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Aqua Bracelets

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Travisa Inc's Avatar Travisa Inc
Level 17 : Journeyman Company
Oblinings have existed since the beginning of the universe and One day which was thousands of Years ago a Mage discovered the Oblining's Existence and made the Aqua Bracelets in order for the Oblinings to be seen and to help them.
Trendz (The Oblining of the Trend Bracelet) states that legend says when the Star Bracelet and Black Op Earrings are worn together, their user will gain absolute power. At some point in time, all of the knowledge about the Aqua Bracelets and their powers were written down in code in a book called the Grimoire
with very few people knowing how to decipher the code. Star Boxes were also created at an unknown time to store the dormant Aqua Bracelets.
When the Oblinings inhabited them, the Aqua Bracelets bestowed amazing power on their wearers.

To protect and distribute Aqua's, the Bracelet Guardians was formed and existed for many years. Throughout its existence, guardians trained younger generations to keep a watchful eye over the Aqua Bracelets and the Grimoire, which were placed in the guardians' temple. Occasionally, a Aqua Bracelet would be lost.

According to Trendz, the Aqua Bracelets, meant for good purposes, have been used by heroes throughout history. However, in the wrong hands, Aqua Bracelets can be used to cause terrible disasters.

The Bracelet Guardians fell 172 years ago because of a mistake made by Zam Kulks, a young apprentice guardian at the time. While undergoing a trial of watching over a Star Box for 38 hours without eating, he used the Habit Brooch Bracelet in an attempt to create a small SentiHabit to go to the kitchen to get him some food, but he accidentally manifested a ravenous Habit that devoured the monks and most of the Aqua Bracelets, Kulks was given the Grimoire by one of the temple's monks, along with the last remaining Star Box and ran. Fu ended up losing the Trend and Habit Aqua Bracelets, along the Grimoire while trying to flee from the SentiHabit. After narrowly escaping, Kulks took the American Star Box with the remaining seventeen Aqua Bracelets with him and the jewels faded away into legend.
The Aqua Bracelets are magical jewelry that when a User says it's respective transformation phrase the Respective Aqua Bracelet's Oblining is pulled into the Aqua Bracelet and turns into energy to charge the Aqua Bracelet. A Transformed Aqua Bracelet user can use a more controlled version of the Respective Oblining's superpower but Minors can only use it for 6 times until their Oblining is out of energy and they detransform in 6 minutes. Adults can use the Aqua Bracelet's superpowers infinitely without detransforming. When transformed the Aqua Bracelet's holders can't recognize each other due to the Quantum Disguising which prevents Humans from recognizing the Aqua Bracelet's holders when they are transformed regardless of how similar their Civilian and Superhero forms are.

Usually, a Aqua Bracelet is assigned to an appropriate user with good intentions by a guardian, a human tasked with watching over the Bracelets and keeping them in a safe place when not being used gives a deeper insight on why the Aqua Bracelets and their owners are chosen so carefully. Such as a holder not having the right physical, emotional and mental requirements to handle the jewel's powers like becoming obsessive of their powers or emotional attachments becoming too strong.

While there is a chance of giving a Aqua Bracelet to an unworthy candidate, the system prevents many unfit people from getting the Aqua Bracelets easily. The guardian takes back and stores the Aqua Bracelets when it is discarded or returned to them. Unfortunately, there have been cases where the Aqua Bracelets were lost, even potentially forever, and the guardian was unable to retrieve them, such as when the Trendz Bracelet and the Habit Brooch Bracelet was presumed to be lost forever by Guardian Zam Kulks

Aqua Bracelets can be kept by their chosen users for many years as long as they are being used, and the holder is capable. Before the Aqua Bracelets were given to Starkid, Darkbug and their team the jewels were strictly used by adults only. Guardians can give a Aqua Bracelets to another to keep balance in the cases of a Aqua Bracelet hero being manipulated by people in power.

There are some ways to acquire a Aqua Bracelet outside of being chosen by the Great Guardian. People can find the Aqua Bracelets if they have been lost and are unable to be stored properly. For example, Dr. Amusa first found the Trendz Aqua Bracelet and the Habit Brooch Bracelet and she created a SentiHabit aka Dr. Travisa to serve as the Central AI of Travisa Inc, and then she let her high school Boyfriend Aloin Sculks take the Bracelets to a safe in his home and hide them after he used the Habit Brooch Bracelet to create a SentiHabit that being his son, and then Vicki Sculks knew where the Trendz Bracelet was, making it easy for her to utilize it for evil in order to get the Star Bracelet & Black Op Earrings to get the Absolute Power instead of good without Zam Kulk's interference or knowledge of her secret identity or when Allen Gram De Dains obtained the Repaired Habit Brooch Bracelet after a Bargain With Vicki Sculks which allowed her to get all of the Aqua Bracelets in Starkid's Star Box However, there are those who found a Aqua Bracelet and by their own free will, would use it by trying to be a hero without being chosen by a guardian. Heroes who obtain a Aqua Bracelet without being chosen may keep their jewel with approval from its guardian.

Previous Aqua Bracelet holders can also give their Bracelet to someone else if they don't know a guardian or the guardian can't intervene first. After Oblin wrongly believed She shouldn't be the Black op Earring holder in Obin snuck the Black op Earrings into Nelson Rain's bag in hopes that he would find it and take over as Darkbug, although Obin later decided to continue as Darkbug and retrieved it before this could happen. If a current or previous holder can't continue their job by other means, like old age or injury, they can give their jewel to someone else, like how Nelson Rains wields the Reality Bracelet in Zam Kulks place due to the latter's bad back.

