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AnimeFan Interviews: My Interview with ElectroSeptic! (Master G)

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AnimeFanFTW's Avatar AnimeFanFTW
Forum Moderator
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Hello everyone, AnimeFanFTW here, with another interview blog, and today, I interviewed fellow interviewer, ElectroSeptic, otherwise known as Master G!

Also, taking a skin making break. Cause Team Fortress 2 said so.

Anyway, check out his stuff here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/electroseptic/

Now, let's begin!

(I'm dark green, he's lime green)
AnimeFan - Hello ElectroSpetic. How are you today?

ElectroSeptic - I don't know yet, I only woke up an hour ago, so I can't really judge yet, but so far, I'm great :P, you?

AF - Ah, then good morning. I'm going good as well. xD
And thanks for taking the time to be interviewed. Let's begin,
We'll start off with the usual: How did you discover PlanetMinecraft?

ES - Well I discovered it I guess when I started playing Minecraft back in 2013, I think about in August I found PMC because I was searching for some kind of maps, I can't remember exactly what. After that I joined after 2 years in 25/3/2015 and then well that happened I think XD, I don't have such a good memory, I'm losing it these last few years.

AF - Damn, it took you 2 years to become a member. That's a long time. xD
What about Minecraft?

ES - I didn't want to become a member XD, Minecraft? Totally different story, my cousin told me about Minecraft and so after a few months I remembered it and I looked it up, looked fun so I got it on the 25/02/2015 and that's how it started, didn't play it for a few months now though.

AF - Hmm same. I should get around to playing it again.
What made you want to upload content?

ES - Levels motivated me, and of course Lorna Crowley.

AF - Lorna Crowley? Hold on a sec...
*googles Lorna Crowley*
Oooooh, World Of Warcraft. I see.
Anyway, what are your favorite videogames?

ES - Smh, no not that Lorna Crowley, my "girlfriend" Lorna Crowley XD

My Favourite Video games? Uh-Oh, this will be uhh.... a long list:
Rocket League
Dying Light
Arma III
The Talos Principle
All Need For Speed games
Both Portal Games
Cities Skylines.
Umm... I can't remember the others, but trust me there are a lot more XD

AF - Yeeeeeeeeeesssss, Rocket League! Best video game of 2015! :D
How did you come up with the name Master G?

ES - I wouldn't say best, but definetly one of the best.
Well since my name isn't Master G anymore (well It is on PMC, just because I can't change it yet), I'll answer for both ElectroSeptic and Master G.
Master G:Very long story... I came up with the name Master G from the Song Apache Jump on it and in the song I have a Nintendo Wii so I had that song on Just Dance and it was my favourite song and in the song in says: Like Kemosabi 'course it's me better known as the Master G. And then I decided to change the G into Gamer so Master Gamer but Master G for short.
ElectroSeptic: Well
my favourite type of music is Electro/Techno and I always loved that kind of blue electricity colour and well the word Septic can mean like embrace or sucked into it so I guess ElectroSeptic means I embrace the Electricity or something, idk, or diseased, which sounds cool, like an Electric Diseased thing or something XD. Anyway the reason I changed it is because I might be making a Youtube account, I don't know and I don't want Master G to be my name, also Lorna thinks Master G is creepy so yeah.

AF - Honestly, Master G is a decent name. But ElectroSeptic sounds great as well.
Do you watch anime? If so, favorite animes?

ES - Thanks :P
No, or so I think, I used to be forced when I only had 3 channels on TV, which was over 10 years ago, and one of them was full of anime cartoons, I can't really remember the names but I think it was something like Beyblade or Pokemon, Idk, after that I never watched Anime again.

AF - Ah, fair enough. I remember when I was younger, I also didn't have alot of options when it came to what channel I wanted to watch. xD
What is your most favorite PMC Submission you've made, and your favorite made by someone else?

ES - I guess mine would have to be this, and someone else, well theres a lot so it's hard to choose from so I'll just choose one of them, this :P

AF - Wow, both those choices are amazing. O:
What is your favorite song and music genre?

ES - Lol thanks :P
Electro, hence the name ElectroSeptic, Techno and well Pop/Pop-Rock can be good, depending on the artist or song though :P
Song? I have a lot of good Electro songs so I think I'll save you the time, but if you just said Pop/Pop-Rock it would definetly be Harder To Breathe by Maroon 5, either that or Lucky Strike. I have a very long list of epic songs but it's too long XD

AF - I'm also a bit of a fan of techno. Pop, not so much, but still a good genre.
What is your favorite block and mob from Minecraft?

