Uknownymous's Avatar
I'll at least leave the world happier than I entered it, no matter what.
Retired Moderator
Level 54
Grandmaster Architect

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  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    May 14, 2024, 1:10 pm to Public
    Alrighty, I'm no longer a moderator. I approached a few problems poorly years prior per long overcome inexperience, and it's come back to snatch me down - I won't dive into details, but I understand what's happened, and for anyone who wonders "Why did they step down?", it was an understandable result, with me lacking any way to properly reference or discuss something that happened five years prior, so it's completely reasonable. :) Not that I'm happy, sure, but it's reasonable, and I want that to be absolutely clear. It's been great contributing to the moderation team, and I hope those still present engage happily enough too.

    Cyprezz is an excellent owner, and I want it to be known he really does support everyone getting along, mediating tensions, being friendly and such- Trying to (and rather successfully) fostering a community that's diverse and often clashing while still hopefully kind and supportive enough. A respectable, admirable challenge; he just wants everyone to get along, and that's great! I have no regrets from my time as a moderator, bar the fact it's over now - and that is what it is. Most who see this probably didn't see me often nowadays, but if you do know me, hey! It was great working in this position, helping to make the community a little happier along the way, and making my own fair share of accidental errors too (as moderation always has), while trying to overall have a good impact on the site. :) Thanks for the time.

    I'm not going anywhere, though - I'll still be here, as a member. Just not moderating!

    So, I'll use this opportunity as a bit of inspiration/advice for other people:
    • Your actions matter. You may not think it, but a mistake, error, sin, making an enemy of someone- Anything like that has lasting repercussions, which go further than just a single month, week, or even day or hour of your life. Take care, and try to make choices you'll be happy with in the future. When you aren't sure what to do in a situation and all options look to be bad, think about the long term effects it may have on everyone involved. Yourself especially. Look after yourself, and remember that actions you make last.
    • Seek peace with people you speak with. Even if you don't like someone much, aim to get along with them if possible. Find ways to ease tensions, to see eye to eye. To make friends, or at least to not be at odd's ends with someone. You may have wildly different views on how life works, or there may even be a major problem at hand, but it's never worth raising tensions with someone to make them an enemy. A huge part of looking after yourself and others is respecting the differences between people. This can be difficult, as a lot of walks of life clash inherently, but if you can find this kind of peace, you're already going to be better off for it.
    • Be nice. Self-explanatory, with the other two above: Coldness of any sort can genuinely catch up to you. Try to be a kind person, even while you're still growing and learning. It's difficult, and mistakes will happen along the way, but so long as someone's trying, the mistakes shouldn't be too bad.
    • Believe in yourself. Even if things look tough and you're starting to doubt how to move forwards with life, remember that you can still succeed. So long as life is continuing, there's still some hope to make it through and overcome the hurdles you face. Do not let anything take away from that confidence and determination to grow, persevere, and make life your own to be happy with.
    • Mistakes happen. That doesn't mean to accept and ignore the weight of the mistakes, but it does mean to remember not to beat yourself up if you do something wrong. Try to mediate tensions with involved people, apologise, see what you can do to recover from the mistake, and overall just keep working to grow as a person. We aren't defined by our mistakes; we are more than just the small parts of what makes us people. Look out for yourselves, and try to accept your errors, while not dragging yourself down with them. They are not the shackles dragging you down; they are just parts of this walk of life. Some will even be pretty bad mistakes, but if life's still ongoing, you can still change, and you can still grow, and there's still hope for you.
    • There's always hope. Like the above two points, even when something's still reaching for you after a long time, there's always hope to change and develop. There's always hope to find new friends, new communities, new job opportunities- Nothing is destined to fall apart entirely, purely based on the past. The present and future will be influenced by the past, but your own actions can change and influence them too. You're never hopeless. Never. There's always a future.
    • Seek help and advice. This is perhaps the hardest thing to do when so few people know how to make it through their own lives, but the reality is we're all learning and trying to make our own journeys. It isn't easy, and it never will be. There's no-one who fully grasps everything they have in life, yeah? But, you can at least seek to hear what others think about life, comparing it with your own journeys, seeking for support and encouragement to try to make your own life better, and perhaps theirs too in the process. We all have thoughts worth sharing (and thoughts that aren't worth sharing, haha. We're all complex, after all).
    • Never stop learning. As said, we'll never be perfect. Always keep trying to grow. I can't promise it'll matter in some situations, as sometimes regardless of how much you've done you'll still get into problems based on a lesser-capable version of you's choices, however you should still always try to grow, because while some situations are dead-ended, it will open the door to potential options which aren't. There's hope for you. For everyone. It may feel hard to find right now, but in this society, there's no point where someone has no possible way to hope, to care for themself, to hold up a job, friends, a community- There's always hope. Keep growing, keep taking care, and keep trying to work forwards with life.
    There's a bit more I think I'd be interested in rambling about, but this is already quite long and the post is partly motivation for myself, and ideally, motivation for others too. :) Life's tough, but there's always a path forwards. Don't let the complexities of this world make you feel helpless; you can always grow.
    Even if it feels really tough.

