Debt will be collected… (School Story 2-16-23)

IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM2/16/23 11:46 pm history
2 emeralds 95
Firstly, yesterday was the day Cailey came back. She’s fine. Everything’s normal. (Well, as normal as my school gets.)

Before Classes: I just talked to my friends. They also shot another (failed) take of “Box of Chocolates.” Basically, it’s a song ZJ made (lyrics coming soon), and he sings it in a sweet British accent. Sedef and Cassia also kept asking me what my grade was in Spanish, for reasons I’ll explain in the next section.

Spanish: Well, as Sra. Gourmand said on Tuesday, we have an extra day to work on our projects since she’ll be out tomorrow, so there wasn’t a lot of panic in the partnerships because they knew we had tomorrow to finish them. The only group that was panicking was Andrew and Rayhan, who hadn’t started it for some reason and had two days (including today) to draw and write. The other thing that happened today, and what is arguably more important, is what I’m calling the Gourmand Conspiracy. (I’d use my Spanish teacher’s real name, but I won’t that way you don’t find her online and figure out how old I am based on what grade she teaches.) Basically, our last class yesterday was cut in half because we were getting our home reports back, and apparently Emmy, Sedef, and Cassia all got either a B or a B-, and the teachers wrote a paragraph on the reports about why they gave us those grades, and apparently it said they were all talking, hence why they got those grades. That makes sense, but they didn’t think that was fair, so they were debating whether to report her or not. Talking is a perfectly acceptable reason to get that grade, however. They were asking us all what our grades were, and I finally decided to tell them it was either an A- or an A, because I’ve forgotten most of my grades since yesterday,

Math: We did work. That’s it. What a shocker. I also learned the last 10 minutes of lunch (and recess, but it’s just called lunch on the schedule) were being taken from us and used for an Agora meeting

Band: We played some songs, and did Band Karate, so that was fun.

Lunch: Once I got my food, Jarius was following me and asking me who I liked. I’m not telling him. How do I know he won’t tell Stella how I feel about her? I mean, I’d love that, but a) I’d rather tell her myself and b) if she finds out, that’s gonna be a really, really, really awkward situation. At recess, the first thing me and Bria saw when we went out was Kaylah dancing, and then she got this baseball that she threw in our direction. Then, Solzy grabbed the ball and chased me, Kaylah, and Leela. Yaoyi joined our run, and I learned Solzy was after me, so I had to run while he held Bria, Kaylah, Leela, and Yaoyi hostage. ZJ, Reese, and Maddy were walking down the track and ran into me running as Solzy threw the ball at me and it went in the small space between the (empty) security office in the parking lot and he went behind there and grabbed it. He threw it one last time, and I say that because I got the ball, he wrestled it out of my hand, I got it back, and I threw it away. Then, we did America’s Got Talent, with judges Bria, Leela, and me, announcer Kaylah, contestants ZJ, Clara, and Yaoyi, and audience members Maddy and Reese! The first contestant was ZJ, who was in character as a racist motherflubber (he obviously said the actual curse, but I’m using my substitute) from Texas, Alabama (because that’s totally a real place). He did a rap and called us motherflubbers and some other swears, and then he did this thing with the audience in the rap where he said “big,” and they said “balls.” Leela told us recess was almost over, so Clara (some girl from Africa, North Carolina or something like that), Yaoyi (I forgot who she was), and last minute-joiner Mira went quickly, and most of them didn’t finish their performances and we left.

Agora Meeting: In this last minute-Agora meeting, the principal talked to us about an event we all knew about, which happened on the way back from the snow tubing trip last Monday (2-6). Basically, Pablo said the N-word and a bunch of other racial slurs to Jai and ZJ (I wasn’t on the bus, so I didn’t know how it happened or what led up to it). Pablo no longer goes to this school, because he was expelled. He brought that on himself.

English: We did some work on our final projects for The Giver. Mr. V gave his classes an extension, so it’s due on the 23rd now.

Science: We worked on our assignment, the finishing of which was homework.

PE: On the way there, I walked with Jai, Duncan, and Isaac. After accidentally hitting Isaac’s nose, I asked him and Duncan if either them owed Jai, and they didn’t. Jai then through up the fact that I owed him 5 bucks. (In Math a few weeks ago, bet me he couldn’t make me say no, and I lost the bet.) Jai tried to strangle me with my hood, but I managed to run and make it to the gym. There, Ethan G. and Haile tried to protect me, but then Jai reminded Haile that I owed him 5 bucks as well, for the same reasons (he made the same bet with me in History the day after I told him about Jai), and Haile chased me as well. Before I knew it, Jai, Haile, Alex F (aggressive), Nicky (Death by Saxophone), Eamon, and Kelso (releasing) were after me. We almost got in trouble with the PE teachers, and we stopped. Then, our teams played basketball.

History: We played a version of Monopoly based on what we were learning, and I was playing with Serena, Kelso, and Henry. Henry won, and me and Kelso added more words to the Shmictionary (a dictionary built around the word “shmoney,” an in-joke in our History class).

After School: Ms. Drow let us out early from History, and when I got home, I opened my birthday gift from my grandma (which she had to get from the post office). It was three new hoodies which ended up not fitting and 5 more pairs of socks. No offense (because I needed the socks anyways), but I’d rather have a Transformer, like the new Legacy: Evolution Needlenose.
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Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster

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