soj's Avatar
Furry Minecraft Skin
Level 56
Grandmaster Lemon Cake

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  • soj's Avatar
    June 4, 2024, 12:55 pm to Public
    I am Lemon Cake!
  • soj's Avatar
    April 21, 2024, 10:26 pm to Public
    For the record, I endorse SlovenBadger and Eriko! If you like my furry visual novel skins, be sure to check out their work as well.

    Badger's put out a great Cooper from RTF and Eriko's made a nice Mikko from Dawn Chorus! Awesome stuff
    soj replied to Eriko's comment below 2024-04-22 02:58:29
    soj's Avatar
    Haha, thank you and welcome to the site! Yeah the design is pretty unique. I dig the customizability of it all, feels old-school.
    Eriko said 2024-04-21 23:16:58
    Eriko's Avatar
    Thanks! Your stuff has been quite a great source of inspiration for me, I'm glad you like Mikko's skin :D Posting skins on PMC isn't something I've done before so I'm still a bit lost on how the entire website operates and all lol.
  • soj's Avatar
    February 21, 2024, 5:14 am to Public
    ough yeah
  • soj's Avatar
    January 30, 2024, 5:40 am to Public
    uploaded timelapse of newest skin to yt. if you're on my profile rn it's right there
    dw I won't make another one.
    bless you all
    soj replied to ScotsMiser's comment below 2024-01-30 06:46:19
    soj's Avatar
    gimp might even be the objectively better option, but I grew up using paintnet.
    ScotsMiser said 2024-01-30 06:37:42
    ScotsMiser's Avatar
    4m05 isn't bad.

    I use GIMP rather than which makes most of the mechanical specifics opaque, but the general idae & order of operations can be followed (and 4m vs 90 promably majkes that easier).
  • soj's Avatar
    January 23, 2024, 3:30 am to Public
    hey if you are subscribed and or a furry this concerns YOU:

    I'm planning on making and running a furry group that encourages chill posting no matter the "quality" or whatever. skins, resourcepacks, anything furry. no pressure :3

    suggestions and advice absolutely welcome.

    kinda like them deviantart groups back in the day or so idk never joined them
    really want this to happen, so any support is mega appreciate and helpful!!
    soj said 2024-03-13 02:29:02
    soj's Avatar
    still thinking about this, as always. trying to think of sound reasons to post on the group instead of just your own profile... visibility, if you're new? themed events/unranked jams?

    name suggestions still welcome Xd
    oliviobobby said 2024-01-23 08:22:35
    oliviobobby's Avatar
    i'm on the lookout lol
    Square Pirate said 2024-01-23 04:16:07
    Square Pirate's Avatar
  • soj's Avatar
    January 12, 2024, 7:38 pm to Public
    Anyone got a clue on how to personally block things from the popular reel?
    oliviobobby said 2024-01-17 17:02:01
    oliviobobby's Avatar
    no... but sometimes - i wish i could
  • soj's Avatar
    January 3, 2024, 2:27 am to Public
    Making skins :D
  • soj's Avatar
    December 13, 2023, 9:10 pm to Public
    dota2 pangolier wip, possibly abandoned forever until I man up and figure out how to do his back scales. (suggestions welcome!)
    oliviobobby said 2023-12-14 17:29:44
    oliviobobby's Avatar
    ummmmmm i would probably do something like semi-circles with a diameter of like... 3 or 5
    then i would take the top of said semi-circles and add another one on top...
    idk its a bit difficult to explain so...
    might need to create an example
    soj replied to snowyvulpixes's comment below 2023-12-14 06:46:45
    soj's Avatar
    Thanks SV!
    snowyvulpixes said 2023-12-14 00:55:56
    snowyvulpixes's Avatar
    looks amazing so far!
    soj replied to ScotsMiser's comment below 2023-12-13 21:32:15
    soj's Avatar
    precisely. it's a bit tricky

    thank you for the kind words!
    ScotsMiser said 2023-12-13 21:11:59
    ScotsMiser's Avatar
    What you have so far look to be a reasonable port to MC ๐Ÿฅ‚

