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3rd peice of my story

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Wereyoi's Avatar Wereyoi
Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
.....Dragon completely made up of lava. Derrick and Rose just stared into the sky. They all knew what this meant. One long mission to find out what it is and what its existence meant and everything. Rose said they should go back to the castle. They all agreed to that and they went back to the castle. After about a week they made it back to castle. The monarch was displeased about their absence so he sent them back to training camp. They tried hard to tell him about the dragon but he wouldno t let them speak. They were soon back in training camp with their o friendo Trainer Rench. Trainer Rench was a vigorous trainer who didno t allow breaks. Now that he was the new temp owner of Battle School instead of Gordon. That is because Sir Gordon sustained a wound by a lance piercing him in his side. Rench made them jump over a 1 meter moat of lava and if they fell. Oh well their dead. After that face some strong undead prisoners that are very strong. So they ended up with six storm elements each. After the sentence of training camp they were sent to battalion one. Battalion one was a scouting party with harsh captains leading squad of three each. Each squad had their own special task like soften up the enemies forces, infiltrate important enemy bunkers, and take out enemy forces on the wall. Derrick, Rose, and Splendor were at Soften up enemy forces and find important documents. They each got a bow and a quiver full arrows. Then after that they each got some iron ores to make their own swords and shields. Rose made a rapier in the anvil of Flow Lava. Splendor made a huge two handed sword in the anvil of Rage. Derrick made a long sword in the anvil of dragon fires. After that was done they got selected for a new captain of their squad. Halt was chosen for the job. He told them their first mission. To infiltrate and destroy a orc outpost. Halt let them take some of the preachers horses for the journey but reminded them that they had to dismount the horses and travel on foot once they got close to the outpost. When they got there they found it was more than just an outpost it was a crossroads! Halt said they should take out the guard on the tower before entry. It took five minuets to take them all out efficiently. After that was done they could completely wipe out the stragglers from the paths. They then took a fire arrow and shot two market stall owners. Then they threw a poison cloud bomb at the center of the crossroads killing everyone. Almost instantly. After that was done they started take over the main facility for the crossroads. Once that was done they took over the crossroads and established a foothold on it. They then sent a letter to the monarch telling him to send reinforcements to fortify the position. Their next mission with halt is to eliminate a chain of small three maned orc outposts. The first one was dispatched with ease. The second one revealed a whole new vision for the orcs a more violent vision than before. At least twelve human skeletons were found in the sentry post. They then went to the third orc outpost and completely blew it up with all the orcs in their beds fast asleep. The squad went back to the crossroads that was now holding off wave after wave of orc infantry. A general greeted them with a blade to the neck and then excusing himself for his brutish behavior. He said the soldiers (including him) were all on edge after the first attack on the crossroads. Several men were devastated form the attack. Their bodies smashed limp from the orcs blunt tools of war. The beds recked the appeal of their newly furnished houses. Then the general asked the rangers for help. They accepted gratefully. By each taking different position on the wall around the crossroads and sniping off the edges of orc army. The general ordered his soldier to start to form a perimeter around the wall so the orcs couldn't enter the crossroads. The plan soon fell into action. Working efficiently to keep casualties down low and the amount of orcs coming into the crossroads. After the attack was over the soldiers that were left started to build a roof. So the crossroads would soon be a base. After the makeshift roof was done they started on the gates to the roads that lead into the center of the town. Once all of that was done they let the settlers into the deserted houses. The location in the middle of the Father Desert was a good defensive location for the war against the orcs and Florians. The Florians had drawn back to let the orcs hold the front line while they rested and healed. So the monarch sent a letter to the rangers saying. o Thank you for capturing the orc out posts. Also your dragons are in the stables waiting for you.o The letter also said one other thing it was to destroy a orc barracks. The only problem was that the orc barracks were all in their main base. So that meant they had to sneak in and light fire to one. So they made a plan to sneak into the base at about eleven oo clock and make their way through the camp assassinating the orcs as they slept. Then once they reached the barracks they would take a fire arrow a shoot it at the thatched roof. So that night at eleven oo clock they made their way to the base and started to scale the roof wondering what happened to the lava dragon.

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