SnappNote's Avatar
'cause I'm a note snapper
Level 34
Artisan Musician Nerd

Hello there!

Wassup, cheese bags!

Welcome to this spectacularly magnificent corner of the internet.
Wait, how did you get here?
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Don't mind me, I'm just a 17 year old guy...

The important stuff...
I am a Christian

Not much of a gamer, but I've played Minecraft since 2013 (dang, that's over a decade now ๐Ÿ˜ต‍๐Ÿ’ซ)

When I do play, creative mode is what I spend most of my time on lol.

I can be friends with anyone (as long as I can spam you with memes (you'll need to sign a liability waiver (that was a joke)))

I loooove music. Listening to it, making it... breaking it?

I also play the drums so tell me who's not nice to you and I will beat them up to the rhythm of a funk song (this is also a joke)

I think it has become pretty apparent by now- don't take me seriously, most of the time.

The not important stuff...
HA! there's nothing un-important about me.
Wait, no what are you doing?
Why did you click that?
I told you there's nothing un-important about me...
You're just gonna keep on going, aren't 'ya?
*sigh* well, since you aren't gonna stop...
I guess I will reveal what you've been wanting to hear
Food is tasty, and so are you ๐Ÿ˜

my 2023 art summary

(3d model in my pfp is by JustaFlqmingo)

As always, remember to drink water and have fun looking around!

~stay fresh!~

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Mar 22, 2021Joined PMC
MrNugget12Minecraft Name

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