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AnimeFan Interviews: My Interview with RevChuckles!

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AnimeFanFTW's Avatar AnimeFanFTW
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Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Hello everyone, AnimeFanFTW here, with another interview blog, and today, I interviewed RevChuckles!

It's been a rollercoaster of emotions for me the past couple of days. Having to scan my computer for a virus for a day and a half, PMC crashing, my favorite game Rocket League getting Indie Game of the Year, searching for a ton of jobs, it's been mayhem. And somehow, I was able to fit an interview blog between it all.

Anyway, RevChuckles is a good friend of mine, always enjoying my interview blogs. So I decided to interview him. :D

Check out his stuff here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/revchuckles/ 

(Oh, and because I had a virus affecting my laptop, been unable to watch SAO II for a while to advance my review. So expect the review in 2016...but I do have a plan for a game I want to review. No word on it yet, so just stay tuned)

Now, let's begin!

(I'm green, he's light blue)
AnimeFan - Hello RevChuckles, how are you today? :D

RevChuckles - Ohai!~ o/
I am great thanks ^-^
How are you?

AF - Good to hear. I'm also going good. :D
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to be interviewed. Let's begin!
How did you find Planet Minecraft?

RC - Awesome ^-^
Yeah no worries :D
I found Planet Minecraft way back in its early days while looking for a skin to use. 
There was a few sites available but this one just stuck with me >.<

AF - No surprise, PMC has a good community. :D
What about Minecraft?

RC - Uhh.. I dont actually remember o_o
I just remember playing it back at high school through a mates laptop and buying it soon after :P

AF - Ah, you discovered it like most people.
What made you want to post content on PMC?

RC - Haha yep the Minecraft virus spread like wildfire ;P
Well I got into skinning after making my first ever personal skin very loosely based off a Jin Kazama skin that I had found (Fun Fact- I actually made a remake/tribute skin to that recently).
Anywho.. Yeah after making a few skins for myself and a few mates I thought I would post them as I was very happy with how they turned out (At the time.. >.> ) and things sort of took off from there ^-^
Long answer sorry ahah >.<

AF - Ah, similar to how I started. Minus the me being happy about my skins. xD
What are your favorite videogames to play?

RC - Aww ahah >//<

Hmmm.. Well there are many ^-^
I love all the games from my childhood (Mario, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro etc) and they will always be great to play ^-^
Im currently playing both Bloodborne and Fallout 4 at the moment and having a blast with those too :D

AF - I do need to get into Bloodborne and Fallout 4. I heard Bloodborne has a recent DLC released. :P
How did you come up with the name RevChuckles?

RC - Yeah Bloodborne is like... The one game I get so madly frustrated and intense with that I shut it off and then immediately turn it back on >//< Its a real love hate game ;)
Oh the name huh?
Yeah thats a fun story :P
So essentially at high school I was in a pretty *cough* succesful rock band named Stitched Lips.. Each band member had a sort of theme we went by and I was the one dressed in black with a huge over the top top hat and black face paint based on "The Crow" (I can give you our band photo from Instagram if you wish :P).
Anywho.. Seeing as my "Character" was uhh.. That :P We came up with the name "Chuckles" and it stuck.
The "Rev" part of my name came from the fact that I am actually a Reverend :P Me and my old guidance councillor/mentor (May he rest in piece) were looking for a way to get me well again as I suffered from a bit of bullying and depression at school in the early years (I later turned over a new leaf and became quite a social butterfly after that ^-^). So yeah, I had the bright idea to get ordained and stuff so we worked on that over a year to get the absolute minimum requirements and voila!~
"RevChuckles" was born and yah ^-^
Sorry for the novel ahahah :P
Thats the band photo :P

AF - Wow, that might be the most interesting story ever told since I first started interviewing. :O
Do you watch anime? If so, favorite animes?

RC - Ahaha glad to hear it ^-^
Yeah I watch a wee bit :3
Ive loved all the ones I have watched but the stand outs are anything Dragonball related, Elfen Lied, High School of the Dead, Death Note and Space Dandy.
All time favourite though would have to be Eyeshield 21 ^-^
If you haven't watched it I really recommend doing so :D

AF - Never heard of Eyeshield 21. :o
What is your most favourite PMC Submission you've made, and your favourite made by someone else?

RC - :O Go watch it ^-^
Uhh.. Favourite submission made by me is a tie between Master Roshi, Jin Kazama, Yogscast Sjin (Just cause he wore it >.>) and my Shovel Knight themed Batman :P (I dont really have favourites ahah)
Favourite submission by someone else... Oh god I have no idea ahaha probably Frendens Meringuecraft or MCSkin3D :P

AF - I'd agree with MCSkin3D. It's helped me so much. :D
What is your favorite song and music genre?

