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Marienkirche, Hanau, Hesse, Germany

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Henry Miller's Avatar Henry Miller
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Artist
Marienkirche - Saint Mary's Church - is a Gothic Church in Hanau, Main-Kinzig, Hesse, Germany.

It was build in the 15th century and later modified during the reformation from which also the baroque spire originates from.

During the massive British air raid on the 19th march of 1945 which was solely ment to destroy the Historical center of the Grimm Brother's City, and to kill the Population in it (the railway stations and Military relevant targets were destroyed years ago already) It got hit heavily. Later it was rebuilt although its spire is not of its original appearance anymore, nonetheless acceptable looking.

61 meters tall.

Marienkirche, Hanau, Hesse, Germany Minecraft Map

Marienkirche, Hanau, Hesse, Germany Minecraft Map
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Henry Miller 06/19/2018 5:42:26 pmJun 19th, 2018

Fixed the spire, made it more round like it was in reality.

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07/04/2018 10:15 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
_Crispy_As_'s Avatar
May I know the texture pack for the swastikas?
Henry Miller
07/05/2018 12:57 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Artist
Henry Miller's Avatar
My custom texturepack i made for only this city. When i release the city to download i will give out the texturpack aswell.
06/20/2018 8:16 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc2278791's Avatar
06/19/2018 8:30 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Blockhead
Studio-Winthor's Avatar
Wonderful buildings, but then there are swastikas in the pictures.
Disappointing, unnecessary and illegal in Germany too.
Henry Miller
06/19/2018 8:34 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Artist
Henry Miller's Avatar
Did you read the description. "During the massive British air raid on the 19th march of 1945 which was solely ment to destroy the Historical center of the Grimm Brother's City, and to kill the Population in it (the railway stations and Military relevant targets were destroyed years ago already) It got hit badly. Later it was rebuilt although its spire is not of its original appearance anymore, nonetheless acceptable looking. "

So this depicts the city before it's destruction. im not planning some sort of fantasy setting but simply a model before the terroristic air raids. And as back then the National Socialist German Workers Party ruled over Germany Swastikas were a common thing especially at places that are ment for Marching for the military (Paradeplatz)

If i would leave them out and lets say build it during the Kaiser era... that would look a little different but the main focus would be dragged away - Showing what was lost due to Terror raids -
06/19/2018 9:52 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Blockhead
Studio-Winthor's Avatar
Yes, I read the description after I wrote my comment. Nevertheless I don't consider the Nazi symbolism for necessary, because it weren't the Nazis who built these
cities and it weren't the Nazis, who destroy them in a fight for freedom.

But they brought suffering all over Europe, killing millions of people and that must never be forget.
The background story is good and necessary.
But ask yourself if you really want to connect this horror visibly with your
wonderful medieval city.
There are so many options for showing flags that don't stand for this
reign of terror.

The biggest problem is, not everyone sees the flags in the historical context.
There are to many people that still like the idea of National Socialism today.
Swastikas flags feed these trolls.
Your buildings are wonderful, I think they shouldn't be associated with this
awful period of history.

In the end, it is naturally you decision.

Henry Miller
06/19/2018 10:28 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Artist
Henry Miller's Avatar
It is my decision and i will keep them, because Everyone knows the german faults. Ja ich denke wir beide kennen sie du und ich haben sie jahrelang von klein auf bis zum halse hoch reingeschaufelt bekommen... Es ist aber auch wichtig die andere seite zu belichten deshalb eben so ein Modell um ersteinmal ein Eindruck davon zu geben wie unser Land mal ausgesehen haben könnte aber auch um die anderen ihre Kriegsverbrechen für alle etwas sichtbarer zu machen. Danke für den hinweis, aber die meisten Leute haben hier gott sei dank keine probleme damit.

So wie Stadtmodelle in Museen etc es eben auch tun.

In minecraft geht es nunmal schneller darum mach ich das hier, und auch ohne einrichtung und pi pa po ich hab ja nicht das ganze leben lang zeit an einer sache rumzuhängen

Es ist mein und ich denke auch viele anderer ihr tiefliegender wunsch mal einen eindruck zu haben wie alles was verloren ist mal ausgesehen hat. (naja so nah wie möglich eben)

und nochmal "Destroy them in a fight for freedom.." Ja sie haben uns befreit, von diesen städten, von dieser kultur, von dieser nation, von dieser sprache. wunderbar. Eh? Wie kann man Ganz klare, ohne Scham zugegebene Terrorangriffe nur als Freiheitskampf rechtfertigen?

Die Deutschen sind Traurigerweise die einzigen die (gottseidank nicht mehr so oft) beleidigt sind.
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