Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

The Elven City of Falshire ~ A D'n'D City & 'FBC' Contest Entry

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Uknownymous's Avatar Uknownymous
Retired Moderator
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
This is one of the first non-competition based builds I'm uploading in a while... except... it ended up being timed so incredibly fittingly well for a competition that I entered it anyway!
This build is for my Dungeons and Dragons campaign I play with my girlfriend and my best friend; they each play two characters. The one plays a Death Domain Cleric Kalashtar named Shadow with a faint and struggling memory, overcome with the Faceless background persona by the name of X; an Aasimar tied to his body, while she's also playing a Clockwork Magic Sorcerer named Alanna from a tiny little galactic world; the final Galactic Elf. The other plays a Draconic Origins Sorcerer named Lia; an avariel of militaristic heritage who lost her loved one in the war to her helplessness, while also playing an Oath of the Watchers Paladin named Mourdaii; a tiefling plagued with poverty and a discovered passion for stealing and the God of crime; Mask, initially snatching items for her family but now snagged into fending off an unfolding plot of a nefarious undead nation, bent on taking vengeance upon the living for their grievances of being mistreated; intending to right the wrongs with a far more deadly wrong while converting every living being to their kind once and for all.
The story began in a little village of Aggravail, swiftly entering a tomb from whence rumours of screams and troubles originated, and discovering the undead for the first time and clearing them all out, only to then get back to Aggravail and find an even greater force there managing to crush the village's defences and force them to retreat. The party attempted to help some of the military look into the lack of contact from the village mines, only to find even more undead plagued the underground too, being roped into battles and combat and tales of destructively creative might while pit against far more enemies than you're actually supposed to pit a team against because it's more fun that way.
Eventually, as can be imagined, the journey came upon Falshire - I built this city as the first major city the party attended in the campaign; it's one of the major cities of the Kingdom of Aluran; Lia's homeground, the ruling nation of what once was Aggravail, and the first bastion against the undead horde.
I tried to represent this city as a particularly forested one with the houses being relatively spread out and the trees filling as many gaps as I could, while also trying to cram the production of it into just over a week to avoid taking too long on setting it up.
The Elven City of Falshire ~ A D'n'D City & 'FBC' Contest Entry Minecraft Map
They've already played a few sessions here now; the first one led them to a place to sleep where they met a ridiculous dwarven innkeeper, blindly being proud of food so bad it was practically poison he'd simply gotten used to forcing down, and offering it to them, causing poor Alanna to perhaps, just maybe, offer it back to him - unintentionally.
The other session met them with a few simple shopping trips; it's fun to play them out, and can be a great assistance for growing accustomed to fun experiences such as putting on voices and acting out emotions, impressions, accents and behaviours, which can be useful life traits to have - a key element of the depth of this campaign has been to try to ensure there's growth as people too, in confidence and the ability to speak out, so it is worth it for sure to act it all out. ...acting it all out, however, did mean that Shadow ended up finding a cloaked figure dragging an unconscious shopkeeper off, and promptly murdering them on a bridge before a host of other civilians.
The Elven City of Falshire ~ A D'n'D City & 'FBC' Contest Entry Minecraft Map
...Falshire's a city practically revolving around its massive host of guards, due to the precarious border with its enemy nation of Orkross, and the fact Avariels, as guards, make excellent foragers at the same time, essentially mobolising farmers to fight and work at the same time...
...but it wasn't like the party had nothing to their name, nor like whom Shadow murdered was innocent either; it's simply that murdering someone in the middle of the street may, perhaps, generally, not quite be okay. So, naturally, the murder led the party to the city's town hall.
Passing through a room of people; all represented by quartz pillars which look without any doubt completely out of place in the build, but make sense when knowing it's just a pretty efficient way to represent people; a banquet hall - a mess hall - a cafeteria and the like; whatever you see fit to call it, fill to the brim with guards chatting and relaxing through their day. Merry folk in need of a good laugh and a jolly rest.
The Elven City of Falshire ~ A D'n'D City & 'FBC' Contest Entry Minecraft Map
...although one can be seen unconscious on the table, and that, generally, is poor practice as a guard, so maybe - just maybe - he lost his job...
But regardless, the party were guided through peacefully; quite silently, pushed ahead to the meeting hall beyond this, past several other rooms in the process too, towards the center of the city; the town hall directly beneath the middle of the great overarching tree.
And maybe it's a bit simplistic but it certainly does the job for DnD, with blocks once again representing the characters.