Wielding a Aqua Bracelet without being chosen by a guardian or without one's approval comes with a risk as there is no guardian to help the Aqua Bracelet holder heal their Oblining or, in some cases, to repair their Aqua Bracelet if it were to get damaged. Their ability to use the found Aqua Bracelet may be limited without guidance from its guardian.

Another option for getting a Aqua Bracelet is stealing a Bracelet and/or removing it from its user. There are different kinds of motivations for taking another user's Miraculous. One motivation is The Trendizer's intention to get the Star Bracelet and Black Op Earrings to access their absolute power when combined. On the opposite side, if a Aqua Bracelet is being used by a villainous person, it is the Great Guardian's task to find out who the Miraculous holder is and take it away from them. If needed, the Great Guardian will get help from other Aqua Bracelet holders or choose new ones in order to stop the villain, as when Felix Sculks and Obin Lee received Aqua Bracelets from Zam Kulks to defeat The Trendizer. Along with being vulnerable to being stolen if they aren't being worn, the Aqua Bracelet can be forced off the user by someone else when they are being worn, whether or not they are transformed. Despite being possible, it's less common to be able to steal the Bracelet when the holder is not transformed unless the taker knows what the Aqua Bracelet looks like when in its camouflaged form, which is even more confusing when the camouflage mode varies between different wielders. The only other way a Aqua Bracelet can be stolen would be someone who has one, willingly exposes their identity.

When in need of assistance and with the express permission of the Great Guardian, a current Aqua Bracelet owner can temporarily give a Bracelet to someone else as long as the temporary owner returns it when the mission is over. This is seen multiple times when Starkid required either extra numbers or the specific powers of a certain Aqua Bracelet to defeat a villain. As of Aqua Bracelets: Legends of Starkid & Darkbug's 4th Season now that Starkid is the new Guardian of the Mother Box, he continues to follow this rule and sometimes if the situation calls for it temporary holders can become full time holders as shown with the severity of the Trendizer repairing the Habit Brooch Bracelet and unifying with it.
In Aqua Bracelet's Season 5 finale, Starkid Unifies with the Black Op Earrings and became Bugstar and defeated the Trendizer (now called Monarch due to having all the Aqua Bracelets) and Trendizer was crumbled away due to the Starism Mark on her body since she forced Starkid to Starism her in the 3rd episode of the 5th Season and escaped through a Portal she opened due to being Unified with the Teleport Bracelet and Bugstar got all of the Aqua Bracelets and used the Darkbug superpower to fix all of the damage and reforged the Aqua Bracelet's to their original forms and gave them to their holders permanently in order to stop them from being stolen all at once again.

Another way can be if a Oblining along with their jewel becomes separated from their chosen owner, then they can work with and/or choose a temporary owner until they are reunited again, which happened with Felix Sculks and Obin Lee in "StarMod".

Even though, Oblinings can be renounced by their owners, Oblinings can do their own form of "renouncing". As with Real's and Darkz's case, if the task of being a wielder is too great for them or least if the holder doesn't meet the Oblinings expectations they can convince their owners to surrender their jewels without saying the renounce command. Afterwards the Oblinings begin their search for new owners under their own judgement if a guardian doesn't or can't intervene or has their guardian's permission.

Not all Bracelets in other people's possession are worn and wielded by them. Guardian Zam Kulks kept unused Aqua Bracelets in the Star Box in order to keep them protected and available for future chosen users in required situations. In "Redbird", in a secret safe, Vicki Sculks stored the Habit Brooch Bracelet and the Grimoire since The Habit Brooch Bracelet was mysteriously damaged and can cause illness to its holder. At the same time, Aqua Bracelet holders who wear the Bracelet may never or rarely transform with them. Because of his age, Zam Kulks struggles when he attempts to transform in "Starkid & Darkbug", hurting his back in the process. Nonetheless, Zam keeps and wears the Reality Bracelet, often discussing matters with Shellz and benefiting from her assistance.

As of "New Guardian", Felix Sculks kept the inactive jewels inside the Star Box inside his sewing box but allowed the Oblinings to roam freely.

Current Aqua Bracelet Holders
Felix Sculks is a 17 year old American boy and Olympian who uses the Star Bracelet with help from Reals to transform into the Superheroine Starkid gaining the power of Starism. in order to stop the Trendizer.
Obin Lee is a 17 year old American Girl who uses the Black Op Earrings to transform with the help of Darkz into the Superheroine Darkbug gaining the Superpower of Creation in order to stop the Trendizer
The Star Bracelet which is currently owned by Felix Sculks.

Aqua Bracelets
Aqua BraceletsRealz the Oblining of the Star Bracelet.
CreditMiraculous Ladybug for the inspiration.

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04/05/2024 11:26 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Batman
TravisaInc's Avatar
The Golden Enderian
11/15/2023 3:49 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Button Pusher
The Golden Enderian's Avatar
You could transfer this to the comic group
11/15/2023 3:54 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Batman
TravisaInc's Avatar
I rather keep it on my profile page.
The Golden Enderian
11/15/2023 4:17 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Button Pusher
The Golden Enderian's Avatar
Should I make another copy of this for the comic group?
11/15/2023 4:22 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Batman
TravisaInc's Avatar
The Golden Enderian
11/15/2023 4:27 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Button Pusher
The Golden Enderian's Avatar
Ima add you as collaborator since this is in progress
10/27/2023 1:49 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Batman
TravisaInc's Avatar
10/16/2023 5:33 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Nice lore
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