This Map is an entry in the completed Maze Making Minecraft Contest.

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Aghos's Avatar Aghos
Level 45 : Master Architect


Hello and welcome to this maze.

Before you start playing, I recommend turning your particle effects and sound effects on. Many parts will generate sound or particles to improve the mood.

Your objective is to find 3 keys and use them at the exit. Along the way you can collect different items that are not necessary in order to escape the sewers. Those will be counted at the end. You can also look at the list of them at the end of this book.

Map is separated into two sections. Lower section are sewers themselves in which most collectible items and all keys are located. This section is connected via four staircases to upper part. You can use them as shortcuts if you can navigate through them.

Now for some lore:

My father was always too much ambitious. Using genetic modification experiments. He believed his fanatic vision that one day, we may be the one and only race, truly worthy of nature's potential and power. One may say he was too immoral. He was. On the other hand, no one can deny his discoveries, how to cure cancer, how to modify any gene with an ease and not cause any harm in terms of long run. But was it worth the lives he taken?

Before me or my brother was born, he worked for the government. Because of him, we have modified humanoids. His work was kept secret for years. I don't know about the state it is in now, even if the subjects are still in use. They fired him, after he accomplished their demands. That left him broken and more mentally ill then he was before.

When he came home, from an eternal fire of a rage there was burning in his soul, he decided to make my brother out of nothing. Out of thin air. Because he knew, he can modify the structure of atoms in the air into human tissue, which then can grow into a normal person. My mother watched all of it. She knew about everything he did, but at the same time, she knew very little. She had no idea about what was happening in the background of his experiments. If I can even call it experiments. It was a big misstep.

His ego and his ambitions leaded him to the darkest places of human genetics. He wanted to make him invincible. He could transform into any form, at any time. That was a big mistake. Even bigger than making my brother. He succeeded. He really made a person, out of thin air, able to transform into any form. He was conscious, though he did not have to breathe. Father told him, to transform once. Then twice. And at the third attempt, something went really wrong. With my mom secretly watching, he turned the room into black hell. She could not see anything, though she could hear both of them screaming. My father was probably screaming in agony, but my brother was screaming in a different tone. Sinister tone.

When it ended, my brother vanished. The only thing, that was left in the room, was my, seriously burnt, father. My mother called an ambulance, explaining how my father tried to repair a kitchen stove that had caught on fire. He recovered and took a break for a while. He wanted another child, but this time, a real one. Not modified, just a normal, average kid. And therefore, I am here. I wasn't really good at anything. Math was hard, physics isn't a subject I'm interested in and genetic modification for me is too unethical and dangerous. I could not satisfy me father with my, little to no, knowledge. Though I was supposed to be a normal kid with no genetic modification, he wanted to make me a little better. To make me just a little bit like him. But fortunately, my mother wouldn't let him to do that to me. She was the one who took care of me 9 months without a pause after all.

So, he kicked me from the house. I tried coming back a few times, but I realised, that my father won't let me in. I'm just a disappointment of successful scientist and maniac. I still recall his final sentence and my mother’s broken-hearted face expression. I stayed in house of my mother’s friends. I tried to convince her to leave but she wouldn’t. State of my father grew worse, but she still believed that he could change.

Someday ago, a letter has arrived. From my mother. She told about the secret lab that she discovered and in panic finally decided to leave. I didn’t fully understand what she found but that wasn't important. My desire to please my father and be like he wanted me to be faded shortly after I left. Hatred took the place. I was happy that my mother realize what I already knew. He could not be changed.

We are supposed to meet by the sewers near our mansion. I hope I can get there in time. Better leave now.

Key rooms and secret rooms | SPOILERS
Key rooms

Key rooms are located in sectors A, C & D marked by green concrete. You can spot them at the surface by their signature, three tall rocks.

Upon generating the maze this room will detect at which side should be the entrance. For that it uses strips of emerald block located above every passable side of individual sections. It copies itself and paste correspondingly to the entrance. This works only if the room is connected via one side.

