JessaMoon's Avatar
Level 56 Grandmaster Kitten

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  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    November 19, 2021, 2:03 pm to Public
    Sorry I have been gone for 2 weeks, but I've wanted to say a massive thank you to all who have partaken in the Zoonotic Research Questionnaire from a fortnight ago- your answers have helped our findings a lot more and we truly appreciate you for it! x
    If you haven't seen it or done the questionnaire before then it would be wonderful if you could spare a few minutes to fill it out, and so the link will be provided here!

    As stated before:
    It doesn't require any personal details about your location, sexuality, gender, identity, age, sex, or anything as such so all can feel comfortable in completing it for education purposes x

    Thank you all, it's been lovely to check in with you again (and thank you ever so dearly for all the current fanskins I've been seeing they're astounding and so beautiful!) x
    JessaMoon replied to eluusive's comment below 2021-11-19 16:41:50
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Thank you so much Eluusive! x
    Yes they're going very well actually a lot of work but definitely will be worth it in the end haha! x
    I hope you are doing well too dear x
    JessaMoon replied to Wited's comment below 2021-11-19 16:40:51
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Aww bless thank you haha! And you guys truly did it really helped our research and we're all so grateful! x
    eluusive said 2021-11-19 15:53:10
    eluusive's Avatar
    done !!
    good to see you again jessa <3 hope your studies are going well !!
    kianna naran replied to JessaMoon's comment below 2021-11-19 15:19:47
    kianna naran's Avatar
    Wited said 2021-11-19 14:49:33
    Wited's Avatar
    Welcome back! And i'm glad we got to help you out :)
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  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    October 31, 2021, 2:16 pm to Public
    🕸️🎃🌙!Hi Everyone! 🌙🎃 x🕸️
    So the questionnaire for BVetMed is fully complete and available to all, and I would greatly appreciate as many responses as possible (though one survey each please do not submit more than one response per person as we need to collect honest data) x
    If possible & you didn't mind, would you be able to share it with people both on here and even friends if you fancied, so that way we can gain vast statistics from everyone across the pond, so we can get tons of viewpoints for the subject!

    >🌒Direct Link Also Here🌘<
    As stated before:
    It doesn't require any personal details about your location, sexuality, gender, identity, age, sex, or anything as such so all can feel comfortable in completing it for education purposes x

    It is also done through Microsoft as it is more helpful for us analytically and you won't need an account or any signing up to complete it x

    All responses are greatly valuable, and I hope you enjoy! x
    Have a wonderful time and such a wonderful Halloween Night! 👻
    🕸️🦇 👻 🎃 👻🦇🕸️
    JessaMoon replied to Pixelgon's comment below 2021-10-31 23:14:01
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Why thank you so much! x
    I'm glad you enjoyed it and that it taught you something! As humans we are all still learning and with some subjects like these, I feel more needs to be done education wise for the sake of health development and safety for both humans and animals x
    Pixelgon said 2021-10-31 22:12:37
    Pixelgon's Avatar
    After taking the survey, I was actually very interested at how I never knew what a Zoonotic disease is and yet how common and devastating they are in our society at this time and how little light is being shed on the topic as a whole. Would very much reccomend. :D
    JessaMoon replied to Hardcrafter's comment below 2021-10-31 15:49:21
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Aww bless you it's nothing to feel ashamed of! x
    This is why we're conducting the survey/ questionnaire as we've found unless you're taking a route down Veterinary Medicine, Lab work or Human Medicine there isn't much taught on the subject despite it being so crucial in life and health in our pets and our selves x
    Hardcrafter said 2021-10-31 15:13:33
    Hardcrafter's Avatar
    Will admit I feel mildly ashamed of my lack of knowledge on the subject. Or perhaps what little base knowledge I did have was swept away through semantics as I've never heard of the term used.
  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    October 24, 2021, 2:13 pm to Public
    Hello my dears! x
    I have a quick little favour to ask of all of you! x
    This week I shall be creating a public and anonymous little questionnaire that I would be ever so grateful if any of you could fill out. It won't require any personal details about your sexuality, gender, identity, age, sex, or anything as such so all can feel comfortable in completing it for education purposes x
    The subject itself is quite important as it is something on-par with my BVetMed course and links into the RCVS for a research project I must gather data for on people's awareness of the subject that shall be in the quiz! x

