Ticket #380
Status: Closed
Opened by Masq
- Finished
Feature Request
2/15/16 2:36 pm 2/15/16 2:36 pm
10/23/23 8:11 am 10/23/23 8:11 am

Official PMC Cards (A Conglomeration of Past Ideas)

Heya everyone, 
This is basically a re-hash of an idea suggested around August of last year that never really had a definitive answer and with the new ticket system I just thought there would be no harm in reinstating the concept here for new discussion.

~ The Basics ~
The idea is of "trading cards" for the site - basically, there'd be a database of all users of the site (possibly only those who have logged in in the past year or so, just to slim down the numbers) and it would be transformed into "playing cards". These cards wouldn't be usable, but just collectable and would look like this:
When hovered over, they'd reveal some limited information:

[RANK: Common/Uncommon/Rare/Ultra Rare/Legendary] 
[INFO: ...]

The rank would be your level on the site. I'm not saying these exact numbers, but for example: Level 10 and below would be deemed "Common", Level 20 and below "Uncommon", Level 30 "Rare", and so on. 

The info would be a small, customisable 140 characters that users can write themselves to describe them. Similar to that of a forum signature. This may be even more pertinent an idea if forum signatures are planning to be removed in the next update.

You could see your card collection on your profile, much like the existing tabs with "Submissions" and "Banners" however this one would say "Cards" and then you could scroll through them - they would be ordered in rarity, then alphabetised. 

~ How You Would Get Them ~
I was thinking that cards could be collected for:
- every level you raise on the site
- your placing in the official site contest: the higher you place, the more cards you receive. 
- your "anniversaries" on the site - celebrating your dedication and loyalty to PMC by rewarding you packs of cards for every year, two years, three years you stay on the site. This could come in a small "gift-pack" along with the new anniversary trophies added to your profiles.
- perhaps in community challenges, the host of the competition could ask a moderator if they could supply a pack of cards as one of the prizes for winning? This would be a far better substitute than "subscribing/diamonding 5 things" etc.

These were the only way that I can think of that wouldn't cause the majority of people to spam submissions, forum threads or the like. If you have any more suggestions, feel free to leave them down below.

You would then have the ability to "trade" cards between users, "gifting" your friends a specific card and maybe there could be a forum thread or something dedicated to the trading of cards: people could post what they are looking for, what they are offering and could discuss their collection.There would be a strict no cards for diamonds/subscriptions/money rule.

AkirAssasin suggested the idea of a specific section of the chatroom dedicated to the trading of cards (similar to Server Hall, Skinning etc etc) which is now very relevant due to the possible addition of private/group chat-rooms and re-jig of existing ones.

~ Why? ~
The thinking behind this idea is twofold. 

First, I feel like it would be an awesome extra addition to the site and add another area of interest. My thinking was that it would hopefully inspire people to enter the contests (if they get cards for placing in the top 100, rather than just a "finalist trophy") and stay on the site for longer. This could help boost the entrants, which have been on the demise as of late. It would spur lots of heated enthralment of who can collect the most legendaries, who boasts the biggest collection and who has managed to find "so and so". 

Secondly, the server that I help staff on recently just added this feature and I must say it really is propelling traffic - everyone is loving collecting cards of people they know on the server and it's been really successful. On the thread I had posted last year, 91 people affirmed that they supported the idea, in contrast to a 21 opposition. The idea definitely needs refining, but I think it could be one with some legs as the next section implement of the site.

Suggestions // FAQ
I added this section as I know there is bound to be lots of opinions, disagreements, suggestions and the like (rightly so!) and so this could be the area where I could post the outcomes of these for the ease of any viewers. And, just like all ideas there is 100% going to be issues raised - I hope to post the outcomes of them here after discussion.

The cards are all coloured differently to represent the area of the site the user uploads in most frequently - this would add a completely new aspect to the collecting/trading of cards as it would allow all users to see what kind of person the card is representing and they can compile the biggest collection of skinners/bloggers/builders and so on. (suggested by eagoy)

When you rank up on the site you receive card packs (as prior mentioned in the OP) however the rank you reach affects the amount/rarity of cards you receive. For example, levelling up to rank 3 from 2 would get you an average card pack (10 cards) but levelling up to rank 5 or 10 or 20 would get you a card pack with increased advantage (20 cards).
(suggested by Captain_SPD)

You could type your username, or that of someone you want in card form into the "database" and it will retrieve a list of links to users that own that specific card for you to trade with - this would be great for those trying to a) find their own card, b) find their friends cards c) compile a certain collection of cards (e.g. level 50 and above)
(idea developed from SpoopyBlue)

So, I would love to hear any thoughts on this suggestion - obviously the site is very busy at the moment updating the forums/user profiles and such so if this were to happen (if) I would imagine it wouldn't be in the near future due to the fact it is not a priority in the slightest. I would just like to gauge some community reaction to the idea to be honest after leaving it for half a year so that we can all adapt our perceptions and reflect on the idea - I look forward to reading some opinions on whether you would, or would not like this implemented and for what reasons.

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10/23/2023 8:11 am
Level 75 : Legendary
Zitzabis's Avatar
set status to Closed, set resolution to Finished.

Feature was added. :)
05/02/2023 7:27 am
Level 1 : New Engineer
Lemongus5780346's Avatar
It's added
04/29/2023 11:32 am
Level 38 : Artisan Lego Builder
RB22486's Avatar
Fortunately for you mate, here it is!
Funiverse Minnesota
10/14/2021 2:52 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Procrastinator
Funiverse Minnesota's Avatar
This sounds alot like the card system on a site called NationStates lol
04/21/2021 8:23 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lego Builder
MJ_mcMaster's Avatar
yah i love that!
04/17/2019 8:46 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Collective
andreTdigital's Avatar
I think having a card for every person who has been active for at least a year would be difficult, maybe just pmc themed cards, and not a card dedicated to a user.
03/07/2019 4:57 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Paril's Avatar
It's a neat idea, but if we did do this we'd have to go all out with a proper game design.
01/03/2018 4:11 am
Level 42 : Master Mage
Pixel's Avatar
lol I was in this project years ago but we never finished it. We had some amazing card designs though, I could see if I can get them for you.
11/13/2018 2:52 pm
He/Him • Level 71 : Legendary Cyborg Programmer
Cyprezz's Avatar
I'd love to see the card design too. Did you happen to find them?
11/14/2018 12:19 pm
Level 42 : Master Mage
Pixel's Avatar
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