iceologer.
Vindicator walks up to cast his vote.
"I like Eve's thinking with her vote. I'm voting for Piglin Brute too,"
Last but not least, it's Warden's turn to vote.
Much like the rest of his team (save Allay), Warden casts his vote for Moobloom.

Thanks, guys. It looks like if we were just going based on who the contestants voted for, Moobloom would rejoin. Let's see who the voters voted for!
First, I'll say who's going back to the elimination dorm! Vex, Illusioner, Wandering Trader, and Wolf, you didn't get a single vote from the contestants or the voters, so it's back to the elimination dorm for you!
Now Villager got one vote from Iron Golem, and Cat got one vote from a voter. With one vote each, neither of you will be rejoining either.
Next, Iceologer didn't get a single vote from the voters, but he got two votes from the contestants. That's not enough to rejoin. Looks like everyone will be hot this summer!
Now we are down to Piglin Brute, Phantom, and Moobloom. Who is going to rejoin?
Well, Piglin Brute and Phantom only got four votes each, with Piglin Brute getting one vote from the voters and three from the contestants, and Phantom vice versa. Neither of you will rejoin. That means at a total of 15 votes from the voters and contestants combined, Moobloom is back in the game!

Welcome back to the game Moobloom!
Well, while we thank the voters and get the eliminated people back where they belong, let's get these three cows down from the stage, shall we?

Everyone seems content, except for Moobloom, Mooshroom, and Cow, who were stuck on the stage.
Warden walks over to the stage and offers to help the guards by lifting his teammates down, to which they agree right away. After asking for her consent, Warden effortlessly lifts Mooshroom from the stage and places her back on the ground. He soon does the same for the other two cows.

Thanks to the voters!
Thank you to these users for commenting/voting on the game!

User List
Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy P18 - Fire and the Flood P1forum home KaiOceansword
Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy P18 - Fire and the Flood P1comment forum Zibonzi
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filter_1 SEfaught forum++ comment weekend build

emoji_people comment forum Totodile
filter_1 TheEvokerQueen comment emoji_people forum+ live_help build meeting_room home
comment BigFatPotat
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emoji_people forum Unavalible_User
emoji_people forum live_help build Emminlk12
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emoji_people EmmaOMG01
emoji_people library_books Tonytime34567
emoji_people forum MasterOfDisaster11


User Badges!
I'm putting badges next to names in the user list now that I have more time to work on this. Here's what they mean!
But first, what are User Badges? User Badges are an icon next to a user's name on the user list that they can earn by interacting with BENT.

(Enchanted Netherite Trophy)
- Well, not quite. This small iron token is awarded only to the most dedicated voters and followers of the game.
comment (First Speaker I) - There's no need to stay silent. Go ahead and speak up!
comment+ (First Speaker II) - Posted the first comment on 3 or more chapters. This badge is an upgrade to First Speaker and replaces it when you earn this one.
chat (The Ultimate Second Speaker!) - Not quite the first, and not even the second, but rather the third? Things get confusing when the first voter leaves, but that means this honor can be given to the next voter!

emoji_people (Follower) - You are one of my followers!
forum (Conversationer I) - Reply to another user's comment!

forum+ (Conversationer II) - Reply to comments more than 10 times. This badge upgrades Conversationer and replaces it when you earn this one.
forum++ (Conversationer III) - Reply to comments more than 20 times. This badge upgrades Conversationer + and replaces it when you earn this one.
weekend (A seat for you) - One of the four recently replaced benches in the plaza was named for you because you are a frequent follower of the game!
live_help (Got questions?) - Ask a question on the official BENT Q&A forum!
filter_1 (Badge Collector I) - You have 5 or more badges! (Not counting this one!)
filter_2 (Badge Collector II) - You have 10 or more badges! (Not counting this one!) This badge upgrades Badge Collector I and replaces it when you earn this one.
how_to_vote (200th Voter) - You cast the 200th vote on BENT! Only awarded to AfaPacks.
(Amogus, Don't Be Sus) - Don't be a sussy baka!
build (No more.) - Away with the useless construction tools!
meeting_room (What is this place?) - What is this musty room and how'd I get here? Am I supposed to be here in the first place?
library_books (A Full Stack) - Look! It's a stack of comments!
home (Campus Resident) - You can live on campus! Apartment dweller or in a home?
border_color (Wiki Helper) - After all that stuff with the backrooms happened, we needed a place to write down all that information...
directions_run (silent echo) - That voice... it sounds so familiar...
directions_walk (The Battles We Can't Win...) - ... The Hollows... Have they broken free again? No, it's not them, but something stronger.


