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Archives of the Fallen (LoST S1 Round 2)

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Zatharel's Avatar Zatharel
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Archive Entry #4423148 (Year: 2035 ; Entry Title: 2+2=5 ; Author: Big_Brother)

I buttoned my suit and walked through my office. Plenty of light shone through the window as the late evening sun slowly hid itself behind the ruins of the city. I thought about going to the Colosseum to see those pathetic underlings beg for mercy, but even that could not entertain me. It’s what they deserve really, it’s their choice to disobey the system. Generations have worked to build this and I will not let all that work fade because of the idiocy of individuals.

But really, what disappoints me is that I have not achieved much, unlike previous generations. They fought wars for years, killed so many people and now that we’ve finally gotten an ideal system where only the pure race dominates and all who oppose die out, what is there to achieve anymore? At this point our existence just seems so pointless. The only thing we must focus on is maintaining peace and finishing the Archive. My greatest fear is that one day, all of this will be forgotten and everything we’ve ever achieved will fade away.

Archive Entry #0002483 (Year: 1945 ; Entry Title: Downfall ; Author: Unknown)

It was happening. The Red Army was storming through Berlin, bringing the system to an end. They told us to fight, to stay behind, but we knew we had to take our families to safety. I left my own country behind to save my family, and I have no regrets. The Fuehrer ran, so why shouldn’t have we?

While I write this I fear that one day, in the near future our demons, or rather demon will come back to haunt us. Perhaps not the demon himself, but either his descendants or his followers. I hope that I don’t live to see that day, and I hope that my family is safe when the time comes to kneel before our masters.

Archive Entry #1123345 (Year: 1985 ; Entry Title: Misery ; Author: Unknown)

I was once a happy man. Not a wealthy man, not an important man, but a happy man. Then, ten years ago they came back. They slaughtered all who disagreed and enslaved all who they considered impure. The fortunate ones were allowed to fight in the Colosseum for a longer life, while the less fortunate were executed.

I have lost everything - my family, my home, my identity. Every day I fear that they will find me, but why even hide? My life has no more meaning - I am a weak man, I cannot fight them. I have nothing to live for, and I have nothing to die for.

Archive Entry #0123445 (Year: 1975 ; Entry Title: Rebirth ; Author: Administrator)

They are back. The death of freedom and the rebirth of the Nazi is upon us. While I am writing this to inform you all of what is coming, I do not fear for my life, but I fear for yours. I refuse to run and let soldiers fight in my name. What sort of leader am I if I do not fight this evil myself, instead of letting innocent people die because of me?

Soon, they will take over and there will be no stopping them. Gather your forces and hide, until the time comes to strike back. Once we die out, you will be the last remaining hope. I trust that you will one day give this world back to the people.

Archive Entry #5423200 (Year: 2036 ; Entry Title: Uprising ; Author: Revolution)

It is time. For years we have been hiding in the ruins of our once beloved cities and the time has finally come to take back what is rightfully ours. We may perish, but if we do, we didn’t go down without a fight. Tomorrow we attack the central military forces and bomb the government.

I encourage you all to spread the word and tell even the poorest of men to rise up against the evil. There is only one way to win this and that is to win it together. Without each other we are nothing.

Archive Entry #9066609 (Year: ???? ; Entry Title: Sundown ; Author: Samaritan)

Target: Homo Sapiens

Status: Terminated

Declaration: Surviving amount unknown.
  Observation: Terminated by selves.




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Art Dei Tech
05/16/2015 10:06 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Grump
Art Dei Tech's Avatar
LOL my story is very similar to this, especially the writing style, but in the Blogger Craft tournament. Yours is based on matrix, mine is on inception xP
05/16/2015 10:45 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
well mate, chronologically I wrote my story before you did, Lola_ can verify that :p
Art Dei Tech
05/16/2015 1:10 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Grump
Art Dei Tech's Avatar
well mate, technically I didn't read this yet until finding out this was on pop reel.

EDIT: Now i notice the difference between posting and writing. xD
When did u write this btw, you wouldn't know when I wrote it then :O (ignore the fact that I post immediately after I finish writing xD)
05/16/2015 2:43 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
Art Dei Tech
05/17/2015 12:22 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Grump
Art Dei Tech's Avatar
Fair enough.
05/16/2015 9:01 am
Level 48 : Master Blockhead
Happs's Avatar
Matrix pls
05/16/2015 9:02 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
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