Minecraft being a block game complements the grid system of DnD really, really well, providing a platform to create a really authentically convenient 3D experience with a battlemap that supports far more creative and interesting movement and possibilities than a flat 2D map could provide - at least in my own experience, anyway, which, frankly, is quite limited, so perhaps I'm wrong, but I really do quite like using Minecraft to create such a rendition of this world.
This map, as inferred; as mentioned and suggested, was made for my friends - for the both of them, gladly - with a lot of time and effort put in to enjoy many hours of playing through my expansive and at least attemptedly interesting world with their amazingly lovely selves' wonderful characters. It's absolutely worth the time in my eyes, and they've been enjoying it quite a bit too. So, we're all satisfied and pleased and proud of each other and our efforts and like putting in effort for each other - it's a nice show of appreciation.

I also feel it's a little cool at night, but it's definitely quite dark. There were a few lighting glitches and despite all my attempts I just could not get them to amend themselves, even with commands such as "//fixlighting", so, alas, I just went with it, and it's still cool, at least, so I'm pleased, and it works.
This is entered into the Fortnightly Building Challeng's theme of "A tribute to your friends" listed on the official Minecraft Discord at https://discord.gg/minecraft in #build-challenge, and I will update this submission with the results afterwards - it was not my incentive nor my motive for building it as I appreciate my friends a considerably large amount regardless, but the theme was one I feel is more than fitting for what was done here, with such pleasantly, conveniently coincidental timing, so, entered it I have. For something like this build for DnD there was very little need to build anything at all; all of it could've been mechanically handled with a simple grid on a piece of paper and that would suffice, but my friends are worth far more effort than that, so, more effort than that they get. :)
To update on how that turned out, it seems it worked out well and I achieved first. :D I'm proud. :)

This render from above has also been created by the user TrialnError. :)

If it has to be wondered... yep! The tree is flat! Oops? The world height limit was hit during the building stage. :) I edited the picture roughly to give the tree a top, but it should still be pretty obvious for now.
CreditThis was built on the Builder's Refuge server, largely assisted by World Edit and Fast Async World Edit, and the screenshots were taken with Chocapic Shaders. :) Yay. :D
Progress100% complete

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04/09/2021 8:38 am
Level 42 : Master Architect
Medievalone's Avatar
If this was real I would fosho wanna live there
04/09/2021 5:04 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
I'm happy you would. xD I'm quite pleased with how it ended up looking, especially for the time spent; I'd want to live there too. :D
01/28/2021 11:48 am
She/Her • Level 66 : High Grandmaster Artist Princess
CaraRose's Avatar
oh very beautiful! ♡
01/28/2021 12:57 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
Thank you, Cara. :D
01/27/2021 9:18 am
Level 35 : Artisan Architect
FirstDawn's Avatar
3 days late, but this is awesome. Lovely work here. Nice job.
01/27/2021 11:40 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
Thank you. :D I'm happy you like it; I appreciate that. :)
01/24/2021 3:40 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Zombie
PLEASEdeleteAccountNow's Avatar
This is so beautiful and creative thanks for sharing! It is also nice to see that you haven't gone dormant from sharing here and are doing so again. <3 :)
01/24/2021 3:49 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
Thank you, Kord! :D You messaging me to check a few days ago was really amusing timing as I was working on the build at the time, so I'm glad to know it was looked forward to. :) Thank you for the support. :D It's fun to build and share it. ^~^
01/24/2021 3:53 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Zombie
PLEASEdeleteAccountNow's Avatar
Trust me (though as you can see form all of the glowing feedback you get form all of us, you know it's true and not made up): it's is just as fun for us to see and enjoy the fruits of your work as it is fore oyu to build it! It is truly among the most creative build work I've ever seen.
01/24/2021 4:55 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
That's pretty easy to see, yeah; the abundance of glowing feedback makes that obvious. :) It's really motivating seeing the massive amount of positive reactions every single time I share a build here. The community's great and I'm proud to have reached this point with the level of creativity and skill at building I have (while still also definitely intent on continuing to improve too). Thank you, Kord. :D
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