    Take care. :)

    Always seek to take care.

    You may not know what for, but future you may well thank you for doing it. :)
    Uknownymous replied to KaiOceansword's comment below 2024-05-16 12:33:39
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thanks, Kai! :)
    KaiOceansword said 2024-05-16 05:56:03
    KaiOceansword's Avatar
    Wise words
    Uknownymous replied to Frwf's comment below 2024-05-15 12:29:35
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    You're welcome! :)
    Frwf replied to Uknownymous's comment below 2024-05-15 04:48:06
    Frwf's Avatar
    Thank you!
    Uknownymous replied to DylanClicks's comment below 2024-05-14 17:53:35
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thank you! :D
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  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    June 6, 2022, 6:56 am to Public
    On May the 2nd I hit 1,000 subscribers!
    I shall pretend that was today!
    Thank you to everyone who has subscribed. :D It's such a high milestone to have hit in what feels like such a short time. Over 900 of those was from year 1...! Clearly haven't posted much this year, huh. Ahaha. I've been here just over 2 years now! Time flies, and apparently that means getting older with it. Life moves on, and it's quite interesting the effects that can have! Mentally, socially, with work, productivity, life situation and more. A lot changes, ever so quickly, and ever so slow. Invariably and inconsistently. Life's always been intriguing for that. No two lives are ever the same, no matter how closely similar their conditions; people always differ. And many of them... are nice! At least in places like here. People longlastingly active here are quite nice. That's a good thing, right? ^~^
    I'm not really going anywhere with this! I'm just rambling. Hi!
    SharKevan37 replied to Uknownymous's comment below 2023-11-06 16:12:15
    SharKevan37's Avatar
    Nice to know (:
    Uknownymous replied to SharKevan37's comment below 2023-11-06 05:47:29
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Yeah. :D Mods are yellow names, super mods are orange, and admins are red!
    SharKevan37 replied to Uknownymous's comment below 2023-11-05 19:37:25
    SharKevan37's Avatar
    Cool I thought So!
    Uknownymous replied to SharKevan37's comment below 2023-11-05 17:26:13
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    I'm a mod! You can see all the staff team at
    SharKevan37 said 2023-11-05 11:58:54
    SharKevan37's Avatar
    Are you a Mod or a admin?
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  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    March 4, 2021, 11:23 am to Public
    I'm recently getting into trying to learn game design through Unity - it seems like fun and I feel it's going well so far. :) I'm not very good at it yet (and will not be for a long while; it takes a lot of time and practice after all), but I do quite enjoy it at least, when I've got the time to focus on it for a few hours and learn. YouTube tutorials are really quite effective for that!
    Besides that I've also joined the Aderlyon build team, and since become the Build Manager there; feel free to take a look at their Discord or profile page if you're curious about them. ^~^
    Other than that I honestly don't think I've got much to say, so I guess life has been pretty uneventful.
    I do however want to mention I signed in,212 as I saw it on NoodleRat's wall posts. :) It's on the middle right. :D I drew a small tree and some flowing cherry blossom leaves- or at least in my opinion I did, but really they're just pixels. xD
    Uknownymous replied to PuddingTime's comment below 2021-07-19 23:44:36
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thank you! :D It's definitely hard to use, but it's fun to experiment with. ^~^
    PuddingTime said 2021-05-16 05:06:43
    PuddingTime's Avatar
    Good luck on Unity, I find it hard to use, so try your hardest!
    PandaFrost29 replied to Uknownymous's comment below 2021-03-08 19:35:42
    PandaFrost29's Avatar
    Uknownymous replied to PandaFrost29's comment below 2021-03-08 19:27:45
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    You're welcome (for both). :D
    PandaFrost29 replied to Uknownymous's comment below 2021-03-08 16:41:34
    PandaFrost29's Avatar
    Thank you! :D (also thanks for the notif spam :D)
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  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    Uknownymous shared vonk's post
    February 23, 2021, 2:20 pm with Public
    This seems to be something people are having a lot of fun with lately and has been circulating around the wall posts of the site a lot, so I feel like sharing it too and seeing how it goes. :) I will have a bit of an issue with answering a bunch though as I don't tend to pick overall favourites in anything...? xD But attempting answers can be tried anyway. :D
    vonk's Avatar
    February 22, 2021, 3:26 pm to Public
    hey remember the 20 questions I made? I remade it. Let's bring the trend back, yall. Time to learn about people

