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AnimeFan Interviews: My Interview with Hollaria! {MERRY CHRISTMAS!}

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AnimeFanFTW's Avatar AnimeFanFTW
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Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Hello everyone, AnimeFanFTW here, with another interview blog, this time interviewing Hollaria!

About a year ago, she requested for an interview, and I said I was interviewing someone else, so I told her to wait. 1 year later, she returned. That's right, this interview was accidently 1 year in the making. xD

Also, hope all of you had a Merry Christmas. I had a good one. Got myself a Panty and Stocking DVD. x3

Hollaria's profile is here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/hollaria/ 

Now, let's begin!

(I'm green, she's skin colour. Yes. Skin colour. She wanted that colour...)
AnimeFanHello Hollaria, how are you this fine day?

Hollaria - I'm doing absolutely fab! It's raining, and that's my favourite kind of weather. ^^ And you?

AF - I'm going good. Nice to hear you're doing well. I also like rain. ^o^
Anyway, let's begin!
How did you discover PlanetMinecraft?

H - Ooh! Well, when I was first playing minecraft, I'd look for skins via google images (Ahh, those were the days~) and one of those skins linked me here! :D

AF - Ah nice. But why Google Images? Not a good idea for downloading MC skins on. xD
What about Minecraft?

H - Well what I'd do would look for one I like, then I'd just look around on the website for it. Took quite a while x3 I was like, idk, 7? And for some reason I used to like doing things the very long way. xD
For MC, my brother used to have a little mini-server that he played on with one of his friends, and I asked one day what he was playing, and I guess it went from there :3 I totally invaded that little mini-server of his, then for one of my birthdays got the full game :D

AF - Ah, sounds nice. I also discovered Minecraft because of someone else. :D
What made you want to upload content?

H - ^^
Uhh, tbh, I don't really know! I guess that I thought other people might enjoy or use it? :3 Like the quote 'one person's junk is another's treasure'! :>

AF - Haha, I live under that quote. xD
What are your favorite videogames?

H - Agh, hard question! There are so many! There's Sims, of course, first on my list. Then there's Animal Crossing, Skyrim, Mass Effect, there's Forza Horizon, TERA, ESO, Fable, and Jade Empire~ There are probably so many more, but I lack the brainpower to think of them right now xD

AF - Ah darn, none of the games you listed are games I play...
How did you come up with the name Hollaria?

H - When I was making my account, I had Terraria on my mind for whatever reason, and my name is Holly, soo x3

AF - Ah, a simple combination. x3
Do you watch anime? If so, favorite animes?

H - Oh, I absolutely do! Attack on titan will always be my biggest favourite! My other favs are puella magi madoka magica, sword art online, honey & clover, blue exorcist, angel beats, and school rumble! :3

AF - Ah, I've watched some of those. Good times. :D
What is your most favourite PMC Submission you've made, and your favourite made by someone else?

H - ooooh, another hard question! My own submission that I like best would prob be my art, tbh. Art is very important to me, and I've definitely improved over lots of time. :> Another person's submission would probably be the texture pack I use. Dandelion by Steelfeathers, I love it HEAPS. ^^

AF - Your art must be super important, it looks amazing. :D
What is your favorite song and music genre?

H - Awhh, that's so nice of you to say!! ^^
I love kpop! Kpop all day every day. My favourite song.. ehhhh... probably um~ Tomorrow by BTS :D

AF - I'm not really into KPop, to be honest. :P
What is your favorite block and mob from Minecraft?

H - Ummmm. I like leaf blocks :> They're good to decorate with. And my favourite mob... I like zombie pigmen! Because they don't attack you unless you attack them first :3

AF - Wasn't expecting you to say leaf blocks. And I also like Zombie Pigmen. Quite the force to be reckoned with.
Now for the random question: Your New Year's Resolutions?

H - I don't usually end up thinking new year's resolutions until a few days before new years day! If I had to absolutely think of one right now though, it'd be to start making custom content for sims ^^ That's something I've wanted to do for a very long time, but I've never been bothered to do it :>

AF - I generally don't even bother with New Years Redolutions. I go under the mindset of "Don't be a meanie". Do that, and you've done good. xD
Do you have any future plans for PMC?

H - That's very true! ^^
And hmmmmm, I definitely have plans to be more active in future. That might be it though //shifty eyes

AF - Ah, I see. xD
Now, before we end this interview, any shout-outs and thank yous you want to say?

H - Urrrmmmmmm... I shoutout to TheBlackTiger9 for being an awesome friend! Thankchu for being there :> I gotta thank you, though, thanks for doing this interview with me! :D
I don't reaaallly know anyone else on here, so that's it ^^

AF - Hehe, no problem. :D
Thank you for your time. And Merry Christmas! x3
And that's it! My final post of 2015! Hope you all enjoyed 2015! Hopefully 2016 will be a good year. :D

Until next year...

This is AnimeFanFTW, over and out!

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12/31/2015 2:37 am
Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn
Hollaria's Avatar
Thanks again for the totally awesome interview! ♥
12/31/2015 9:42 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
No problem, glad you had fun. x3
12/29/2015 10:28 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Another epic interview ;)
12/29/2015 7:06 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Thanks, man. :D
12/30/2015 6:37 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Np ;)
12/27/2015 2:36 pm
Level 45 : Master Poro
TheBlackTiger9's Avatar
She thanked me for being an awesome friend... *corners in the cry*
(Great Interview! Loved the questions :3)
12/31/2015 2:36 am
Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn
Hollaria's Avatar
12/27/2015 7:22 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Haha, thank you. x3
12/27/2015 5:54 am
Level 22 : Expert Princess
Jazzy's Avatar
Another great interview!, the answers were very interesting, i quite enjoyed it. And tbh, i don't play most of the games she listed xD, but definitely up there for sure. Anyway, great interview, and i am super pumped to see the SAO 2 review :D. And very late Merry Christmas xD.
12/27/2015 6:16 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Thanks, man. :D
Merry Christmas. :P
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