    The quiz will not require anyone to use google for the answers to find out what anything is, as it must be honest answers into what you already know and what you do not x

    When all is complete it shall be a Google form survey that all can enter without personal details, and I hope when I publish the link on here again that all can participate and possibly share it, for me and aid in our research for the sake of education and young Vet Nurses and Surgeons (we would all really appreciate it) x

    Thank you all so much, see you all again soon-
    JessaMoon x
    PrivateGamerNotBusaruba said 2021-10-29 08:34:41
    PrivateGamerNotBusaruba's Avatar
    sounds great, ill be sure to fill it out :)
    JessaMoon replied to aquarine's comment below 2021-10-24 18:46:45
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Kind of had to search what that meant but thank you XD x
    JessaMoon replied to toukaa's comment below 2021-10-24 18:46:25
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Thank you haha I shall! x
    JessaMoon replied to chickenpants93's comment below 2021-10-24 18:46:12
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Thank you very much! x
    aquarine said 2021-10-24 16:25:54
    aquarine's Avatar
    sounds pog
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  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    October 15, 2021, 1:19 pm to Public
    To see the new Animal Crossing New Horizons update is absolutely thrilling!! x
    God- I cannot wait for when this arrives in November, because this has to be the biggest and most waited for update to the game x

    I think it's wonderful to see how Nintendo have actually been listening to fans this whole time, but have been unable to say the slightest thing due to the amount of tough work re-working and implementing new features into the game were. And it's wonderful to meet some old and new characters yet again, with so much hope they have been able to provide. I know I can't wait to play it again, and I'm pretty sure a lot of old players will be flooding back to finally experience this great update! x

    This game brings me back to childhood, and to see it develop to such an extent and bring back so much nostalgia? It's fucking heartwarming I'm speachless XD x
    JessaMoon replied to anonpmc2382110's comment below 2021-10-15 19:32:28
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Yeah I agree- I think that's why because there was so much work being done on this massive update rather than any of the small ones lol x
    But it's going to almost be like an entirely new game and I cannot wait! x
    JessaMoon replied to AnticNicole's comment below 2021-10-15 14:51:26
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Oh I'll grab the video link for you!
    Honestly it was packed full of things that will greatly enhance the game x
    AnticNicole said 2021-10-15 13:39:19
    AnticNicole's Avatar
    wait i heard there was an direct, but what was there?
  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    October 11, 2021, 1:25 pm to Public
    There is nothing more awkward than asking than being lost down a part of London, asking someone for directions, for you to have to turn back 10 minutes later forgetting where they told you to go, to then find them again when you return to your starting point, have to ask, and proceed to accidentally go the opposite way in front of them.. x

    I think they could tell I'm new to exploring Camden Market and they probably got some entertainment out of it where as I got complete embarrassment-
    On the plus side I got to visit Primrose Hill nearby at sunset and it was gorgeous! x
    JessaMoon replied to Hardcrafter's comment below 2021-10-11 15:12:49
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Not really since it's up London otherwise I'd have less walking distance XD x
    Hardcrafter replied to JessaMoon's comment below 2021-10-11 14:01:55
    Hardcrafter's Avatar
    That definitely sounds up your alley lol
    JessaMoon replied to Hardcrafter's comment below 2021-10-11 13:52:30
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Yeah I'm just so glad that they weren't mad about the fact I kept asking and they could tell I was clearly not a Londoner XD x
    I'm hoping to go next week as well as I'm dying to visit a Cat cafe and astrology shop up there haha x
    Hardcrafter said 2021-10-11 13:46:00
    Hardcrafter's Avatar
    I mean, there's no shame in not knowing where you're going!