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    Uknownymous replied to LadyBerry's comment below 2021-02-24 18:27:55
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    1. My favourite submission has likely changed from time to time, but the one I most consistently feel really happy with is my Cyberpunk City. I feel like it turned out the best with the most complete image of all of them. :)

    3. My favourite submission of someone else's is considerably harder though - there are simply too many. Way, way too many submissions with so many great ones among them too. I don't generally tend to be as impressed by epic skins as I am by epic builds, but there are even exceptions to that too, and they're still all really great. Users like TrialnError, Barbarian and McMeddon make amazing terrains, ones like Roman_95, SpruceVMC, GeminiTay and Jossieboy make epic organics, others like Circleight, Wet, and a whole host more have made epic structures, even more like DragonsDungeon, Yuki, Buhh, Phantasm and so on make great skins- You make great skins- So many great users make great submissions that really it'd be a chore to pick a favourite when there are so many I like anyway. :D

    5. Like an earlier mention, I picked my username while not being totally sure of who I was, I suppose, while also wanting to not be anonymous, so I went with mixing the words "Anonymous", "Unknown", "Known" and even "U.K." for a little easter egg of sorts. :)

    8. I... have no idea. I can't actually think of any, sorry. xD I've seen nice page designs but I don't really have any kind of strong opinions either way.

    14. There are lots of funny moments, so hmm, I suppose another is that I find it quite funny when someone accidentally reports themself without realising they've reported themself. Like, perhaps they post a comment in a report by accident, or perhaps they think it's stolen content but it's them who posted it. That kind of thing. xD

    17. I like spruce and dark oak and oak, likely in that order, and I also like blackstone and andesite. :)

    20. While the thought is appreciated, I'd have to say no. o: But appreciating it at all is more than I used to, as I really didn't like the thought of that kind of thing- so, I feel it holds weight to appreciate it, for me, in the present, as opposed to the past.
    LadyBerry said 2021-02-24 01:57:10
    LadyBerry's Avatar
    1, 3, 8, 5, 14, 17, 20
    DaniAdler replied to Uknownymous's comment below 2021-02-23 15:01:50
    DaniAdler's Avatar
    Uknownymous replied to JessaMoon's comment below 2021-02-23 15:00:00
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thank you. xD I'm happy for the faith in that. It would definitely be seriously rewarding; the biggest issue is starting to begin with, but I know exactly what kind of game I'd make and I've already got a pretty solid amount of planning for the concept design. :) I feel it would work out quite nicely as it's on the simpler end of coding, without being too complex, while also being a topic that I feel could draw in a lot of attention. ^~^ ...probably even more if I had done it a few months ago rather than delaying it. :D
    And thank you. :) Finger guns to you too. xD 👉😎👉
    Uknownymous replied to DaniAdler's comment below 2021-02-23 14:57:27
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    11. I think my favourite Minecraft minigame is probablyyy... ...uh, Murder Mystery, I think, on Hypixel. It's not because it's the best or because it's the most interesting or enticing or anything like that. It's really, really not. The main reason is because it's so easy that I get to muck about as much as I want, doing things like running around to try to specifically tease the murderer, pretending to be the murderer, hiding in plain sight, and so on- it's just one that's so simple and straightforward that it doesn't really feel like there are any stakes, and it doesn't feel like there's any reason to worry about winning or losing with it being pretty fair on the whole if you do or don't. I enjoy the idea quite a bit. Relaxing games are nice. :)

    16. I usually go with dogs, as while cats can be pretty nice in real life, I don't really mind much in Minecraft. They're just too hard to get in comparison, and I've traveled thousands of blocks with no jungles, while if you see even a single place with trees there could be wolves. ...I also have little idea about the rest of the pets, like parrots, horses and so on, as I haven't played survival in a "little bit".

    17. My favourite Minecraft wood is definitely a flip between spruce and dark oak, as the both of them are incredibly useful in many situations. I also quite like oak though as it's really complementary to it all. I used to be a fan of birch when younger, but the appeal wore off on me as I continued to improve at building and realise the colour didn't go well with much. :) As for rocks, hmm... not sure. I like andesite, cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, blackstone, obsidian, and more- It's a hard decision. I think I like them all, granite included.

