kappuccino's Avatar
android girl swag
Level 48
Master Robot

more about kapp!

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Most of my OCs are characters I draw on my main accounts on socialmedias. to find me; @meloriri or @lucyymeows will do the trick :)

PERSONA: Lucille! My real name :) They're the android character I made.

FELYU (Original world w/ Friend): Fedor Chekhov, Yulia Chekhov, Yu Shaoqing
ASSORTED: Venya, Kapp (Both a fem or masc ver exists!) Latte, Edgar Burns, Kai Sterling
DDL(wip project): Main hero, Purple, Pink.

who IS kapp?
well, you know how old i am, how long i've been here, and my gender... but what about the actually important stuff?

I'm a sophomore currently out of school for health related reasons. I love all things creative, but also a lot of things logical. My favorite hobbies would be debate, drawing, enjoying my coffee and taking walks with my cat <3 I have a strong interest in programming and know the basics, but i'm hoping to learn more!

obsessed with the sci-fi or more accurately mizuiro aesthetic, but still dresses like a broke emo kid or somebody's grandmother.....

living with 2 cats and 4 parakeets <3

but; as an online persona...... im just ur average robot girl !! :3

comms: not rn, as i have no way to accept payment ;;
requests: not rn, very busy! (Exceptions can be made for UI texture packs)
trades: yes!! shoot me a dm!
collabs: YES !! shoot me a dm!

RCE Entry?: Sure!!! link it right over to me :)

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