    Good to know there was a plus side at least lol
  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    September 27, 2021, 10:47 am to Public
    You know those anime eye patches you see villains and some characters wear?
    Well guess what I'm wearing- x

    Birthday skin may have to be delayed even longer since I already needed my eyes tested as everything is blurry (especially on electronics) hence why I'm not driving and now I only have one working eye right now. Yay XD x
    JessaMoon replied to Hardcrafter's comment below 2021-09-27 11:57:50
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Yeah I do wish to trial contacts for my next prescription since honestly having to use a mask at work with glasses is an issue: they just get in the way of work (surgical practice- they keep falling off and, sometimes if I'm handilng animals they'll literally pull them off at times) x
    CORRUPTRO HUNTER CAT said 2021-09-27 11:35:24
    Hardcrafter replied to JessaMoon's comment below 2021-09-27 11:23:47
    Hardcrafter's Avatar
    Oh lord, you definitely need to start using your glasses properly after your next test. Plus, contact lenses are always an option if you don't like the look of glasses on yourself.
    JessaMoon replied to Hardcrafter's comment below 2021-09-27 11:19:23
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    That's the thing I have them but I think my prescription has gotten worse since thanks to Covid my last test was 2 years ago XD x
    JessaMoon replied to Fiend's comment below 2021-09-27 11:18:51
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Not sure- I'm nearing the faze of destroying capitalist Government at this point as well as some men because oof it has been a tough week and life may be short but for some particular nasty people it needs to be shorter, so I'm possibly in limbo between becoming an anti-villain XD x
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  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    September 20, 2021, 11:11 am to Public
    Well it's that time and day of the year where I have to remember that I'm becoming old, and that my mother fell into labour with me in Pizza Hut at Bluewater- what a great way to put everyone off their dinner XD x

    Anyways, the Harvest moon is upon us so that means another one of my Important birthday milestones is today! x
    I may be making a birthday outfit skin for my Persona, but we'll see, and hopefully I can start at least releasing a few skins every month at least because God I miss it! x
    (Heads up if you ever take VetMed you will find time becomes very precious) x

    Apologies for not being as active but I wish you all wonderful days as we ease completely into Autumn! x
    PandaFrost29 replied to JessaMoon's comment below 2021-09-20 19:20:55
    PandaFrost29's Avatar
    You’re welcome ♥
    JessaMoon replied to Aethera's comment below 2021-09-20 19:14:22
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Oh thank you ever so much Val that truly means a lot! x
    And yes I've had a wonderful day and a great memory to go with it! x
    JessaMoon replied to PickleCat's comment below 2021-09-20 19:13:42
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Thank you ever so much Cat!! x
    JessaMoon replied to SouthDakotaGirl's comment below 2021-09-20 19:13:19
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Why thank you Dakota!! x
    JessaMoon replied to spookyshxdow's comment below 2021-09-20 19:12:57
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Thanks hun! x
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  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    September 7, 2021, 3:04 pm to Public
    If you have the time, I found this great example of how damaging pushing certain gender/sex roles & identities, relationships, and ideas on children are. This was in 1984 and truly this gentleman was well beyond his years. Rest in peace x
    JessaMoon replied to Hardcrafter's comment below 2021-09-07 19:05:35
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    He was truly amazing the that was the best thing about him- his eccentric personality made a great impact on whatever he said due to how well he portrayed views and topics x
    Hardcrafter said 2021-09-07 17:14:50
    Hardcrafter's Avatar
    Okay, I love the way this man presents his topic. His use of language is very entertaining and keeps you wanting to hear more!
  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    September 5, 2021, 10:56 am to Public
    Over this past week, all I have been doing is Self-therapy, re-designing everywhere in my room, ordering clothes (which I adore) regaining an addiction to Animal crossing (ACNH);