    19. I have, yes. :) I was eating while I shared the post, because I can't just sit still and do one thing at a time. xD
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  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    October 29, 2020, 8:19 pm to Public
    It seems I've been quite lucky. :) Both my Dirt Mansion and my Scarecrow's Meadow have been featured on in just over a month of time. I know well there are absolutely people who've done better builds so this is definitely influenced by luck, but it still feels really nice as an achievement and a motivation to keep trying and improving and growing as a builder. :)
    Dirt House Deluxe | Minecraft
    Oh my gourd | Minecraft
    I looked up to this kind of goal when younger and never even considered the idea it'd happen, so this is a little reminder that while some things may not seem possible at first, they often are with enough effort, and inevitably a little luck mixed in depending on what you hope for, and it may even go beyond what you expected (like how it's happened twice). :) Have faith and determination and keep putting in effort, and a lot more possibilities open up for it. ^~^

    Uknownymous replied to billoxiiboy's comment below 2021-01-29 12:16:40
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thank you, Billoxii. :D I appreciate that a lot - it's true the builds were definitely an attempt at being unique (although I've since seen many scarecrows but it is still a relatively unique attempt at it), so that definitely helps them stand out more than I probably give them credit for. :) Thank you for the rather friendly and kind reassurance of that. It's really nice to read through that support and it's this kind of uplifting comment that easily makes a person's day, I feel, so thank you again. :)
    billoxiiboy said 2021-01-28 11:08:18
    billoxiiboy's Avatar
    Congratulations and Well Done, my Friend :D
    A wonderful and deserved acknowedgement of your Creativity and Artistry.
    "Luck" really has nothing to do with you featuring on The World Wide Minecraft Community is diverse and eclectic. Your work exemplifies orginality and boldness. Two attributes appreciated by viewers. Your work is eye-catching and always exciting in its presentation. If this is what you always aspired to, then you have attained it. You had set your journey and you have been travelling it ever since. Happy Happy Travels... :D
    Uknownymous replied to Sugar_Latte's comment below 2020-11-01 13:27:11
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Ahaha~, I'm glad it's perfect for you. :) Imagination's great to have, so I approve; heavily. Kindness is even better to have too and I seriously approve of it. :) It's great you're kind, and yep, if you simply normally are always kind then you'll manage to get used to it for sure. :D
    Sugar_Latte replied to Uknownymous's comment below 2020-11-01 12:33:43
    Sugar_Latte's Avatar
    Yes to all of that! This conversation is perfect for my imaginative brain! Also I was BORN kind, so thanking me for being myself is a little strange, but if you really want to you can. (Maybe I need it so I can get used to it.) And really I won't need to try, people probably will thank me anyway, and I will slowly get used to it. Phew, normal things are more common, so I'm safe. *Happy face*
    Uknownymous replied to Sugar_Latte's comment below 2020-11-01 12:24:59
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Yeah. :) The end has simply been hypothesised, so it'll definitely keep feeling endless for now. :D Stars are great too and I agree heavily with the explanation of it. xD They're also pretty magical because they're just so distant to reach too, I feel. Dreams can be hard to attain and they may not turn out exactly as you expect, but they really can be wonderful to think about - like stars. xD
    And no; no, you can't succeed at asking me to stop thanking you if that's what I intend to do because you've done something to thank. xD If there's no kindness there's no thank you, but you have been very kind, yes? :) So it's good you'll try, yes,, and good luck with managing it - things can go quite strangely at times, but fortunately that's less common than when they're relatively normal.
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  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    October 10, 2020, 2:24 pm to Public
    So, I feel like making a few small announcements of important things, and to start with a few people have brought to my attention that I hit the milestone of 666 subscribers at some point over the past ten or so hours. It's the first milestone I've had several people pointing out to me, so it must be an important one so it's also the first I actually have a screenshot of because of it:

    I'm already beyond the milestone though. It was so short-lived that I almost barely missed it, and that, well, is largely because of the incredible amount of friendly comments, congratulations, thank yous and so on that I got yesterday, with so many wall posts and guest book posts pinging me and being kind and sweet, showing how great the community is, and I went up a bunch of subscribers all of a sudden with it too, having just become Site Moderator on the 7th of October alongside DreamCritting and TomConn. o: It was a pretty nice welcome to the rank up from Chat Moderator which I'd had for just over 3 months. :) I didn't expect to be moving up so fast with the account being less than 6 months old and getting to this point already, but it's honestly really nice. Thank you for all the support, for anyone that I somehow missed with thanking everyone. ^~^ The community here is great. :) Seriously, the friendliness level was almost overwhelmingly kind and I appreciate it. :D
    Alongside all that, I also - on the, uh, 23rd of September, got featured on for my Dirt Mansion build, and while I had been contacted around a month or so before it got featured to be interviewed for it, it still felt different and great when it actually happened, and for me that was a brilliant milestone to manage to end up reaching. :) I wasn't expecting it at all and it's definitely not my favourite build out of what I've made, but it was really pleasing to have that kind of luck and success with it. :D That milestone in the building history for me is heavily motivating and I'm happy to have reached it. :)

