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AnimeFan Interviews: My Interview with Jordanw5432!

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AnimeFanFTW's Avatar AnimeFanFTW
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Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Hello everyone, AnimeFanFTW here, with another Interview blog, and today, I interviewed the person pretty much every other interviewer has covered, Jordanw5432!

Known for his FNAF skins and overall great content, Jordanw5432 has become popular on this site fairly quickly. So I decided to interview him. :D

Also, to anyone wondering where my Youtube Unfair Copyright Strikes blog went, it was removed due to the blog resembling a rant. While I was a bit annoyed at first, it's nothing but water under the bridge. And in the end, it did let people know of what is happening with Youtube.

And with new news that Youtube has finally updated their copyright rules, meaning no videos will be taken down for copyright unless the person that sent the strike decides to take legal action, and Youtube themselves always providing defense to the person getting the strike, it seems that finally, Youtubers can rest easy knowing that they finally have some defense against unfair strikes. Meaning youtuber I Hate Everything will most probably not be silenced!

If you want to check Jordan's stuff out, click here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/jordanw5432/ 

Now, let's begin!

(I'm dark green, Jordan is light green)
AnimeFan - Hello Jordan, how are you today? :D

JordanW - I'm doing absolutely marvelous today, you?

AF - I'm going fantastic. ^-^
So yeah, let's start and stuff!
How did you discover PlanetMinecraft?

JW - Well I'm about 80% certain I found PMC through disco_'s video of "The Temple of Notch", the other 20% is simply searching for skins of Dr. Edward Richtofen

AF - Ah, the GrandMaster Lord of PMC, _Disco. He's cool.
How about Minecraft?

JW - Oh, I discovered MC in the most fun and exciting way possible; being bored and going through random YouTube videos

AF - Sounds like a boring way to find it. xD
What made you want to upload content?

JW - It was because of both PMCer Legoskeleton, and because I just wanted to show the skins that I had made before

AF - Ah, sounds nice. :D
What are your favorite videogames to play?

JW - Minecraft, FNaF series, Call of Duty Zombies, State of Decay, Super Smash Bros series, Team Fortress 2, and Skate 3

AF - Ah, nice, alot of famous titles. :D
How did you come up with the name Jordanw5432?

JW - Well I came up with that name because I was being lazy... That's it... ;-;

AF - Meh, my name was also lazy. xD
Do you watch anime? If so, favorite animes?

JW - I don't watch anime at all (Some people are going to kill me for that), however I do plan on watching the anime "Fairy Tail" sometime in the future

AF - Ah cool. Also, why would people kill you over that? xD
What is your most favourite PMC Submission you've made, and your favourite made by someone else?

JW - I actually have three favorite submissions of mine; Nightmare Mangle, Nightmare Fredbear, and Springtrap, because WOW those guys took me forever to skin. When it comes to other members' submissions, however, I don't really have an overall favorite.

AF - Ah yeah, that's right, you make FNAF skins. Btw, they all look awesome. :D
Speaking of FNAF, why do you like the series so much?

JW - I honestly don't know specifically why, my best assumptions are because I really like trying to solve the backstory or because my fear, automatanophobia, hasn't had a game focus so much on animatronics as much as other things like statues, puppets, even mannequins

AF - Agreed. Such a shame people hate the series just because of it's exposure on the internet.
What is your favorite song and music genre?

JW - For songs, it just kind of depends on what mood I'm in. One minute I'm listening to "Not the End", the next I'm listening to "Titenic", or one minute I'm listening to "The Complex", the next I'm listening to "Go Mario Go!" and etc. Genres though, I'm not 100% certain but I guess techno, hip hop, dub step, stuff like that

AF - I do have to agree, modd helps in choosing what song you want to listen to. Half of the time, I listen to dubstep anyway. xD
What is your favorite block and mob from Minecraft?

JW - My favorite block in Minecraft is the Stone Bricks, as for mobs... I'm going to consider it a three way tie between Ocelots, Wolves, and Zombies

AF - Damn, a 3 way tie. Why not just combine the 3? xD
Now, time for the random question: If you could be trapped inside one video game series, would would it be and why?

JW - Hmm... I honestly can't think of a proper answer. Normally I would've said FNaF or Mario or something like that, but there's always a catch with each game, a catch I'm either too much of a wuss to face, or a catch in which I don't know the REAL consequence of, or maybe I'm overthinking this a bit XD

AF - I'm sure there's one game with no catch. :D
Then I'll add to the question: There is no catch for being trapped in the world.

JW - Minecraft I guess. Lots of other games I'd either get bored of really fast, be too much of a coward, etc. Also, it's a 3D sandbox game without an objective and unlimited lives; it's the PERFECT video game to be trapped in :D

AF - That is very true. xD
Do you have anything planned for PMC in the future?

JW - Not really. I do plan on making skins of the Impractical Jokers, but that's just about it :\

AF - So you just make whatever you feel like, at anytime you feel like it. Same as me. xD
Now, before we end this interview, any shout-outs and thank yous you want to say?

JW - I think that a good ol' friend of mine, BoUUFace, is definitely worthy of a shoutout. As for thanking anyone, the list could go on and on and on XD

AF - Yeah, let's not make this blog go on for 15 hours. xD
Anyway, thanks for your time, I had fun interviewing you. :D

JW - As well did I, it was fun being interviewed by you =D
Visit Jordan's account, and check his stuff now. Don't worry, he won't jumpscare you. :D
Also, I'm still planning my Sword Art Online 2 review, give me time. ;)

Until the next interview...

This is AnimeFanFTW, over and out!

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11/25/2015 2:21 pm
Level 81 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
11/25/2015 9:35 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Thank you. x3
11/24/2015 11:55 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Awesome Interview ;)
11/24/2015 7:37 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Thanks. :D
11/25/2015 11:37 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Np ;)
11/21/2015 11:06 pm
Level 27 : Expert Network
Pines's Avatar
Am I not worthy of your interviews
11/21/2015 11:34 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Almost everyone is worthy!
You included.
11/21/2015 12:54 am
Level 22 : Expert Princess
Jazzy's Avatar
Absolutely smashing interview! as usual, nice to see two of my favorite people on PMC do an interview :D
11/21/2015 1:06 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Thanks for the kind words, man. :D
11/21/2015 1:29 am
Level 22 : Expert Princess
Jazzy's Avatar
As truth is thou kind, but sometimes is the bain of the mortal mind -Random quote i just made XD, but it's np man ^^
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