Key roomEmerald block indication

Location of key rooms:

Sector A:  1st row 1st column

Sector C:  4th row 5th column

Sector D:  1st row 6th column

After you acquire the key, text will appear accompanied by sound and particles. You will need three keys in order to open the exit gate.
Secret rooms

This map contains two types of secret room. First one is located twice at the sewer layer containing collectible golden ingot guarded by skeletons. The room is marked with emerald block and from above is a half of a straight fence.


Location of secret rooms (with gold):

Sector C:  5th row 2nd column

Sector D:  5th row 6th column

Second secret room is only accessible from above and will give you no item. But you can choose whether you want to enter the cave or not. At the end, some additional information will be provided for both options.

Marked with lapis lazuli block and bunch of trees surrounding an entrance to the cave.

Location of secret room (cave):

Sector A:  5th row 9th column

Special rooms | SPOILERS

This maze also has four special rooms. One in each sector. Three of them will give you some item and tell something extra to the lore.

Frist special room involves a generator and first appearance (also last) of the Shadow. After he destroys the generator you will get some notes. Thez contain additional information about the dark figure.

Marked with purple concrete and a tree surrounded by graves.

Location of special room (generator):

Sector D: 5th row 3rd column

Second is some parkour. You will enter a room with leakage and must jump over some logs. You can also bypass it but that will not give you the special item which is a bottle of liquid.

Marked with magenta concrete and three small rocks at the top.

Location of the special room (leakage):

Sector B: 4th row 7th column

Third is a spider infested room. You must navigate yourself on a narrow path through the cobwebs. Also, a golden nugget is laying on the floor and if you come closer, you will pick it up. Enemies may spawn if you set the difficulty that way.

Marked by cyan concrete and topped with a smoking pond.

Location of the special room (spiders):

Sector A: 4th row 7th column

Last one is just a broken path. No item or special task in this room.

Marked with pink concrete and plain grass on top.

Location of the special room (damaged path):

Sector C: 3rd row 6th column

Entry and exit

Symbol of despair and symbol of valor decorate the entrance and exit, as this map and lore were inspired by the game Darkest Dungeon in which you can find these symbols.

At the entrance you will find a book and a birch button. Book contains the instruction to the maze. These informations are also included in this description. After entering the maze, you will be provided with gear and supplies, also the entrance will close, sealing the maze. Your gamemode will be changed to adventure.

At the exit you need to deposit all three keys into the chest. If you accidentally put something else in there, don’t worry, it's filtered. After that the door will open. Items that you have collected will be counted in addition to some more information for specific items.

Build created by Aghos
Video and lore created by xx_ruthless

Shaders used: BLS
Version: 1.16.5
Can cause problems when playing multiplayer
CreditBuild created by Aghos
Progress100% complete

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03/25/2021 8:36 am
Level 36 : Artisan Birb
NuevaEscosiaWarriors's Avatar
Congratulations on 1st place!!!!!!!
03/29/2021 5:44 am
Level 45 : Master Architect
Aghos's Avatar
Thank you.
03/17/2021 4:46 pm
Level 100 : Transcendent Cake
PMC's Avatar
This was really fun. I missed the exit the first time because I hadn't realized the keys went in the empty chest. Thought it was weird that every chest contained something except for that one.

Ended up finding the jewelry and 2 pieces of gold. I liked the dripping water effect, it really felt like I was in a sewer. Excellent work on this!
03/29/2021 5:49 am
Level 45 : Master Architect
Aghos's Avatar
Thank you. We are glad that you liked it.
02/17/2021 9:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Zeriel00's Avatar
Why is the music so sleepy? Minecraft should be about adventure! :D
02/18/2021 6:59 pm
Level 1 : New Network
xx_ruthless's Avatar
First of all, we wanted to tell a story. To give it the cherry on top, we decided to go for a moody trailer, thus the sleepy music.
02/18/2021 5:57 pm
Level 45 : Master Architect
Aghos's Avatar
It complements the story. Also, Minecraft doesn’t have to be about adventure. It will be what you need it to be. That is the reason why it is such a great art medium.
02/15/2021 7:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MinecraftTroller88's Avatar
OMG!! I love it!
02/15/2021 7:45 pm
Level 45 : Master Architect
Aghos's Avatar
02/15/2021 5:04 pm
Level 83 : Elite Cowboy
Jicklus's Avatar
I really love this!
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