    Also, to top it all off, I reached level 42, which is of course the answer to the universe. This must've been fateful timing, right? xD To me that's a milestone of its own thanks to the book, and I don't imagine that joke's all too well known but I just felt like mentioning it anyway. :)
    Thank you to anyone who's read through all this, and hopefully you're all doing well. ^~^ And if not, well, how are you doing right now? :) If you don't mind the question.
    Uknownymous replied to Highper_K1d's comment below 2020-10-19 15:42:43
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Well, hopefully one day you gain enough experience to manage even more than that. :) Good luck, and thank you again. ^~^
    Highper_K1d replied to Uknownymous's comment below 2020-10-12 19:08:47
    Highper_K1d's Avatar
    Your welcome. You deserve it. great builds. I can only manage dirt huts. minus homes on the moon.
    Uknownymous replied to Highper_K1d's comment below 2020-10-11 11:20:59
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thank you, Highper Kid. ^~^
    Highper_K1d said 2020-10-11 11:05:21
    Highper_K1d's Avatar
    Good for you! congrats!
    Uknownymous replied to BlocklyCow's comment below 2020-10-10 15:09:40
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thank you, Cubic Cow. :D
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  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    August 20, 2020, 8:31 pm to Public
    I've built a dirt mansion for a contest entry, and while it's not a particularly favourable build of mine I still feel pleased to have made something I like out of dirt... and I love the shader's lighting so much. :o
    Uknownymous replied to Fqsh's comment below 2020-09-26 09:54:43
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Yeah. :D I was interviewed about it last month so I know, but thank you. :) It's nice to see it was noticed.
    Uknownymous replied to InsanityWaffles's comment below 2020-08-23 13:03:32
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Ah, that makes sense for the name; it seems it's "Fenerox" for Starbound and they do seem to fit too considering their colour scheme and design. It would be interesting to see them in the dirt mansion.
    InsanityWaffles replied to Uknownymous's comment below 2020-08-23 11:47:24
    InsanityWaffles's Avatar
    Fenrox are basically fox people. I'm pretty sure they were originally from a pixelated game called Starbound
    Uknownymous replied to AkioHiro's comment below 2020-08-23 00:20:17
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    I would be highly unsettled by a group of Snaga offering tea, but perhaps it would surprisingly be an act of kindness rather than an attempt to poison. o: Though- Naga doing that with at least some kind of positive, unhostile intent doesn't seem quite as impossible, so maybe! :D
    I do wonder what the view would be like out there though, since uh, there's nothing on the other side of those bridges so it's all up to imagination. :)
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  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    August 13, 2020, 7:41 pm to Public
    I built a steampunk city on an island of terrain I started many a month ago. :) I'm quite pleased with how it turned out, even though most of this project was done in just under 5 days. ^~^ Purely built for fun and for reference, because... I like steampunk. Steampunk's cool. I like it more than cyberpunk but cyberpunk's cool too. The -punk themes for building are seriously cool. I wonder whether I'll ever do a solarpunk build... That one's cool too... I recommend them. :D
    Sakutaaaa said 2020-08-14 17:20:15
    Sakutaaaa's Avatar
    io sinceramente non riuscirei a buildare così, per questo vorrei imprare da te xD
    Sakutaaaa said 2020-08-14 17:16:31
    Sakutaaaa's Avatar
    sarebbe bello fare una collaborazione on un team di builder con te
    TropicalTuNA said 2020-08-14 01:41:54
    TropicalTuNA's Avatar
    and i can't even build a simple house ಥ_ಥ
    Spongie said 2020-08-13 21:01:48
    Spongie's Avatar
    Uknownymous replied to Spongie's comment below 2020-08-13 20:54:50
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thank you, Spongegar! :D
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  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    August 1, 2020, 7:00 pm to Public
    Another project of mine reaches completion as my little Cyberpunk City is finished after a few days of building. :) It may not be my best yet, but it was definitely the most fun so far, so yay. :D

