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o00gareth00o's Avatar o00gareth00o
Level 59 : Grandmaster Batman
Hello people,
I am stupidly excited to release this map that I have been working on for quite a while.  Unlike many of my other maps everything to build this one was made by me.  All 20+ trees, bushes and ground cover I designed, and even the brushes I used in world painter are mine.  The terrain itself took quite some time as I had to focus on the detail more than the big landscape.  The island has mountains, beaches and a few clusters of mangroves offshore.   The map is fully playable with ores lower than 60.  Gamemode is survival with cheats.  The jungle is thick, but very playable.  If you explore you will find a small lake, countless coves and beaches and some small cliffs.

This is my first real jungle island, so please let me know if you like it!

Made using worldpainter, renders with chunky.
Projects that you wish to publish publicly MUST be approved by me, but please, go crazy with private use.

In my opinion this is my best project yet.

Thanks, and enjoy!
Progress100% complete

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05/11/2016 6:03 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Gamer1031's Avatar
Can I Have Permission to post this map publicly ?
You will Get Full credit and a link to your PMC account
10/07/2014 7:38 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Warrior
104maciej's Avatar
Quick Question: Do you use and helping tools for this like worldedit? I really want to build something like this, but i dont know if i  should use the tools or not, personally, worldedit makes it faster but hand crafted is so much more expressive and cool! You know what i mean? :)

Also, gained a sub for this amazingness!
10/07/2014 7:56 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Batman
o00gareth00o's Avatar
The only tool I ever use is worldpainter.
10/09/2014 7:45 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Warrior
104maciej's Avatar
Ok thanks. :D I ususally start big things and I lose motivation but seeing that you only use this makes me feel better thanks man ill be making more stuff because of your motivation and this awesome build :D
10/09/2014 9:48 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Batman
o00gareth00o's Avatar
my advice:  dont start big things, at least, not yet.  It is super fun, and I agree, great, to let your mind go wild on a giant map, but it will never turn out as good as if you used all that energy on something smaller.  I would focus on the small scale for now, then (maybe) later work your way up.  Plus, unless you are making a map for a server (which can turn into an absolute chore...) no player will ever see everything.  

Thats my opinion anyway, I like to focus on how the map plays well more than focusing on how big, or even how cool it looks.

Good luck!  and make sure to make/find yourself some good custom brushes, they are a must!
10/11/2014 8:31 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Warrior
104maciej's Avatar
Thanks you're one of the most inspirational people i met on PMC I will defiinetly listen to your advice make a small thing first thanks man I'm really glad I found this map and you along with it on PMC
10/13/2014 11:57 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Batman
o00gareth00o's Avatar
Thanks for all the kind words :)
I look foward to seeing your projects!!
08/08/2014 4:03 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Crafter
Plutouthere's Avatar
Some nicely done trees you got there ;)
08/08/2014 11:35 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Batman
o00gareth00o's Avatar
Thank you!  It took me a lot longer than I had initially anticipated to make them, but I am sure glad I did!
04/11/2014 7:22 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Fox
MineTwine45's Avatar
Truly awesome build! Maybe an idea for a future project could be a valley with a little village or something nestled into it, that would be pretty cool to see.
04/11/2014 5:37 pm
Level 82 : Elite Architect
lynchyinc's Avatar
Nice job on these maps you're putting out.

Perhaps try a desert biome with rolling sand dunes, large ravines and an oasis as your next project? Just an idea.
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