Badge Prerequisites
(Enchanted Netherite Trophy) - Earn this badge by being a 'frequent' viewer.
Prerequisites for
Enchanted Netherite Trophy:

comment (First Speaker I) - Posted the first comment on a chapter
Prerequisites for First Speaker I:
Post the first comment on any chapter.

comment+ (First Speaker II) - Posted the first comment on 3 or more chapters. This badge is an upgrade to First Speaker I and replaces it when you earn this one.
Prerequisites for First Speaker II:
Post the first comment on three or more chapters and have earned First Speaker.

chat (The Ultimate Second Speaker!) - You were the second voter. I think.
Prerequisites for The Ultimate Second Speaker!:
Your username is AfaPacks.

emoji_people (Follower) - You are one of my followers!
Prerequisites for Follower:
You are following me on PMC.

forum (Conversationer I) - Reply to another user's comment!
Prerequisites for Conversationer I:
You have replied to at least one comment on a mainstream chapter of BENT.

forum+ (Conversationer II) - Reply to comments more than 10 times. This badge upgrades Conversationer I and replaces it when you earn this one.
Prerequisites for Conversationer II:
You have replied to 10 or more comments or replies on a mainstream chapter of BENT and have earned Conversationer I.

forum++ (Conversationer III) - Reply to comments more than 20 times. This badge upgrades Conversationer II and replaces it when you earn this one.
Prerequisites for Conversationer III:
You have replied to 20 or more comments or replies on a mainstream chapter of BENT and have earned Conversationer II.

weekend (A seat for you) - One of the four recently replaced benches in the plaza was named for you because you are a frequent follower of the game!
Prerequisites for A seat for you:

live_help (Got questions?) - Ask a question on the official BENT Q&A forum!
Prerequisites for Got questions?:
You commented on the BENT Q&A forum thread.

filter_1 (Badge Collector I) - You have 5 or more badges! (Not counting this one!)
Prerequisites for Badge Collector I:
You have earned 5 or more badges, not including upgrade badges or this badge.

filter_2 (Badge Collector II) - You have 10 or more badges! (Not counting this one!) This badge upgrades Badge Collector I and replaces it when you earn this one.
Prerequisites for Badge Collector II:
You have earned 10 or more badges, not including upgrade badges or this badge and earned Badge Collector I

how_to_vote (200th Voter) - You cast the 200th vote on BENT! Only awarded to AfaPacks.
Prerequisites for 200th Voter:
Your username is AfaPacks.

(Amogus, Don't Be Sus) - Another special badge made for no reason whatsoever.
Prerequisites for Amogus, Don't Be Sus:

(No more.) - Who doesn't like construction tools?
Prerequisites for No more:

(A Full Stack) - Look! It's a stack of comments!
Prerequisites for A Full Stack:
Post the 64th comment or reply on a chapter.

home (Campus Resident) - You can live on campus! Apartment dweller or in a home?
Prerequisites for Campus Resident:
Live on the campus. You can buy a house through the comments or via the Q&A or roleplay.

border_color (Wiki Helper) - A true historian who helped out alot...
Prerequisites for Wiki Helper:
Make an edit, or more like a few on the BENT fandom! Make sure I know who you are!

directions_run (silent echo) - Hurting yourself in the deep dark wasn't a great move... Huh? Was that a sculk sensor or am I losing my mind?
Prerequisites for silent echo:
⊥ℌℯ ﹩ḉʊʟк ḟεεʟṧ ṧ☺ ḟαღḯłḯ@ґ, ßʊ☂ Ї ḉ@η❝т ♭℮αґ ⊥ø ℊø ♭@¢к тø ⊥♄@☂ ℘łα¢ε▪▪▣

directions_walk (The Battles We Can't Win...) - Sometimes, the only winning move is not to play.
Prerequisites for silent echo:

You can request a color for your username and badges in the comments. Otherwise, your color will be set as a color from your profile picture.


Now time for the game!
Ok, ok. About today's game... We were originally going to do bowling, which was written down on the itinerary for a while. It turns out that the people who do renovations on the campus are either really bad at coordinating with me, or I am really bad at planning, but the bowling alley is under construction. I'm going with the latter option, as I did plan these renovations a while back and must've forgotten. Or because I was planning on doing this contest last month. Regardless, I do have a contest in mind. I called up my friend FoxridgeE9 again to ask him for advice. He was reluctant, and at first, asked me to throw everyone in lava. I asked for a second thought, and then he brought up a swimming challenge, but that involved letting contestants drown. Either way, he wanted me to harm the contestants. That is not something that I'm going to do. *flashback to Phantom Reflections where everyone on Alleviation died*
Ok, so maybe contestants did get hurt in past contests. That was because they hurt each other, and the only time.... well, come to think of it, I am really guilty of putting you guys in danger through contests that you would easily get hurt or die a few times. I only mean the Hollow incident and the Nether escape rooms. I am taking full responsibility for all those deaths, as not only did I create the Construct Hollows, (not for the contest. I'm still not telling you why I made them) I also made you guys fight them knowing well that they are powerful beasts.
Today, I've decided to combine my friend's two ideas into one, or rather two contests. You will be partaking in a challenge based on fire or water. Before we start, let me explain that both courses are like obstacle courses. They will both involve either fire and lava, or water and ice. For the fire course, you won't have to burn yourself, and you won't have to swim for the water course if you physically can't swim. Also, because of time limitations, we can only do one stage of the course today.

