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AnimeFan Interviews: My Interview with Nudle!

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AnimeFanFTW's Avatar AnimeFanFTW
Forum Moderator
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Hello everyone, AnimeFanFTW here, with another interview, and today, I interviewed PMC user, Nudle!

Lately, I've been getting so much blog ideas, that I've had no time to make a blog about said topics for a while. My SAO II review is still in the works, and it's been a while since I last written an actual blog, instead of just interviews. So while I'm in a state of writer's block, enjoy this interview with Nudle.

Check out Nudle's stuff here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/nudle/ 

Now, let's begin!

(I'm green, she's blue)
AnimeFanHello Nudle. How are you this fine day? :D

Nudle - Wonderful thank you! Just went salsa dancing by the beach so picturesque if only i didn't have homework ;D. How are you?

AF - Salsa dancing, at the beach? Sounds so peaceful. And I'm going good myself. :D
So lets get started with the obvious first question: How did you discover PlanetMinecraft?

N - Well i first discovered PMC just by looking for skins really XD. At that time i was also already into skinning and i hated my skindex account so i decided to join up as soon as i got on here :D

AF - Ah, Skindex. I remember when I first made skins there. Man, that was a long time ago. xD
How about Minecraft?

N - This is a fun tale hehe

Ok so i was around 11 and i had a next door neighbour who was my friend. One day I got sick and he came over but I couldn't play games with him (i lived in apartments in Asia so you couldn't do anything that was physical) So he played with my sister instead but then brought his laptop (which is around 2012 so its massive) and had SP minecraft and i loved playing it o 3 o

Sadly i moved back to aus a year later and decided to take up the game for myself and i got in during 1.2.4 or somewhere around 1.2 aha >w<

AF - Ah, nice story. And also, a fellow aussie, I see. xD
What made you want to upload content?

N - Well the moment i started going on minecraft (which was 2012) i started skinning.

My first skin was extremely basic and i copied a hair design from someone else but i enjoyed making skins for myself. I was really making skins either for myself or for anyone within the server i played in (which then was a popular prison server) so seeing PMC i thought it was time to show the world instead of my submissions ^ - ^. To answer your question i just really wanted to express myself and see others enjoy my skins or wear it (i haven't seen anyone wear my skins yet but hey i'm almost 4 years down the track and i'm still here :D)

AF - Ah, that's a great reason. A really good reason. :D
What are your favorite videogames?

N - tough question, video games i played or video games i liked by watching my sister play it (she's the gamer between us)

I loved the classic PS2 games like Crash Bandicoot, Ratchet and Clank, Dexter (?), and Rayman. Mario 64 is obvious but i liked playing it XD. 

But i also like newer games like Bayonetta (watched from my sis but i liked it XD), Final Fantasy series from 10 and newer, Skyrim (slash em everyday lol) and i used to be a total dork playing Little Big Planet which kinda brought me on to Minecraft i guess XD

AF - Damn, alot of game series I also really like. Ratchet and Clank, Crash Bandicoot and Bayonetta are huge favorites of mine. :D
How did you come up with the name Nudle?

N - Compared to how i find minecraft this was not as exciting XD

So on minecraft i currently play on minetime creative server (i build and stuff)
we both had stupid names gg us my old name was isabelrose693 on here
and on it i decided to combine my two favourite things:
Noodle from the animated band Gorillaz
Noodles as in the food XD

And from there i came up with the minecraft name NoodleGoddess
Onto here i decided to call myself Nudle because its a nickname i got from my server friends and its shorter than Noodle Goddess :p
Nudle = Noodle

AF - So, your the goddess of noodles. Interesting. xD
Also, the Gorillaz are amaze. :D
Do you watch anime? If so, favorite animes?

N - I don't watch anime sorry but i have watched a few in my time.

Ouran Host club
Naruto without the fillers
Death Note
and i saw a snippet of an anime where buddah and jesus live in an apartment and that looked pretty funny :c

AF - No need to say sorry, at least you've watched some. xD
Also, very smart. The Naruto fillers are soooooooo bad...
And I've actually heard about that anime about Buddah and Jesus. I don't know the name of the show tho,... :c
What is your most favorite PMC Submission you've made, and your favorite made by someone else?