    So now I am impulsively redesigning my Island, with a raccoon coming for my knees, and selling tons of items & my pixel art skills on clothes on Nookazon XD x
    JessaMoon replied to PickleCat's comment below 2021-09-05 13:13:59
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Well let me tell you this- getting sucked in isn't bad at all as it's very fun and you can be so wildly creative in your own world! x
    JessaMoon replied to CactiFern's comment below 2021-09-05 13:13:18
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Honestly it's been a very fun week for me and the self-therapy has helped unbox a lot of my past which is something I really needed lol x
    PickleCat said 2021-09-05 11:53:03
    PickleCat's Avatar
    :D glad to hear you're happy!
    and i fear the day i somehow get sucked into animal crossing
    CactiFern said 2021-09-05 11:42:45
    CactiFern's Avatar
    Aaa that sounds amazing
    JessaMoon replied to Hardcrafter's comment below 2021-09-05 11:22:55
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Honestly not sure- but since he comes after your bells and apparently raised two other little ones who have an entire store of knick-knacks, I thoroughly see their behaviour matching just like a raccoon's so that's what I class him as lol x
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  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    August 23, 2021, 3:19 pm to Public
    I just noticed that MoonAstraea is nearly at 400 followers and Zulphiroo is early at 500! x
    If you haven't I highly advice following these lovely and creative people x
    JessaMoon replied to MoonAstraea's comment below 2021-08-23 15:24:13
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    No problem hun haha! Only two more to go and hopefully you get them soon! x
    MoonAstraea said 2021-08-23 15:23:23
    MoonAstraea's Avatar
    Ahh! Thank you so much Jessa!
  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    JessaMoon shared Domolas's post
    August 18, 2021, 2:17 pm with Public
    Listen when your family have done it through texting in front of you, you pick up the habit from a young age-
    And besides at least it has a pleasant meaning and we're not low-key swearing as we usually do XD x
    Domolas's Avatar
    August 18, 2021, 1:35 pm to Public
    JessaMoon calling you out :)
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  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    August 14, 2021, 1:30 pm to Public
    Spending a week in the countryside has probably been the most refreshing break I've had in 2 years which was so bloody needed & I had no idea how mentally/emotionally drained and overworked I was until I took a step back and went "Shit" XD x

    In all honesty and in all seriousness:-
    I may not post anymore but I may do from time to time. My work is quite hectic and so is my life.
    1. Medically I have a lot going on including currently being in steroid drug withdrawal which is averaging an entire year until I get over the addiction (had no idea it was happening until I came off my meds and things hit the roof) x
    2. Job wise- as some may know, I was working but have finished the weeks I wanted on par to specific required work experience so that took up a lot of my time but I may enter it again for the next reason-
    3. Education- ever since starting my GCSE's, I have been aiming for my dream job which meant higher education in Secondary school, College, and Uni. And I have had to stay back for certain periods all to do with health which meant tons of catch-up and redoing some of my finals. Now.. Currently I am in in training of becoming a Veterinary Surgeon after a sudden (and needed) career change which has meant 6 years of higher education added onto my life.
    So.. As you may see- it's a lot to juggle along with family, friends, hobbies etc. I mean everything is changing for me as I'm having to move to an entirely new area for the sake of travel-
    That is why I wished to say as a fair warning, the most I may ever be active is a wallpost here and there and a skin if I'm lucky. I may be even more active in skinning if I do commissions in the future (as my education so far is costing me over £100,000) XD x

    But I shall still stay here as much as possible, as I adore talking to everyone here and still messaging and being able to see freinds, and what others have created as this community is honestly lovely x