    Uknownymous replied to purpls's comment below 2020-08-07 17:52:57
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thank you. :D It may be a bit late but it's a welcomed kind comment regardless, so thank you. :) I'm glad you like it.
    purpls said 2020-08-07 17:29:21
    purpls's Avatar
    I know I'm late but this is absolutely amazing. incredible job!
    Uknownymous replied to InsanityWaffles's comment below 2020-08-03 09:22:40
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    You're welcome. :) ^~^
    InsanityWaffles replied to Uknownymous's comment below 2020-08-03 09:15:31
    InsanityWaffles's Avatar
    Maybe I'll post the server it's on sometime! Thanks! :D
    Uknownymous replied to InsanityWaffles's comment below 2020-08-02 10:28:46
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Yeah. :) WorldEdit absolutely helps a lot with things like that. You just can't - or rather shouldn't - do a big project without at least some assistance from tools to avoid what could take days taking months instead (although honestly this Cyberpunk build was largely hand-built with World-Edit assistance to help speed it up, so it'd still not take too long; perhaps around three to four times as long as it did by hand). :D Good luck with your dwarven city. :) I like dwarven cities so it's good I'm subscribed as that means I'll see it if you post it. xD
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  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    July 22, 2020, 4:40 am to Public
    Another project of mine has reached its completion and been shared, and I have to say I'm pretty pleased with it. This skeleton is easily the best organic I've built - and mhm, I know others can do better still, but this is a milestone for me. xD

    So, this fiery flaming Nether is my entry into the contest. :D

    Uknownymous replied to _JoeCool_'s comment below 2020-07-22 14:52:49
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thank you, Joe. :D I'm happy you like it. :) Thank youu, yes. :D
    _JoeCool_ said 2020-07-22 14:12:45
    _JoeCool_'s Avatar


    Fabulous job!
  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    July 4, 2020, 10:16 am to Public
    Hi. o/ ^~^
    I figured that as I just became a chat moderator yesterday I should say hi again and introduce it. :) Chances are that anyone who ends up wandering into the chat may likely find me hovering about. o/
    So, hello again all. :)
    And, hm, how are you? To anyone who reads this. :D
    Tr3yCr0w said 2020-07-15 12:59:06
    Tr3yCr0w's Avatar
    You do deserve it. You are very helpful and kind I think kind
    Uknownymous replied to coolusername415's comment below 2020-07-07 12:14:47
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thank you. :) Though- a little bit has passed, and do you feel worse now, or maybe hopefully better instead? Hopefully if you don't feel better you get better soon at least. :o
    Uknownymous replied to InsanityWaffles's comment below 2020-07-07 12:14:17
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thank you for the congrats. :D Glad you think so. :)
    coolusername415 said 2020-07-05 21:00:09
    coolusername415's Avatar
    congratulations, i'm not feeling as well though, like i think i caught a fever or something
    InsanityWaffles replied to Uknownymous's comment below 2020-07-05 20:56:07
    InsanityWaffles's Avatar
    Oh, okay, cool. Congrats on the promotion, then! You deserve it!
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  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    May 7, 2020, 8:24 am to Public
    The mushroom island I last mentioned has since reached its completion, with an overhaul of the screenshots and an abundance of mushrooms sprouting out from the floating island's purple mass. :)
    It was a fun build. ^~^ It took me the past three days to start and conclusively finish off and I'm still pretty new to terraforming, but honestly with that in mind I'm quite pleased with it. :) A long way to go, but a long way beyond what I may've made many months ago. :D
    Progress is a lovely thing to manage. :) No matter how little or how small or even how unimportant it may seem, every last bit of progress and improvement is worth appreciating, for everyone in everything- except maybe not quite everything but definitely pretty close. Depends on perspective of improvement I guess but- yes the point is that every step which you subjectively think is a step forward is worth appreciating. ^~^ So- random philosophical ramble which hopefully motivates someone in need of it-
    Anyway the build:
    I had so much fun making this even though it took long so it's worth itt.
    (Also Sildur's Shaders is awesome so I recommend it but I just seriously love lighting so- may be subjective but the shaders are awesome.)
    Giancarlovan replied to Uknownymous's comment below 2020-05-09 06:47:29
    Giancarlovan's Avatar
    Artistic serendipity at its finest!
    Uknownymous replied to Giancarlovan's comment below 2020-05-07 18:05:03
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    But- hm, Giancarlovan- I didn't even realise it could look like the whole island was a giant mushroom. That's entirely coincidental and I only noticed when you said so- Happy accidents! xD Glad you like it though.
    Uknownymous replied to Clygro's comment below 2020-05-07 18:04:18
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    And thank you also, Clygro. :) I appreciate that it does to you.
    Uknownymous replied to Jackadope's comment below 2020-05-07 18:04:01
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thank you, Anklebiter. ^~^ Glad to know it seems incredible to you. :) Aheh~. :D
    Clygro said 2020-05-07 17:53:20
    Clygro's Avatar
    looks cool!
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  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    May 6, 2020, 8:36 am to Public
    Building once more, creating another floating island, this time themed as an "Undead Wonderland", crowded with mushrooms, magic, and... webs?
    Uknownymous replied to Giancarlovan's comment below 2020-05-06 16:21:49
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Ah, yay. :) Thank you for thinking so. I like lighting a really large amount in Minecraft, especially with shaders. It just feels awesome. So- yay. :D
    Giancarlovan said 2020-05-06 10:37:43
    Giancarlovan's Avatar
    The lightning is amazing!
  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    May 3, 2020, 1:31 pm to Public
    I didn't quite make it into the contest finalists, it seems. :o 46 diamonds and 20 favourites weren't enough for it, however, even if they weren't, I still appreciate every single one as they all gave those little warm fuzzy feelings when seen, feeling glad about each and every time I got such lovely positive notifications, and of course I'd then always view the profiles of everyone I get the notifications from, curious about their submissions, looking about and finding even more wondrous things- o: And showing my own appreciation when I see things I like too. :) Because it's nice to get that kind of contribution- A friendly generous diamond; a kind and caring favourite- Many kind offerings such as those can be really nice and often it feels better when the favour can be returned and it seems earnest and fair, so it's nice to see the many lovely submissions I find that way. :) I think it's a good idea for expanding horizons, in a sense, yes. :D