    (Unfamiliar with the character, so no idea what his back looks like… some form of scale armor?)
  • soj's Avatar
    October 3, 2023, 6:54 pm to Public
  • soj's Avatar
    July 21, 2023, 9:02 am to Public
    Had a really busy time since that post, rare occasion where the entire friend group was available for the month... We completed a 4 player playthrough of dos:2 after over a hundred hours of playtime, which didn't leave me much alone time to make skins.
    Really didn't account for any of that when making the last post lol sozzzz
    August will be busy too x_x. We'll see what happens.
    oliviobobby replied to soj's comment below 2023-08-24 16:27:39
    oliviobobby's Avatar
    gotta make sure I coordinate something soon heh

    going to be a bit hard to get in contact though-
    soj replied to oliviobobby's comment below 2023-08-24 05:41:12
    soj's Avatar
    It truly is! Still surprised it worked out, especially with us never having done anything like that as a group before. Learned a few lessons from it. With Baldur’s Gate 3 being out, we’re already planning on playing it sometime later; Either when the game gets its definitive edition or when my first playthrough is done.
    I wish upon your group’s schedules the same fortune ๐Ÿ™
    oliviobobby said 2023-08-23 16:27:09
    oliviobobby's Avatar
    oh it's always a blessing when the entire group gets involved
    kidcore-vampire said 2023-07-21 13:58:46
    kidcore-vampire's Avatar
    take your time!!! quality art takes time, and this is no exception!!! dont beat urself up, and you dont wanna hit a creative block or get burnt out either. again, take ur time king
  • soj's Avatar
    June 13, 2023, 1:37 am to Public

    Back to working on requests, forgot how fun this could be. Helps that the first request I'm working on is my favorite type, where the requester has a different idea from what I first show and we collaborate on the skin details. Makes it a mutually rewarding experience.

    This got me thinking back to an old idea I had. It would be the requester and I in a voice call where I screen share blockbench. They would give suggestions to changes for the skin while I make said changes and come up with slight variations that we both might end up liking more. Did this with some ex-guildmates and it worked out pretty well.
    A real fun twist on this idea would be if I livestreamed it. That can only go well.

    For those currently waiting, I decided to ease myself in with the easiest request design-wise instead of working through the requests in chronological order.
    Sorry for the slightly further wait, spots enjoyers!
    soj replied to kidcore-vampire's comment below 2023-06-19 21:41:30
    soj's Avatar
    oopa i didn't get the notif for thsi. thankxxxuuuu
    kidcore-vampire said 2023-06-15 12:45:40
    kidcore-vampire's Avatar
    no need to apologize for making us wait!!! your work is super good and of the highest furry quality so its no big problem having to wait for a little bit longer.

    quality > quantity
  • soj's Avatar
    June 2, 2023, 9:41 am to Public
    roblox stuff + update on requests in last paragraph

    Around once a year, I get this urge to play Roblox. I make a new account and play for a bit until I'm satisfied. This has happened since tix were still in the game. With my newest account I've actually kept my password and bought some cosmetics, so it looks like I'll be sticking with that one for now.

    Now that I'm getting slightly more into it, is there some sorta fps unlocker and/or is that kinda stuff frowned upon? Any other QoL things to run Roblox with, equivalent to Minecraft's Lunar Client or Vanilla-compatible Forge setups? I'm enjoying the avatar customization and range of games over at Roblox, where Minecraft hasn't had much for me lately.

    Also, put me on some good Roblox games. Still very new to this. Cool with everything except non-fps PvP and pay2win PvP. Actually, looking at what I just wrote, If you were to introduce me to Roblox in general, that would be kindly appreciated. Bit of a longshot to ask for that here, I know.

    On skins, there will be a CS:GO player break soon, coinciding with the CS2 release. In that time, I'll try to finish all the outstanding requests and then resume to the current posting frequency. With the direction Minecraft is headed in, I'm not sure if that frequency will ever increase in the future. Unless I come across a furry hypixel guild worth staying in that pulls me back into the game โœŒ๐Ÿคช.