    Thank you all so much if you read through it all, and if you didn't-
    After taking a break I realised my life is in shambles and it's only getting harder- I'm going to be dipping in and out and if you need reasons then read the entire post XD x
    JessaMoon replied to Idelac's comment below 2021-08-15 10:38:00
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Thank you very much and I will do! x
    And yes I wasn't taking them off my own want- it was basically a prescribed medical steroid given to me to help with one of my health issues, however it backfired and my body itself became addicted to it and I didn't find out until coming off the drugs lol x
    Idelac said 2021-08-15 01:13:46
    Idelac's Avatar
    Hope you're doing alright! Stay safe!
    (Also, PS: Doing steroids is a HUGE no-no. You gotta get that sorted first thing.)
    JessaMoon replied to Aethera's comment below 2021-08-14 15:23:19
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Thank you so dearly Val! And you too so never forget how treasured you are! x
    Aethera said 2021-08-14 14:17:30
    Aethera's Avatar
    I am wishing the best for you in life, Jessa! You are a delightful part of the community. ♥
    JessaMoon replied to Hardcrafter's comment below 2021-08-14 13:37:47
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    I have a want to apologise even though I haven't done anything wrong XD x
    And thank you so much- honestly I need it I thought biochem was hard enough in college but this is even harder lmao x
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  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    August 5, 2021, 1:27 pm to Public
    I ended up going to the first social party I have been to for the past year with friends and I just want to say that I must have Russian blood somewhere in my bloodline because I had so much vodka yet did not even get tipsy- however here is what I learnt from that night of being the only one sober: x
    1. You get to watch your friends become even worse at karaoke as the drinks take affect
    2. You end up becoming a therapist to all the emotional drunks
    3. Your friends will start making concoctions of different things to try alcohol with- my personal experience is watching my friends try to make chocolate Baileys with hot chocolate powder, milk and vodka
    4. You'll end up third-wheeling if most of your mates are already dating each other- literally just me and an old friend of mine from secondary school were the only single ones which was great we just done karaoke
    5. Don't let them try to make doctors appointments whilst drunk- they'll nearly call the emergency services' number
    6. You'll become a mother to everyone at the party as well and end up doing the cleaning up
    7. Everyone collectively decides to get friendship tattoos and piercings together
    8. All the tea of the past 2 years will spill
    9. You will end up spending most of the evening trying to make sure they're at least eating and drinking things over than alcohol
    10. You shall also be spending most the evening with the pets of the household
    11. People will just collectively decide to raid the host's wardrobe and play dress up
    12. Shots. Disgusting ones by the way so keep some sort of nice-tasting beverage close
    13. If anyone smokes then please all open windows and back-doors for people's safety
    14. Make sure you know everyone's emergency contact in case of anything was to happen
    15. Drunk twister I highly recommend or any sort of fun group game
    16. Warn your neighbours you'll be loud but also do be respectful about others late at night
    17. If anyone is walking home then either have someone well-trusted pick them up instead or go all together as a large group
    18. Have spare bread- don't know about anyone else but everyone just wanted to eat buttered toast all night
    19. And last but not least: everyone have fun, take care of each other and make sure everyone gets along XD x
    Now excuse me I still haven't ate since last night so I'm off to walk to get some chip-shop-chips! x
    Be safe everyone and do not drive for at least 24 hours of consuming any alcohol x
    JessaMoon replied to RockinReptite's comment below 2021-08-05 18:05:39
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Technically you're not wrong as it is a toxin- however due to it being a mood booster and a long-lived additive for drinks and certain foods, people are given a choice whether to drink it or not as there are more things it is used for as well as easing the mind x
    It's always good to care for others safety and looking out for them- but you always have to be careful as drinking is generally a choice; yes it may not the most harmless or healthiest, it can benefit certain people hence why some like to drink it at social events for a fee-good time. It's just people always have to be weary especially with what they're like when drunk x
    RockinReptite replied to JessaMoon's comment below 2021-08-05 16:21:38
    RockinReptite's Avatar
    To be honest, alcohol is one of the main reasons why I hate parties so much. To me, it's just a poison and we shouldn't have any reason to drink it because posions aren't good for you at all, which means I know I would be safe. But the problem is that I feel like I might be the only person in the world who thinks that alcohol is a poison that we have no use for in our society (aside from cleaning and sterilising everything), and that means I'm always very concerned about the safety of other people at parties. I'm also usually worried that I'll end up making a lot of enemies by trying to make sure that everyone else stays safe.