ES - Well I haven't played it in about 6 months now so I guess It would be Redstone Block or Lime Wool and Creeper or Ocelot :P

AF - Haha, I also haven't played Minecraft in quite a while. Too many amazing games lately. xD
Now for the random question: Blue Pill or Red Pill?

ES - Umm blue pill?? I guess because the red pill might be too spicy with jalepeno sauce in it while the blue pill might be a cool breeze pill, just like the chewing gum XD

AF - Ah, I never thought of that. Man, blue pill reminds me of mint for some reason. xD
What are your favorite and least favorite animal?

ES - Nice, mint pills, I want some of those.
Ok now you are being mean XD If you want me to pick between millions of animals to say what my favourite is XD, I guess either a cat, dog, bunny, hamster <---- well those are all pets anyway so I guess my favourite wild animal is either tigers, seals or meerkat :P There are a lot and I'm sorry if I forgot one XD, now for the least favourite, I'm not sure if this counts as an animal but they're still my least favourite, Insects, all insects, spiders, centipedes and millipedes, I hate them all, I am afraid of butterfly's and ladybirds smh.

AF - Some insects are awesome though. Praying Mantises are so badass.
Do you have any future plans for PMC?

ES - They look cool but I'm still frightened of them XD
Most likely not, since I'm going to be making a Youtube channel soon I don't think I'll be uploading much more, I might upload a few skins or blogs until I get a YouTube channel, no maps since I haven't been playing Minecraft for over half a year now anyway, but after that I most likely won't post anymore, I might but I'll probably be just like some of my friends on PMC here as well, not uploading anymore but still active and logging in everyday, also I used to be obbsesed with these levels on PMC but the last 6 months I have only gone up 1 level anyway and still have 3.5K XP to go to Level.50, and I don't know what to post anymore either because I feel like before when I posted horrible stuff more people liked it and I got more diamonds,views, etc. Now it seems that when I post stuff a LOT better they barely get any views or diamonds.

AF - Just because you're getting less views compared to ages ago, doesn't mean you should give up. It's happened to me as well, but I still post when I can. But starting a Youtube channel sounds nice.
Before we end this interview, any shout-outs and thank yous you want to say?

ES - True, and thanks.
Really AnimeFan, Really? You know that if I do this, we'll be here all day.... so....
And a lot lot more but seriously if I give everyone I want to give a shout-out I'll be here all day.

Oh and what do I want to say? Hmm...
AnimeFan Interviews: My Interview with ElectroSeptic! (Master G)
AnimeFan Interviews: My Interview with ElectroSeptic! (Master G)
and if you wanna beat me up? This is what will happen:
AnimeFan Interviews: My Interview with ElectroSeptic! (Master G)
and if you try and if you want a sandwich after that, this is what could happen:

That's it for now,There can be no 1 Interview where I don't put random gifs in it, thanks AnimeFanFTW for interviewing me ;)

AF - Whoa, GIFS in an interview! O:
And no problem, man. I had fun interviewing you. :D
My posting rate has dropped. Sooooooo busy. TnT

Until the nest interview,,,

This is AnimeFanFTW, over and out!

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06/18/2016 6:04 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Nerd
SHOkami's Avatar
Ugh I always arrive late, lol. Another awesome interview man! Also the gifs were a nice, silly touch~! x3
06/19/2016 8:15 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Thanks, man. xD
And thank ElectroSeptic for the gifs.
Flygon -3-
05/26/2016 5:19 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
Flygon -3-'s Avatar
Ur A Girl Or Boy?
05/26/2016 8:39 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
05/25/2016 6:07 am
Level 27 : Expert Network
Pines's Avatar
what the hell, master g

you're only 13 and you already has a girlfriend

i can guess what your future will be like
05/25/2016 7:44 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
God, I'm almost 21, and I have no girlfriend.
Says alot about me. TuT
idk lol
05/23/2016 5:12 am
Level 25 : Expert Crafter
idk lol's Avatar
Nice interview!
And he gave me a shoutout yay XD
05/23/2016 6:10 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Thank you. :D
And congrats. :P
05/15/2016 6:43 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Woo I got interviewed by someone famous!
05/15/2016 6:44 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Aren't you more famous? You have a higher level then me. xD
I do have more subs tho...
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