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AnimeFan Interviews: My Interview with GrayRemnant!

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AnimeFanFTW's Avatar AnimeFanFTW
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Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Hello everyone, AnimeFanFTW here, with another interview blog, and today, I interviewed fellow critic, GrayRemnant!

With over 2000 subs, and a well known Youtuber in PMC, GrayRemnant is known for his review blogs about games and movies. So I thought a critic interviewing another critic would be nice. :D

You can check out his works here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/grayremnant/ 

Anyway, let's begin!

(He's red, I'm green)
AnimeFan - Hello GrayRemnant, how are you today? :D

GrayRemnant - I'm doing great!  How are you?

AF - I'm going great myself. :)
Anyway, let's begin!
How did you discover PlanetMinecraft?

GR - I discovered PMC by way of Keralis back in 2011.

AF - Wow, that's a long time ago.
What about Minecraft?

GR - I first played Minecraft about a year before that.  I discovered a fan-made Gensokyo server and player around with it for a while.  It wasn't until later that I actually got into building architecture though.

AF - I never really got into building, except that giant Penrith Panther logo I made...
What made you want to upload content?

GR - Well, I spent a lot of time building in college, so after a while I decided it was time to share my work.

AF - Ah nice. What about the blogs you post?

GR - I like doing blogs because I enjoy writing and I enjoy getting my ideas out there.  My writing skills are pretty proficient, so it's an easy way for me to generate some quick content and keep my subscriber base entertained.

AF - Exactly why I like blogging. :D
What are your favorite videogames to play?

GR - I love all kinds of video games.  Some of my favorites are Paper Mario, Portal 2, The Last of Us, Crash Team Racing, Klonoa 2, and Spyro the Dragon.

AF - OMG, Crash Team Racing. The memories...
Since you are a fellow reviewer of stuff, what about your least favorite games?

GR My least favorite game of all time is a game so horrifyingly bad, that the developer had to bury millions of unsold copies in a radioactive landfill in New Mexico.  :P

AF - Ah, of course. Good ol ET...
How did you come up with the name GreyRemnant?

GR - I was in the Iraq war, and I accidently set my commanding officer on fire.  So I switched dog tags with him and took on his identity so I could go home and start my life as a PMC user under his name: GrayRemnant.  :P

AF - I get the feeling this is made up...meh.
Anyway, do you watch anime? If so, favorite animes?

GR - Nope.  But I watched Mad Men.  Which is where I stole the idea for my answer to the previous question.  :P

AF - Ah I see. xD
Speaking of movies, I notice you also review movies. So, favorite and least favorite movies?

GR - My favorite film of all time is Fight Club.  Unfortunately, due to rules 1 & 2, I can't tell you why.  So sorry.

The worst film I've ever seen is The Room, thought it's so unbelievably bad that it's actually really fun to watch.  It's like watching a train come off the tracks, tumble off a cliff, and explode on impact.

AF - I need to watch both movies. Not really a movie watcher, myself. xD
What is your most favourite PMC Submission you've made, and your favourite made by someone else?

GR - My favorite submission of my own is probably my Massive Subterranean Mega Mansion.  My favorite project of all time is Esther the Dragon Plays Guitar, created by twigbang.

AF - I prefer your "Games that were harder then Dark Souls" blog. :D

What is your favorite song and music genre?

GR - Progressive house.

AF - Never heard of them. :/
What is your favorite block and mob from Minecraft?

GR - Lol that wasgenre.  xD
Idk, I like stone brick and ghasts are pretty cool.

AF - Whoa, it's an actual genre?
Well, that just shows how knowledgeable I am with music (Not really...)
Now for the random question: Reality TV Shows: Yay or Nay?

GR - If I'm ever caught watching a reality TV show, I would hope that the person would be kind enough to euthanize me. :P

AF - Same here. Except for Wipeout, I hate those shows. Especially Big Brother. -_-
Do you have any future plans for PMC?

GR - I've got lot's of plans.  Projects, blogs, reviews, let's plays, articles, stories, and all that good stuff.  ;)

AF - Sounds like you'll be very busy. :D
Now before we end this interview, any last minute thank yous or shout-outs?

GR - I'd like to give a shoutout to Chuck Pagano, coach of the Indianapolis Colts, who supplied me with an endless source of laughter last weekend.  Thanks dude!  ;)

AF - Wow, a coach. A unusual shout-out! :o
Anyway, thanks for your time,  man. :D

GR - My pleasure!  :)
For my next blog, I'll be reviewing...Sword Art Online 2.
Yes, after a year and a bit after I reviewed that horrible anime, I will be reviewing the sequel.

Prepare yourselves. It won't be pretty.

Until the next blog...

This is AnimeFanFTW, over and out!

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12/11/2015 11:13 am
Level 23 : Expert Dolphin
EmeraldEclipse's Avatar
Accidently set my commanding officer on fire. Yes, defenitely an 'accident'.
12/11/2015 7:16 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
How did he not do it on purpose? xD
11/12/2015 9:57 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
SHOkami's Avatar
Nice interview as always! Keep up the good work.
11/12/2015 11:12 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Thank you. :D
11/10/2015 2:02 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Fish
Fishstick's Avatar
#ColtNation ?
11/10/2015 7:00 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
11/10/2015 7:24 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Fish
Fishstick's Avatar
"GR - I'd like to give a shoutout to Chuck Pagano, coach of the Indianapolis Colts, who supplied me with an endless source of laughter last weekend.  Thanks dude!  ;) "

Chuck Pagano The Coach Of The Colts.
11/10/2015 10:23 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
I don't watch American Football. xD
11/08/2015 9:57 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Architect
Xoyjaz's Avatar
It was a good submission and interview. I just couldt get behind the strong colors. But the content is more important =)
11/08/2015 8:51 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Thanks. :D
And blame GrayRemnant for the colour choice. I asked what colour he wanted, he said red. xD
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