N - My favourite submission of mine is probably the On Melancholy Hill skin because it's about Noodle o 3 o
And my favourite made by someone else would probably be the fire queen dress i got made for when i won a skin contest from Crescendo \o/
But honestly i love so many skins made by much more talented skinners than me XD

AF - Ah, I'm friends with Cresendo. O:
I also love alot of skins made by different people. Alot of talent in this website. :D
What is your favorite song and music genre?

N - My favourite song is On Melancholy hill and my favourite music genre would have to alternative as emo as i sound but Rock and R&B is a a good second and third o 3 o

AF - Never heard of On Melancholy Hill. Might give it a listen soon.
What is your favorite block and mob from Minecraft?

N - dang this is a tough question from a builder XD


I'll go for stone slab block because it's my babe in modern building and because it speaks to me on other levels :c
Favourite mob would be zombie pigman they are darn cute to arrow them off cliffs <3

AF - Hahaha, wow, brutal. xD
Now for a random question: Favorite text font?

N - text font?

can i say comic sans because WHO DOESNT LOVE COMIC SANS :D

AF - I would say that no-one likes Comic Sans, but ever since Sans the Skeleton, from Undertale, appeared, Comic Sans has been getting alot of love. xD
What are your favorite and least favorite animal?

N - Favourite animal is the dolphin because its my spirit animal (because im super lively irl my nickname is dolphin)
and my least favourite animal is humans JK i don't like snakes because one tried to bite me when i was on a swing one time >:c

AF - Oh wow. I actually kinda like snakes. I had a friend that had a pet snake, and it was the most relaxed and friendliest snake ever. c:
Do you have any future plans for PMC?

N - awww i hope its a cute snake :c. I'm ok with snakes as long as they don't bite my face off on a swing.

Any future plans? err i'll probably make a bunch of promises to skin something and never do it XD
But really i just skin with whatever i feel like so you can expect A SKIN from me but nothing huge sorry ;c;

AF - It was a cute snake. I think it was a young snake as well. c:
Ahaha, sounds like how I skin nowadays. xD
Before we end this interview, any shout-outs and thank yous you want to say?

N - hmm

Shouts outs to WanderingGambler (an incredible builder) , Kaslizzle my best friends :D. Thanks to Witchi and IcarianPrince for being very nice people and supportive of my dumbo skins. More thanks to Foxxeyy, Crescendo, Felinka, Donutz_and_Creamz, The obviously famous skinners for inspiring me to express myself throughout and finally thanks Anime for hosting this interview i have always loved your blogs and i hope you have an awesome time to come this year as i hope i will on PMC <3

AF - Aww, thanks for the kind words. Hope you had fun being interviewed. x3
Thanks for your time. :D
Nudle has amaze content. c:

Until the next interview...

This is AnimeFanFTW, over and out!

heheheheheheh 69th blog...

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02/24/2016 10:10 pm
Level 22 : Expert Princess
Jazzy's Avatar
Awesome interview, good sir.

And Gorilaz are probably one of my favorites too. xD
02/24/2016 11:47 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Thank you. :D

Gorrilaz are the best. Should probably go back to listening to their songs soon. xD
02/25/2016 1:24 am
Level 22 : Expert Princess
Jazzy's Avatar
No prob. :D

And yas! you definitely should. Warning: They're still awesome. xD
02/22/2016 9:35 pm
Level 49 : Master Fox
Lipse's Avatar
Cool interview c:
02/22/2016 9:40 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Thank you. x3
02/22/2016 4:55 am
Level 25 : Expert Prince
astrashira's Avatar
Awesome interview :o
ow my eyes burn from the colours sorry if im rude :c
im ocd sorry ;n;
02/22/2016 4:58 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Thanks. :D
Sorry, Nudie asked for her colours to be blue, and I'm always green...
02/22/2016 5:14 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Ladybug
Noodle's Avatar
sorry for asking for blue ;n; but i like bleu hopefully pastel colours for next time for the next person ;)
02/22/2016 9:35 pm
Level 49 : Master Fox
Lipse's Avatar
I'm pretty sure she means the highlights >.<
02/23/2016 2:29 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Ladybug
Noodle's Avatar
thats what i meant though :p
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