    Also- A bit of an off-topic thought but it is still event related- CaraRose's event, The Community Garden Event, seems to not have quite enough participants for what she seeks so I thought I'd mention it. ^~^ There aren't any winners in it but it can be a nice little community projects of sort and that's nice in its own way, right? :D (And this is my own contribution to it. o:)
    (With a picturree:)Community Garden Event Contribution

    Now er, yes, goodnight from me. :) Well beyond when I should sleep by.
    Uknownymous replied to RookiePlayer's comment below 2020-05-03 14:31:58
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thank you for the kind thoughts and words, RookiePlayer. :) And thank you for the motivation too. ^~^ :D I shall try to! And good luck with your own skin-making adventures too. :)
    RookiePlayer said 2020-05-03 14:26:28
    RookiePlayer's Avatar
    Even if you didn't make it into the finalists, that map is still amazing!

    Keep up your hard work!
    Uknownymous replied to CaraRose's comment below 2020-05-03 14:18:28
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Ahh, you're welcome. :) Aheh~. Glad to know it is appreciated, and yes- if it manages to help the event find more participants then that would be nice because it means the event made for fun has more people having fun and a larger overall outcome when it's eventually all combined. ^~^ I like the sound of that, so yes.
    CaraRose said 2020-05-03 14:15:56
    CaraRose's Avatar
    thank you! this is so nice of you to help the event find more participants ♡
  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    May 1, 2020, 10:10 pm to Public
    And now I have hit 100 subscribers and I have an idea about what to do and- Oh dear I hit 101- Yes I'm going to be late. Better late than never for these things? Maybe? xD
    But- thank you to all who have subscribed. :) It's appreciated and every time there's a positive notification it just feels so nice to see- something like a diamond, a favourite, an emerald, perhaps a level up or a comment or else- it's all so nice to see and when there's a lot it's really reassuring. :) Thank you. :D And it's even cooler when I get to click on the names of people who've given the nice positive notifications and see all of their submissions too- from skins to mods to builds and else, often with such variety and many with higher and lower levels scattered around, the ability varying; the ideas varying, the minds varying too- It's really interesting to see.
    And for now awaits my 100 subscriber celebration build. :) A giant relaxing garden party approaches.
    Uknownymous replied to morningblues's comment below 2020-05-02 10:47:19
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thank you, Blues~. :)
    morningblues said 2020-05-02 10:44:02
    morningblues's Avatar
    Congrats! :)
    Uknownymous replied to Obscurum's comment below 2020-05-02 06:32:21
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thank you, Obscurum. :)
    Obscurum said 2020-05-02 06:25:24
    Obscurum's Avatar
    Uknownymous replied to autumnistic's comment below 2020-05-01 22:36:40
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thank you also for the congratulations and kind words and very kind congratulation expanse of everything and all accomplishments here- Thank you. :) That's kind. :o And, I appreciate the happiness. ^~^ I'm happy to be here too as people are rather friendly (like you). :)
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  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    May 1, 2020, 3:54 am to Public
    Ahh wait I just realised I'm soon to hit 100 subscribers.
    What then?
    I had no plan for 50 as it came so fast and it's already near 100 and still have no plan- Do I build something for 100? I think I do. What do I make?
    This- well this seems sooner than expected; so much sooner. I like this community. It's nice. This is a nice place.
    Uknownymous replied to morningblues's comment below 2020-05-01 20:13:20
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Ah, I see. :) It's nice to know that I accidentally got more attention just by being thanked for giving someone well-earned diamonds. o: And thank you for subscribing, too. :)
    morningblues replied to Uknownymous's comment below 2020-05-01 20:09:43
    morningblues's Avatar
    I found your account by a shout-out by An Intelligent Moron I think xd I recognized the name and decided to check out if it was really you and it was so I subbed :)
    Uknownymous replied to morningblues's comment below 2020-05-01 18:04:12
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Yeah~. I can see why that'd be surprising. xD I only made the account on April the 16th so it's pretty new though so you found it pretty fast; just about half a month old so far, although back in 2012~2013 I had an account I forgot the details to (so I guess it has been a pretty long while since that). Don't think I was around at all in 2017 here.
    morningblues replied to Uknownymous's comment below 2020-05-01 09:20:11
    morningblues's Avatar
    Haha yeah when I saw your page I was surprised xd I’ve been on pmc since 2017 :)
    Uknownymous replied to morningblues's comment below 2020-05-01 09:16:26
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Thank you. :) And- Oh. xD Hey Morningblues. o/ That may be out of place but it's an interesting find. o: I didn't expect to see anyone from there.
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  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    April 29, 2020, 7:07 am to Public
    Just submitted my first project which was built with the intent of showing it on PMC, and while it isn't complete, the idea is to try to create something which can really be used to effectively display itself on here and be shown clearly and visibly and easily from all angles to seem nice and appealing, focusing on how to present it-
    This is fun.
    I didn't get the time to focus enough on presentation for the contest entry but I think this one turned out pretty nicely for my standards, at least. xD
    So here's a picture attached, and the link of