    I know this is probably a bit late, and that it's probably mostly irrelevant, but whatever
    JessaMoon replied to Hardcrafter's comment below 2021-08-05 14:27:56
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Normally in big settings like that I thought I would have been- yet surprisingly I felt quite at ease since it was purely everyone I knew except one guy but I guess from all the vodka I had I guessed it helped knock the edge off XD x
    Hardcrafter said 2021-08-05 14:19:09
    Hardcrafter's Avatar
    I would have been terribly uncomfortable at that party lol
    JessaMoon replied to RockinReptite's comment below 2021-08-05 14:09:35
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Mhm- safety is always key for things such as these events especially when alcohol is involved! x
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  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    July 29, 2021, 1:16 pm to Public
    So as of my post yesterday- I went on a walk and was stalked by a young fox who usually eats from the spare food in bins and cat bowls left for the strays-

    But I did not expect to open my door this morning and be this close to them, being so placid with my presence only 2 feet away, long enough to get this picture!! x
    Meet Fantasia! x
    (I named them after a non-binary fox character since I don't know the Fox's sex and I can't check XD) x
    JessaMoon replied to Aethera's comment below 2021-07-30 10:04:55
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Haha I though you'd love to see the fox! XD x
    Honestly they are adorable and I hope they become a new frequent visitor to my garden x
    Aethera said 2021-07-30 09:10:45
    Aethera's Avatar
    Oh my goodness! Fantasia is so sweet ♥ ♥ They look so soft and fluffy, and curious! And their eyes are so pretty. :)
    Mellie said 2021-07-30 07:39:48
    Mellie's Avatar
    Awww cx
    JessaMoon replied to Domolas's comment below 2021-07-30 05:22:55
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    They truly are! I best he was an adorable cub too! x
    JessaMoon replied to LadyBerry's comment below 2021-07-30 05:22:24
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    I know they're absolutely fluffy and scruffy! XD x
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  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    July 28, 2021, 1:48 pm to Public
    How has your day been? x
    I just went on a short walk to get back into moving around more and discovered after walking down past the woods, I have been stalked by a fox-

    A pleasant surprise indeed XD x
    Aethera said 2021-07-29 08:00:56
    Aethera's Avatar
    Aww! A fox ♥
    JessaMoon replied to CactiFern's comment below 2021-07-28 16:03:58
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Anytime haha! I truly hope the pain ceases soon! x
    CactiFern replied to JessaMoon's comment below 2021-07-28 15:59:04
    CactiFern's Avatar
    Okay thank you! ❤︎
    JessaMoon replied to CactiFern's comment below 2021-07-28 15:58:09
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Ah okay then haha! If you do take them again or periodically, take a second batch (but follow amount guidelines for you age still) as soon as the previous ones you've taken run out, which is around 4-5 hours, that way you stay atop easing pain x
    Also ice cream is a good choice as it's cooling, soft and won't require biting so try to stick to very soft solids and liquids for a while! x
    JessaMoon replied to DreamWanderer's comment below 2021-07-28 15:55:23
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Oh they're lovely creatures! Very beautiful too and most are more secretive, however the young ones are a lot more curious x
    I'm eager to get back into work after I recover so I can't wait- and classic Britain it's been chucking it down over here but hey what's new XD x
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  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    July 24, 2021, 1:32 pm to Public
    Well.. First off I must deeply apologise for disappearing so suddenly and not returning for nearly a month, and second , thank you all dearly for the messages which I shall answer soon to. x

    The reason I vanished was because I suffered an incident at work, which resulted in tearing my thigh muscle and having to be taken into A&E for a few days, and being prescribed morphine. And if you're aware- morphine is a very potent and high form of painkiller which does make some people unable to mentally or physically function, and I am part of that "some people"- x
    So all in all, I apologise I haven't been on because I've basically been high and in pain XD x
    Thankfully I've gradually came off the drugs, and am beginning to slowly heal x