  The fire course will take place underground and will start off with a maze, but not the kind you are used to. The floor will have a grid of splash pad-like fountains that will shoot fire instead of water. Certain ones will turn on and off at given intervals. You could always make a run to the other end, but there's no guarantee that the fire won't turn on while you are on the floor.

  The first stage of the water course will face you with a 100-meter long and 12-foot deep pool. That's a bit more than the length of a football field. You can swim across, boat across, or fly across. Just be aware that there aren't boats available and you need to craft your own. To put that into perspective, the first stage of the fire course is only 40 meters long.

Because Enderman cannot touch the water and Axolotl needs it, mångfald will be doing the fire course, and Alleviation will take the water course. The team that finishes first wins. Once again, I am doing that thing where one member of the losing team will join the winning team and one will be eliminated.

  Evoker looks at the grid of fountainheads on the ground. They turn on, blasting fire into the air.
"Too bad no one here can fly. Luckily, I can run really quickly. Do you guys need help getting across? I'll gladly apply a speed effect onto you guys. Or fire resistance," she says.
"Evelyn, what did I tell you about doing that? You are going to exhaust yourself. Don't worry about us and just get across on your own," Vindicator replies.
Pillager looks toward his friends. "Wait, what did you say about someone who can fly? Are you forgetting about someone?" He turns to look for Bee, but she is nowhere to be found.
"Oh, that buzzy bug? I haven't seen her since the rejoining ceremony. I'd say that she snuck off with Alleviation. She must've been hiding in their shadows somehow," Vindicator replies.
"Guys," Evoker declares. "I'm going across. You sure you don't want me to cast any spells on you?"
"Eve, we're fine," Vindicator says, with a slight laugh.
Evoker nods and casts a speed spell on herself before darting across the floor of now deactivated fountains. Just as she is halfway across, they turn back on.
"AGGGGGHHHHHH!!!" she shrieks, running frantically through the flames to reach the end of the maze, and her arrival to the destination is quickly followed by a burst of green and the unparalleled sound of a totem activating.
The fire turns off, and Evoker has a clear view of her team. Still sitting on the ground, she waves at them. "You guys coming?? Don't do what I did and make a run for it - just uh... Wait- what is that? is that a pressure plate?"

  In the water room, Alleviation has already made progress.
"Bee, what are you doing here? Why aren't you with your team?" Moobloom asks.
Bee buzzes around her head.
"OHHHH!! I see. Do you want your team to lose? You'll be in the bottom two, and you can join our team?" Mooshroom responds.
The insect flies in a little loop and then flies over to Allay, who is helping Copper Golem collect materials to craft a boat.
"We're almost there... I'll go grab a few more pieces of wood for the oars!" Allay exclaims, rushing over to Warden, who had collected wood from outside.
"Thanks!" Copper Golem exclaims. He turns to Glare. "Should I craft some more for the cows? I don't know if cows can swim, and I don't want them to drown."
"They can swim, but they can't row a boat. Unless you put one in your boat and another in Warden's. There's still going to be one that doesn't have a boat because Allay and I are flying across," they reply.
Allay rushes back, Warden following closely behind.
"We're back! Let's get these oars made and get across!" she exclaims.
Glare and Allay look at each other as they lift the boat into the pool. Moobloom, Mooshroom, and Cow have started swimming across, and Axolotl has already made it across.
"Wait!" Copper Golem exclaims, "Don't we need life jackets?"
"Yeah, you're right. I'll go get-" Allay starts.
"Don't worry about life jackets. We just need to get across the pool, and there is no need to worry. It's just 100 meters," Warden replies.
Copper Golem nods and hops in the boat, and Warden follows. The pair starts to row towards the end of the pool, and Allay and Glare fly beside them.
Bee still hasn't left the room.