    and anyone else got some projects they'd like to share, too? We could all show each other our projects. That could be fun? o:
    bncmmkxuyjklvfjhuykl said 2020-04-29 15:34:41
    bncmmkxuyjklvfjhuykl's Avatar
    Very good sand.
    Uknownymous replied to Anak1n098's comment below 2020-04-29 14:11:44
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    o: Thank you, Anakin. :) That makes me curious. :o
    Anak1n098 said 2020-04-29 12:23:20
    Anak1n098's Avatar
    dude, that is amazing!! You know what? message me on discord if you wanna hear my idea ;D
    Uknownymous replied to Nitgo's comment below 2020-04-29 07:25:20
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Yeah~. I wanted to try to add some giant completely unrealistic tree sizes to it. :)
    Nitgo said 2020-04-29 07:23:11
    Nitgo's Avatar
    Those are some large trees.
  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    April 28, 2020, 10:18 pm to Public
    Now while this is completely random-
    How are you?
    To anyone who sees this- How do you feel right now? Whether it's good or bad or anything in-between or you're not really sure and can at best guess, how do you feel? o:
    Uknownymous replied to Fishkiss's comment below 2020-04-29 02:27:25
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    Ah, optimism helps a lot. :) Having things to look forward to also does. That's good. :) I personally quite like plants too. Not too interested in snacks but plants are great so yeah. :D Good luck with managing to hopefully sleep more peacefully in the future. :)
    Fishkiss said 2020-04-29 01:28:35
    Fishkiss's Avatar
    I’m feeling a bit drained but optimistic. I’ve been sleeping poorly lately but I just got some melatonin pills and some multivitamins. I also got some healthy snacks and some plants for my yard today. So there are some things to look forward to now.
    Uknownymous replied to Joiner's comment below 2020-04-29 01:24:09
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    So so seems okay, I think. Is it some good and some bad mixed up to balance out, or just moreso things like boredom and peacefulness making the so-so result?
    Uknownymous replied to coolusername415's comment below 2020-04-29 01:23:27
    Uknownymous's Avatar
    That... seems sad, but also seems life-destroying. Oh... o: But... I have to ask... is it a serious occurrence? That's a lot for a short timespan so I have to make sure.
    Joiner said 2020-04-29 01:01:16
    Joiner's Avatar
    So so
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  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    April 27, 2020, 11:59 am to Public
    And now my contest entry is completed and fully presented as intended, withhh... ...less than 10 minutes to spare. I had a lot of time to do something else on the side, like procrastinate a little, it seems, while still finishing. A lott of time. Time management is difficult and I think I need help with it.
  • Uknownymous's Avatar
    April 27, 2020, 8:41 am to Public
    Sleeping stupidly late to ensure my contest entry is finished... is it worth it? I'm... not sure. I just know I'm doing it anyway because it's fun and I'd rather not end up getting disqualified by not completely finishing in time.
    Hmm well back to building I go. The exteriors are all pretty much complete so now just comes the greenery, gardens, furniture and overall interiors- and I have just barely three hours at most. Time is ticking.
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