Minecraft Maps / Pixel Art

Homestuck Mapart World Upload - 1.4 mill block survival build

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  • 13 downloads, 0 today
Fockinorb's Avatar Fockinorb
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
The following has been taken from the FAQ that was written to explain to new viewers what this project was about.

Summary: The build is a gigantic pixel art project of a piece of Homestuck fanart that I myself drew several years ago.

In more detail:


2017- the original drawing was done in MS Paint using a mouse. [b=false]It is a redraw of a frame from [S] Cascade, but with Rose’s grimdark outfit instead of her derse pajamas outfit[/b]

[b=false]2020- early pandemic, started the minecraft world to do the cropped image. It is a Survival world but with cheats on so TNT can be spawned to help with terraforming and I could turn keepinventory on. Took about 7 months on and off.[/b]

[b=false]2022- Expansion project starts. The MS paint art is pulled up in FireAlpaca and a blue layer with opacity is used to keep track of the completed section.[/b]

[b=false]April 1, 2024- the [/b][url=clips.twitch.tv/ImpossibleHandsomeStrawberryDBstyle-YdceEDNU10uiwlDO][b=false]final block[/b][/url][b=false] is placed after 999.5 hours in-game

April 9, 2024 - The ender dragon is defeated, elytra has been found, and the streams are complete. The world is done, and it is to be uploaded for public download.

[/b][b]Frequently Asked Questions:[/b]

Homestuck Art? In MY 2024?[/b]

[b=false]More likely than you’d think. Just roll with it, I read the webcomic from 2016-2018 and was just barely in the fandom. [/b]

[b]With a mouse?[/b]

[b=false]Yep. My primary art tool is a mouse.[/b]

[b]In survival?[/b]

[b=false]Yep. this is an old, OLD world so I’ve got full netherite and a whole finely tuned villager trading system. Cheats are turned on for TNT spawning purposes.[/b]

[b]At least it’s over the ocean, right? [/b]

[b=false]Nope. That would have been the smart way to do it. I chose y=84 for it not out of active choice but because I was new to minecraft and I guessed.[/b]

[b]How big is it? [/b]

[b=false]Final project is 970x1440 blocks/pixels[/b]

[b]Wait, you did the art for Cascade?[/b]

[b=false]No, this is a redraw, if you look up cascade you will see her outfit and the background is different. Xamag did the art in Cascade. [/b]

[b]What’s going to happen to the village? [/b]

[b=false]It’s been covered up. It was the last area covered, but also it’s lit incredibly well so it’s fairly safe anyways. That’s what the lava fountains are for.[/b]

[b]Isn’t the underside just a giant mob farm?[/b]

[b=false]Yeah. It’s getting mostly ignored. The village is lit and there’s no need to go underneath right now. [/b]

[b]Why is the map upside down?[/b]

[b=false]This was early days in my minecraft experience so I just didn't think of it. Too far deep to fix it at this point so¯\_(ツ)_/¯[/b]

[b]Is the day cycle off?[/b]

[b=false]Nope. Normal minecraft day. I just hit the pillow at dusk so hostile mobs don’t spawn, bringing my bed with me[/b]

[b]Is creeper spawning off?[/b]

[b=false]Nope. Sometimes the art gets lightly blown up.[/b]

[b]How do you get around? [/b]

[b=false]There’s a minecart rails system for up top, I take up the old line when i’m done with the area. There are also a few nether portals scattered around as well as the occasional nether rail. [/b]

[b]Can’t you go get elytra?[/b]

[b=false]Could have, didn’t. The entire art was finished before going to the end and defeating the Ender Dragon.[/b]

[b]Is there map art?[/b]

[b=false]Yes we finish each stream in the basement where the map room is, where there’s a 1:1,. a 1:2 and a 1:4 map[/b]

[b]Whoa, why are there so many shades of black on the mapart?[/b]

[b=false]Aurysystem from twitch chat has kindly written me a custom modpack that alters two shades of black so that the mapart is accurate to what’s seen in my digital art. In order to get the full span of mapart colour,[url=github.com/AurySystem/cursed-map-colors/releases/tag/1.0.1] download and install the mod here to put in your folder[/url] [/b]
Progress100% complete

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