    I think about you all daily, and thank you all for the patience.
    Square Pirate replied to soj's comment below 2023-06-03 09:43:07
    Square Pirate's Avatar
    You're welcome
    soj replied to Square Pirate's comment below 2023-06-02 14:24:47
    soj's Avatar
    I'll be sure to try them out! In terms of shooters I'm enjoying Counter Blox and Arsenal, haven't tried much else. Thanks for the recommendations!
    Square Pirate said 2023-06-02 14:05:30
    Square Pirate's Avatar
    Hello, for FPS pvp games, I know a few ones you might like. Including:
    Bad business
    Phantom forces
    And that's pretty much the only ones I play...
    soj replied to snowyvulpixes's comment below 2023-06-02 12:46:01
    soj's Avatar
    snowyvulpixes said 2023-06-02 12:15:12
    snowyvulpixes's Avatar
    There is a fps unlocker that I use for Roblox on github If that helps but of course please be careful
  • soj's Avatar
    May 1, 2023, 3:28 pm to Public
    thanks for fiddy ๐ŸŽ”
    soj replied to snowyvulpixes's comment below 2023-05-01 16:41:55
    soj's Avatar
    thanksies bandito c:
    snowyvulpixes said 2023-05-01 16:35:47
    snowyvulpixes's Avatar
    Congrats! :3
  • soj's Avatar
    April 10, 2023, 3:14 am to Public
    I don't have anything against AI art itself, at least not as much as other artists, but I've personally experienced a strong correlation between people that use it and people I don't want to talk to. They seem to have no appreciation for art itself and just want eye candy. And I just can't vibe with that.

    postscriptum. I have opened Blockbench again. Don't expect anything yet, just personal skins so far.
  • soj's Avatar
    March 18, 2023, 12:08 pm to Public
    soj replied to oliviobobby's comment below 2023-04-05 09:56:37
    soj's Avatar
    thanmk (copper i wear fakes)
    oliviobobby said 2023-04-04 16:52:53
    oliviobobby's Avatar
    the gold chain though-
    looks clean
    KrAzY DuDe LR said 2023-03-30 06:47:13
    KrAzY DuDe LR's Avatar
    your skin is cool
  • soj's Avatar
    February 4, 2023, 5:34 pm to Public
    I find my heads (faces) to be the best part of my skins, to me they're the most important part of a skin. Which is a shame whenever I do furries with hairstyles because I really am not satisfied how I do those, so far.

    Arms and legs seem effortless in comparison to the torso, being the part of a skin I suck at the most. Shoes can also be fun to figure out.

    In other news, 150 sojscribers! just checked through most of their pages to follow on namemc :D if I missed you, please do tell. If you decide to unsojscribe because you've just been called a "sojscriber", I completely understand.
    oliviobobby said 2023-02-13 18:15:36
    oliviobobby's Avatar
    eyyy congrats!
    I'm fine with being called a SOJscriber hah
    snowyvulpixes said 2023-02-04 17:48:23
    snowyvulpixes's Avatar
    Congrats! ^w^
  • soj's Avatar
    January 10, 2023, 4:48 am to Public

    soj replied to niceboat_'s comment below 2023-01-10 06:38:18
    soj's Avatar
    i have BLADEE music taste. and forgot to throw hot mulligan in there, but 100 seems scary big

    yours is very brain tingly :-)
    niceboat_ said 2023-01-10 05:20:56
    niceboat_'s Avatar
    you have GREAT music taste
  • soj's Avatar
    November 5, 2022, 3:01 am to Public
    soj replied to therian's comment below 2022-11-08 02:14:57
    soj's Avatar
    my first gift skin!!
    therian said 2022-11-08 01:42:16
    therian's Avatar
    cute chee oml
  • soj's Avatar
    October 27, 2022, 3:28 pm to Public
    some stray cat came through the backyard..

    making another video, maybe. got ideas brewin'
    snowyvulpixes said 2022-10-27 15:59:40
    snowyvulpixes's Avatar
    I'd love to see that :3
  • soj's Avatar
    September 17, 2022, 9:25 pm to Public
    3 in the morning making skins and playing sniper tf2 pl_badwater practice mode... this is the life.......๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž wishing you the best
    soj replied to therian's comment below 2022-11-03 00:23:34
    soj's Avatar
    since tf2 doesn't track offline playtime i can only assume i have around 100+ hours on him out of my 165 total... most played character online with 4h though :D
    therian replied to soj's comment below 2022-11-02 19:49:57
    therian's Avatar
    sick ^^

    I've been playing sniper for a few years now, I've mostly quit now but I have roughly 700~ hours on him total :3
    soj replied to therian's comment below 2022-11-02 05:34:33
    soj's Avatar
    hell yeah! i'd love to be a scout guy for the cheetah hat but sniping is so much more fun.
    therian said 2022-11-02 04:30:38
    therian's Avatar
    soj do u main sniper? o:
    plantsinmylungz said 2022-09-17 23:25:34
    plantsinmylungz's Avatar
    sniper cat gaming
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