RC - Oh god I have way too many favourites ;w;
It all really depends on my mood >//<
I like stuff ranging from classical to metal to electronic to k-pop :P
But yah that question is hella hard ahahah ^-^

AF - That's true, I guess.
It would be kinda hard to listen to heavy metal when your happy. xD
What is your favorite block and mob from Minecraft?

RC - Ahah >.<
Hmm well I do like the chiseled quartz? The one that can be used for making Greek themed pillars just cause >.>
And mob wise... Id have to say either Ocelot because I miss my cat or Enderman because they make me laugh when they steal things :P

AF - I do like the quartz blocks. they do look right in a Greek setting. xD
You miss your cat? Mind if I ask about your cat? What was its name, and what happened?

RC - Yeah I miss my wee kitty :3 His name was George and I had him for about 13-14 years. Had to put him down a few months ago though as he developed liver and stomach cancer :/ He is in a better place now :)

AF - Ah, that sucks. I also had a childhood pet which I loved very much. A dog named Casper. I still miss her... TuT
Now for the random question: Game of the Year for 2015? ADDED NOTE: I did this interview before Witcher 3 and Rocket League were given the titles of Game of the Year. Oops...

RC - Naww pets rule <3
Ooo GOTY...
Id have to say... Bloodborne or Batman Arkham Knight.
Ive honestly enjoyed those games the most and am still playing them >//<

AF - Going to be honest, very surprised you didn't say Fallout 4. xD
Do you have any future plans for PMC?

RC - Yeah well I am currently playing Fallout 4 but I am not really drawn into it as much ;w; I really do want to like it more but I think I just need to get some more time in game haha >//<
Uhh yeah I plan on making skins just whenever ^-^
I also plan on making more Let's Skin videos as they are pretty well recieved and are fun to make.
May make some building things in the very far future or whatever but I don't know ahahah (Probably not.. >.<)
But yeah nah good times are in store ^-^
Also I am currently working on some real exciting MC related stuff that I cant wait to be able to talk about and release things on here eventually (I had to sign a NDA so cannot legally disclose any information ahah :P ).

AF - Ah I see, must remain quiet on the secret stuff. xD
Now, before we end this interview, any shout-outs and thank yous you want to say?

RC - Mwahaha it is a pretty big thing though and I am super happy and honored to be a part of it :D
I would love to make a HUGE shoutout to the awesome people at Hyrealm (An awesome server/community that I am part of)- You should totally check us out and join the madhouse family <3
Also massive shoutouts/thank-yous to Meggles, Hifey, Taterman88, DragonsDungeon, Brain_Juice and everyone that has subscribed to me and supported me over my time here!~
There are way too many to list and if I have missed anyone out, don't feel sad, you mean alot to me too ^-^
Also a huge thankyou to you, AnimeFanFTW for giving me this interview :D
I have followed your stuff for ages and I must say it has been a great privilege and honor to do this ^-^

AF - I feel honoured that you like my stuff. And no problem. It was fun interviewing you. ^o^
Have a good day, man. :D

RC - Ahah yeah it was fun conducting this over the course of like 3-4 days ahaha >//<
Always happy to chat yo!~
You have a good day too ^-^
RevChuckles is awesome. That's all I have to say.

Until the next interview...

This is AnimeFanFTW, over and out!

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Han Solo
12/05/2015 8:45 pm
Level 26 : Expert Pirate
Han Solo's Avatar
Great interview. : )
12/05/2015 9:21 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Thank you. x3
12/05/2015 8:43 pm
Level 22 : Expert Princess
Jazzy's Avatar
Yet another, awesome interview! :*D

btw, his band photo looks flippin' sick!
12/05/2015 9:22 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Thanks. =3

Ikr. It looks awesome. :D
12/05/2015 11:24 pm
Level 22 : Expert Princess
Jazzy's Avatar
No prob. =^_^=

Yep, I bet it would still be a hit now tbh.
12/05/2015 6:14 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
SHOkami's Avatar
Cool review! *googles Stitched Lips*
12/05/2015 7:16 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Thanks. :D
12/05/2015 2:19 pm
Level 49 : Master Fox
Orbiter's Avatar
Lel, that profile pic x3
12/05/2015 5:57 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
12/05/2015 6:58 pm
Level 49 : Master Fox
Orbiter's Avatar
I'm gonna have to try Eyeshield 21, looks intresting.
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