    But thank you all so much for all your well wishes- don't worry I am getting better and I appreciate some of the prayers I've been messaged with haha x
    Now I shall spend about half an hour browsing through all my notifs it's so lovely to be back XD x
    ImJustHereAgain said 2021-07-28 11:25:30
    ImJustHereAgain's Avatar
    awhh im so sorry that happened to you qwq hope you get better soon <33
    JessaMoon replied to Aethera's comment below 2021-07-25 12:47:01
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Thank you so much Val! And yes getting better each day s fingers crossed I'll be back to normal soon! x
    JessaMoon replied to The FaiyaBLAST's comment below 2021-07-25 12:46:12
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Aw thank you Faiya! And yes I'm doing better than before haha! x
    Aethera said 2021-07-25 08:06:38
    Aethera's Avatar
    Oh my! I'm so sorry that happened to you, but I'm glad you are recovering well. ♥
    The FaiyaBLAST said 2021-07-25 01:33:13
    The FaiyaBLAST's Avatar
    welcome back, and oh my I hope you're ok!
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  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    June 22, 2021, 1:44 pm to Public
    Well I was going to do that sweet Before VS After Pandemic Picrew challenge however nothing about me has changed except I'm now nearly 2 years older prior lockdown-

    And I'm openly gay and aware of my sexuality XD x
    CactiFern replied to JessaMoon's comment below 2021-06-22 15:26:32
    CactiFern's Avatar
    That’s amazing that your parents are open minded like that :D
    JessaMoon replied to CactiFern's comment below 2021-06-22 15:20:51
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Why thank you very much! XD x
    It is very fulfilling to finally know and especially be able to express that openly nowadays compared to when it was more taboo when I was young- but at least my parents are surprisingly very accepting and understanding which is lovely x
    CactiFern said 2021-06-22 14:41:46
    CactiFern's Avatar
    Well that last bit is amazing!
  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    June 13, 2021, 1:34 pm to Public
    I'm aware I haven't been posting much this Pride month which is due to personal health reasons so I apologise for that- I may end up having to release the Pride skins in July XD x

    However in the meantime I have became obsessed with this simple yet utterly beautiful interactive artsy online game called Dappervolk! x
    I highly suggest checking it out it's so simple yet adorable where you go hatch these ethereal and lovely pets, and venture through a relaxing interactive story! x
  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    June 8, 2021, 1:37 pm to Public
    I find it awfully ironic and hilarious that homophobes rant about Pride month existing, yet it only exists because of their discriminatory asses XD x

    And thank you all ever so much for 700 subs haha!! I truly didn't see that coming but I thank you all dearly- I shall make a more formal thank-you post tomorrow evening! x
    JessaMoon replied to Hardcrafter's comment below 2021-06-09 13:27:32
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Exactly- maybe as soon as the homophobes realise this they'll keep their opinions to themselves lol x
    Hardcrafter said 2021-06-08 15:37:25
    Hardcrafter's Avatar
    That's quite true. "Pride" wouldn't have to exist at all if everyone was accepted in the first place
  • JessaMoon's Avatar
    June 1, 2021, 1:24 pm to Public
    A Great and Happy Pride Month Everyone for those in LGBTQ+, GRSM and to all those who support! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈x
    Know you are all valid and love yourself for who you truly are, and have a lovely time! x

    I made this Pride meme about a month ago and thought why not share it here for the occasion XD x

    (To be fair- all you;re going to see from me this month is pride stuff because who doesn't love freedom of love) x
    JessaMoon replied to NotLizzie's comment below 2021-06-01 14:27:01
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    XD Yes haha!! Happy Pride Month to all!! x
    JessaMoon replied to RystaTheSimp's comment below 2021-06-01 14:26:32
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Aww bless- well hopefully you can celebrate in your own way even! x
    And thank you very much I hope it isn't cancelled too haha! x
    NotLizzie said 2021-06-01 14:11:07
    NotLizzie's Avatar
    YASSSS <3

    RystaTheSimp replied to JessaMoon's comment below 2021-06-01 14:03:04
    RystaTheSimp's Avatar
    Hopefully not, as for me I have got parents who probably wouldn’t allow me to go to a pride march, Covid or no Covid
    I hope that if they don’t cancel it you have a fun time!
    JessaMoon replied to RystaTheSimp's comment below 2021-06-01 13:56:18
    JessaMoon's Avatar
    Honestly I've bought a kimono just to decorate with my own sexual identity flag for the sake of it- I just hope they don't cancel Pride march in London again! x
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