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AnimeFan Interviews: My Interview with Ene!

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AnimeFanFTW's Avatar AnimeFanFTW
Forum Moderator
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Hello everyone, AnimeFanFTW here, with another interview blog, and today, I interviewed the quite popular Ene!

Yes, I am not dead. Been quite busy with life, and gaming lately. I might get back into a rhythm of posting regularly, but who knows? Anyway, interview thingy, go and stuff.

You can check out Ene's stuff here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/ene/

Now, let's begin!

(I'm green, Ene is blue)
AnimeFan - Hello Ene. How are you today?

Ene - I'm tired and hungry, but also good. You?

AF - I'm also going good. I'm also tired and hungry. Sounds like my life. TuT
And thank you for taking the time to be interviewed. :D
We'll start with the obvious: How did you discover PlanetMinecraft?

E - A bit after I started playing Minecraft I found PMC when I was looking for skins. I used PMC for a while before actually making an account lmao.

AF - So basically, like alot of other people. xD
What about Minecraft?

E - I started playing Minecraft about 5 years ago. A video game stream named Video Games Awesome introduced me to the game shortly before I bought it for myself.

AF - Huh, never heard of Video Games Awesome. :o
What made you want to upload content?

E - I guess I just wanted to show off the stuff I made, and since I was a beginner at skinning, I needed some feedback as well. And it's pretty darn cool seeing people wear your skins ingame.

AF - I kinda feel the same way. Although I haven't made a skin in a while. xD
What are your favorite videogames?

E - TF2 is probably my favorite because of the game itself, the comics, and the videos. My other favorites are Portal, Phoenix Wright, Bioshock, Asura's Wrath, Pokemon, Love Live, Outlast, Devil May Cry, Life is Strange, Tera, Garry's Mod, Onigiri, and probably some others I'm forgetting.

AF - I also like TF2. Very balanced multiplayer FPS. :3
How did you come up with the name Ene?

E - really like Kagerou Project, and Ene is one of my waifus, so I chose to use her name on PMC lmao

AF - Ah, I've heard of Kagerou Project, and I think the character Ene looks cute as well. x3
Do you watch anime? If so, favorite animes? (I bet 20 bucks on Kagerou Project)

E - u caught me
AnimeFan Interviews: My Interview with Ene!
My favorites besides Kagerou Project are Black Rock Shooter, Madoka Magica, Osomatsu-san, Kill la Kill, Panty and Stocking, Watamote, Another, and Steins;Gate.

AF - Duuuuuude, alot of favorites of mine as well. Panty and Stocking is best anime.
What is your most favorite PMC Submission you've made, and your favorite made by someone else?

E - I think my favorite submission of mine at the moment is this one, mostly because it was me trying something kinda different for once lmao
There are a lot of good submissions here on the website so it's hard to choose just one, but I think this one is really impressive.

AF - Ah, a Divici map! Divici always makes the best maps. :D
What is your favorite song and music genre?

E - My favorite song changes really often, but right now it's Liar Dance by DECO*27.
I'm also not really into a specific kind of music genre; I just kinda like what I like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

AF - Ah I see. I also never heard that song before. o:
What is your favorite block and mob from Minecraft?

E - My favorite block is spruce wood log because I'm lame and my favorite mob slime because I love squishy friends <3

AF - Yees, squishy friends are great. <3 But not the big and medium slimes. They be meanies.
Now for the random question: Your thoughts on all the Youtube drama going around lately?

E - I'm not really sure what you mean by "YouTube drama" to be honest. I'm not a big YouTube user and I usually use it to listen to music, so I'm kind of distant on what's going on in the community lmao

AF - Ah, I see. Let's just say Youtube is in a huge mess right now. xD
What are your favorite and least favorite animal?

E - Cats are 10/10 and my best friends and will love them forever because they're furry little angels.
My least favorite animal that comes to mind is hyenas for some odd, unspecified reason.

AF - Yeah, hyenas are horrible animals. :c
Do you have any future plans for PMC?

E - Mmm probably just continue making skins for as long as possible and maybe make a texture pack if I ever get around to it. I'm not really one to plan ahead at all, so I'm kind of just here until I'm not, lmao

AF - Haha, same. Not the planning type, myself. xD
Before we end this interview, any shout-outs and thank yous you want to say?

E - I'd like to thank my legs for supporting me, my arms for always being at my sides, and my fingers, because I can count on them.
Also buddy pals Sintaro, Kido, and hoshizora :>

AF - Special thanks to our necks also. They always carry our heavy heads c:
So yeah, thank you for taking time to be interviewed! :D

E - Thank you for interviewing me! <3
And now, I escape to the shadows.

Until the next interview...

This is AnimeFanFTW, over and out!

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08/06/2016 7:45 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
NikkiGamer101's Avatar
How do I get to be interviewed? <_<
08/06/2016 8:45 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Get semi popular, and get lucky. I don't take requests. :P
08/06/2016 10:39 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
NikkiGamer101's Avatar

sadness ill never become even semi popular nor get lucky because my luck is stupidly horrible <_<
08/06/2016 11:18 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
You can't get semi popular with that attitude.
When I started out on PMC, I was hopeless. But I still tried, and posted. And now look at me. Lots of subs, and now a moderator.

Don't give up so easily.
08/19/2016 6:12 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
I don't think becoming a moderator has anything to do with popularity...?

Unless you meant something different, idk
08/19/2016 8:25 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
I meant something kinda different.

I gained a good reputation on this site, despite my bad submissions at the beginning and my average skins, and by being on the forums alot.
08/07/2016 12:36 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
NikkiGamer101's Avatar
well for one thing, im too young to start selling art, too young to youtube, my only social media is enjin,

i just cant even ;_;
07/19/2016 11:42 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Artist
TheAnimeAngel's Avatar
I really need to find a better profile pic Lol
07/19/2016 11:38 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Artist
TheAnimeAngel's Avatar
Can You please please PLEASE interview me? I'm new on PMC but have looked at this site so many times!!! Great interview by the way!!
08/06/2016 8:44 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Thanks. :D
I currently take no requests. Sorry. :c
07/01/2016 1:49 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
SHOkami's Avatar
Great review as per usual! also them animes Ene, well done! lol
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