"Ok... So we could just uh... do the maze, but the thing is that we only know where the walls are when the fire is on," Pillager mutters.
"Clearly. Thanks for pointing that out. I never would've known that if you didn't say anything!" Enderman replies satirically.
"There's no need. There is no reason for you to be here in the maze with us. YOU could've teleported to the end at any time!" Pillager shouts back.
"You know what? You're right. Goodbye losers!" Enderman exclaims, teleporting away, but he doesn't appear on the other side with Evoker.
Vindicator sighs. "Bro, do you think you could've had a better choice of words there? I think he took what you said literally..."
Evoker looks ahead at her teammates as the fire deactivates again. "Come on! Halfway there!" she cheers before turning her attention to the pressure plate. "Hmmm... I still haven't checked that out. I wonder what that does..." she says, walking over to the pressure plate.
She looks around for a second before taking a long step onto the pressure plate. Suddenly, the room begins to rumble and shake.
"OH NO!!! WHAT HAVE I DONE????!!!" she exclaims.
  The room is still shaking. Vindicator and Pillager grasp onto Iron Golem as the fire fountains start to frantically flicker on and off.
"What is going on!!??" Piglin shrieks, stepping backward into a flame projector. She squeals as she frantically digs around in her pocket for a fire-resistance potion. "Oh no, oh no.... Do I not have any?????!!!"
Suddenly, the rumbling stops and the fire starts to shoot from the ground continuously. Vindicator, Pillager, and Piglin look around, all agreeing that what just happened was unexpected.
"So, I think that the fire is on for good and won't turn off. Let's do this maze!" Iron Golem commands.
"Yeah, but even when we get to the end, we still can't beat Alleviation because Bee is with them, and Enderman literally teleported to THE END!" Piglin yells as she navigates the flaming maze.

  Alleviation is surprisingly behind. Allay and Glare had stopped to help get the cows to the finish line, and Warden and Copper Golem had paddled their boat back to the starting platform.
"We're back where we started!" Copper Golem exclaims.

Down underground, mångfald has managed to reach the end of the maze, but they aren't quite safe, as Enderman and Bee aren't with them.
"Seriously, why did you have to say that he could teleport to the end?? And Bee - she's.. ugh! She didn't even start with us!" Vindicator shouts.

Alleviation is behind. Warden and Copper Golem have restarted, as not only was their first boat too small to fit both of them in it, but it had also started falling apart, putting them back to square one. Meanwhile, Allay and Glare had successfully helped each other get Moobloom and Mooshroom across the pool.
"Ali, I really think you should stay here," Glare explains.
"Cow is still halfway across, and I want to help bring her over too," Allay replies.
"Look, you and Eve are always pushing yourselves too hard. I appreciate the perseverance and dedication, but you really should stop,"
"But, I just feel like I have to help her,"
"Fine, you do you, I guess. I'm just going to stay here,"
Allay flies back to get Cow, but of course, she is too tired. She suddenly collapses, landing in the water. Cow freaks a bit and treads the water while preventing her teammate from going under.
Warden and Copper Golem, who are now finished building their boat quickly row towards Cow and put her and Allay on their boat.
Because of the extra weight, it is a bit harder to move. Glare, who is now more energized, notices and quickly flies over to help push the boat towards the end.
Looks like this is yet another victory for Alleviation!

Underground, all the members of mångfald are really annoyed.
"Damn you Enderman!" Piglin shouts.
Vindicator turns to Pillager. "Look, this is your fault. You could've said anything but THE END,"
"Hey!" Pillager mumbles.
Evoker looks at both of them. "Guys, don't blame Enderman. Blame Bee! She didn't even show up!

The members are arguing, and Iron Golem takes it to himself to break up the fight.
"I agree, but we're not going to fight over this!"

Everyone unanimously agrees that the elimination should only be between Enderman and Bee, but the guards have different thoughts.
I know that everyone is mad about this unfair loss, so we'll let the members of mångfald vote as well. You guys also have a week.

It is time. I need to pack. Even though my vacation is next week, I must make sure I'm prepared. As it turns out, I'm not the only one going on vacation next week. Allay is in her apartment preparing to go back to her home for the week to visit her family.

"My younger cousin's birthday is coming up and my parents are hosting a party at my apartment. Also, thanks so much for agreeing to help. I'd love to show you around my hometown," Allay explains.
"It's no problem. Hey, I have an idea, if your parents are ok with it," Evoker responds.
Evoker and Allay look at each other as Allay puts a stuffed axolotl that Evoker had knitted in a box.
"I can't thank you more, Eve. Go on with your idea, I'd love to hear it!"


Vote on a member of mångfald to be eliminated. The two most voted members will leave the team. One will leave the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy, and the other will join Alleviation. Part 19, Fire and the Flood P2 will be released when voting for this is over.
CreditBENT 18 in blog format

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11/15/2023 1:51 pm
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Jozum5's Avatar
yay im so excited to read more of these!
11/14/2023 1:07 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Strawberry
ShadowGoldenScientist's Avatar
The thumbnails in these are the most random lol
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